103 – heterogeneous exchange(5)

‘What ore is that?! Is it iron ore? Copper? No, not copper. Copper is not this color. So what? Damn it! anyway!’

it is ore

The ore is right in front of you!

Of course, Chester is not a professional blacksmith who has been teaching and studying for more than a dozen years.

I didn’t know what kind of ore was in front of me, and I didn’t know if it was a good quality ore.

But even Chester knew one thing for sure.

‘Whatever you do, it’s fine. As long as I can melt this!!’

The fact that anyone can make iron tools, even if they are crude, as long as they can place ore and shape it, even without professional skills.

“… … .”

Chester, who was looking at the ore, suddenly went to the campfire and started pointing his finger at the ore and the campfire.

The young island owner, who noticed that, also sat down with Chester in front of the campfire, and began to converse with each other through gestures, simple drawings, and the tone of voice when speaking.

– I want more of this.

– It’s far from here.

– If you tell me the place, I’ll tell you how to make the fire you want.

– Is this worth the little sun?

– Worth it.

– I want to have a little sun. You want to have a shiny and hard stone.

– yes.

Monia looked at the two men talking.

The two of them were having a serious conversation, drawing pictures and making hand gestures, inferring each other’s opinions and having a conversation, but knowing nothing about it and watching it from the outside, it looked like playing house.

‘It’s cute.’

While Monia stared at Chester, who seemed to be playing house, a slightly smoother conversation was unfolding between Chester and the young island owner.

After continuing the conversation to some extent, it became easier to read the other person’s intentions, and the conversation became smoother.

– Swap a little sun for this hard, shiny stone. Am I right?

– yes. That’s right. However, I want to get my hands on this ore periodically, if not in satisfactory quantities.

– Give it time and it can collect enough hard, shiny stones for you to be satisfied with.

– It could snow soon, but don’t you hibernate?

– We do not sleep even when it rains white. And, it takes some time to get from the nearby sea to the white raining sea.

Chester’s eyes lit up at the words of the young island owner.


Well, the climate of the floating island changes depending on the sea where the island is located.

Unless you go to an area where it’s cold enough to snow, it won’t snow.

Of course, for some reason, the island may move quickly and winter may come suddenly, but if you listen to the young island owner, it is clear that there is plenty of room for winter.

– How much do you have? I would also like to get more information about winter, can I exchange that information with something else?

– Swap it with how to make baju.

Chester nodded in agreement.

How to make a rope and the exchange of information.

There is a difference in value between simple barter and exchanging how to make the item. The moment you teach me how to make it, the exchange value of the item completely disappears.

However, it is of great value just to be able to know in advance the information and dangers of winter that you have never experienced before.

-Then I’ll put aside the hard, shiny stones and the little sun for a while and teach you when the white rain falls.

– for a bit.

“Monia! Bring me some leather!”

“Yes? Yes!”

When Monia brought the hide, Chester took out a stone knife and briefly sharpened it on a stone slab to sharpen the tip.

“What are you trying to do?”

“To write on leather. Claw knives have a curved tip, so stone knives are better for this.”

Chester quickly sharpened the stone knife and sharpened the tip, unfolded the leather, placed heavy stones on it to keep it from falling apart, and then got into a position to write.

– Now tell me about winter.

The young island owner, who was watching Chester’s preparations, nodded in agreement and began to explain the winter.

No matter how much communication is possible with each other, it is to understand the meaning of the other person’s picture, hand gestures, gestures, and tone.

It is impossible to convey detailed knowledge.

Therefore, Chester and the young owner of the island worked to write down as detailed knowledge as possible while cross-verifying through various means to see if they understood the meaning properly and whether the meaning was properly conveyed to the other person.

It was a task that required a great deal of patience and perseverance on both sides.

It took a long time to record a single piece of information, and although the speed of work gradually increased, it was still as slow as a slug crawling.

But both Chester and the young owner of the island were steadily immersed in their work.

It was a valuable opportunity to know the dangers of the harsh winter in advance, and it was a valuable opportunity to steadily make and use Ba-Zoo, a useful item with many uses.

Chester apologized to Monia in advance.

“Sorry, Monia. I might not be able to go home in three days.”

“Oh no! it’s okay! is that what you need? I can tell.”


And after this day, Chester and Monia started living with the young island owner.

Ant had not yet been able to get along, as he had fled far away whenever the young island owner appeared.

* * *

“Ant, are you okay?”

the next morning.

Chester and the young owner of the island began to continue the work they had done yesterday after getting food early in the morning.

Monia calmed Ant, who was still afraid of the young island owner, while preparing the food they had saved.

– Kkiing… .

“Oh, are you still scared?”

On the other hand, the young owner of the island admired Chester for his infinite worth.

‘It’s not a painting. He’s recording the information I gave him with something else he can recognize.’

The owners of the island also draw a picture to record and remember when they catch a big game or have a special day.

But Chester was documenting ‘something unknowable’ with far more and more detailed information than could be conveyed in pictures.

‘understood. You’re doing delicate work with that sharp stone that claws can’t do? As long as the tip of the stone is pointed, I think I can use it too.’

How much help would it be to families if they could deliver vast amounts of information in detail by means other than pictures?

‘I want to learn.’

The young island owner, who only communicates primitively, did not know how difficult it was to have a system of language and writing, but he wanted to learn it nonetheless.

‘But first, the bar-ju making and the little sun.’

each one step by step.

Both you and the other person are expressing their desire to continue the relationship, but there is no need to rush.

The two worked hard to record winter information that day as well.

* * *

3rd, 4th, 5th… … The recording of winter information continued for more than 5 days, starting from the first day of recording.

In addition, as the stay time was longer than expected, Monia’s exercise time also became longer.

“Hey… ! hehehe… !”

The young owner of the island also watched Monia and Chester exercise together with interest during breaks between recording winters.

Wild animals have no concept of exercise or training.

Birds can fly from birth, horses can run fast from birth, and island owners naturally grow strong from birth.

That’s why Chester and Monia’s actions seemed unfamiliar and cute.

‘yes. If you’re weak, you’re weak, and you live your life thinking about it… … .’

Occasionally, I remembered how some of my family would bring little creatures to play with, and I didn’t understand why at the time, but now I seem to understand.

‘Next time, I’ll apologize for laughing at you, asking why you’re wasting your time on such useless things.’

As time passes, even Ant becomes familiar with the young island owner, and when he sees Chester easily hunting with Ant, the young island owner admires him and thinks he needs to learn that knowledge.

After ten days, Chester was finally able to record all the information the young island owner had about winter on two leather sheets.

Carefully rolling up the skins and putting them in a basket, Chester taught the young island owner how to make rope.

It was difficult for the young owner of the island to learn delicate work as all his fingers were thick and large, but after three days of hard work, he was able to skillfully make ropes.

– Now, let’s talk about the little sun and the hard, shiny stone.

– right.

In fact, this part was discussed during the process of recording winter information.

First, Chester will receive the ore you have now.

Second, Chester will tell the young island owner the location of their home.

Third, the owner of the young island will come to Chester after obtaining ore.

Fourth, if you get about 10 ores, assuming they are the same size as your current ore, Chester will teach the young island owner how to make fire.

Considering the value of the fire, it was a losing trade for Chester, so Chester agonized over whether he could get something a little different.

Fire has such great value. It is a powerful force and at the same time a light that will further develop civilization.

It is too wasteful to readily hand over something in exchange, such as how to make a rope.

But you don’t know what the other person has, and you don’t know how much the other person values fire.

So Chester had no choice but to be satisfied with the line of creating a ‘regular meeting situation in which he had the upper hand’.

Monia’s opinion was included in this decision.

“Assuming that the other party is conscientious, when you trade with a small loss, you can get a much bigger deal if you let the other party know how much you gave up later in the trade. My dad got a lot out of it!”

Of course, if the opponent had thick hair like a sheep on his conscience, that wouldn’t work and he would see this side as a pet, but Chester didn’t think the young owner of the island was such an opponent.

So, I accepted Monia’s advice and finished the deal.

“I bargain a lot when I buy things at the market, but I’ve never done a deal like this, so my brain was frozen.”

The night before I finished everything and went home.

Chester said that while stroking Monia in his arms.

“Thank you, I don’t know what mistakes I would have made without you.”

“no. Chester could have done just fine on his own.”

“No, thanks to you. I had my eyes closed when I saw the ore. I got greedy and wanted to make a big profit somehow.”

The ore was worth it.

“They say people become ugly if they overdo it, but it’s not easy to overcome desire.”

When Chester seemed a bit depressed, Monia kissed him cautiously on the lips.

“it’s okay. If one gets overzealous, the other can help.”

After kissing, Monia said so to comfort Chester.

“Are you two together?”

“… … That’s right. Because you two are together.”

Saying that, the two hugged tightly.

‘Did they develop a habit of sleeping together because they don’t have hair?’

The owner of the young island was observing from a little distance away.

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