Surviving as a Saint in Another World
Chapter 97
Banquet (3)
As the emperor entered, he naturally looked around.
I already knew what was going on at the banquet hall and what kind of atmosphere it was, but it was like a kind of habit.
In the eyes of the emperor, the appearance of a banquet centered on a few people came into view.
A group centered on the princess, a group centered on the princess, a group centered on the prince, a group centered on influential nobles…
It was a very familiar scene because it was the natural instinct of all living beings to form a group around a special and strong person, and it was a common phenomenon at any banquet.
‘Haven’t you given up yet? No, if I was going to give up just this much, I wouldn’t have bothered to come down to this earth. If it’s natural, it’s natural.’
The saint and the crowd of priests gathered around him.
On the outside, a group that seemed to be no different from the other groups, but to the emperor who knew the truth, a group that felt completely different caught the emperor’s attention.
‘I don’t know if those fools will recognize the saint’s true worth and repent…’
The emperor’s long experience revealed that they were never like that, and the emperor’s discerning eye found that they still did not harbor feelings of reverence for the saint.
From nob le mt l. com
Look at the look that reveals the pleasure towards yourself even while talking to the saint right away.
It is a look that proves that their essence of chasing power has not changed at all.
Even so, the saint could not let go of any possibility of their repentance, so he would say the right thing, but it was clear that it was good intentions that would not be reciprocated.
If the saint stood in the position of the emperor himself, he would have informed the clergy of the saint’s true face and sought a way to harmonize the saint and the clergy.
To put it bluntly, it was close to a typical group of people who tried to monopolize and hide the treasure that came into their hands.
It was obvious that such an emperor should have taken the attitude.
‘There’s no need to tell people about treasures who wear knotholes who can’t even recognize them.’
After the emperor made up his mind about the actions he should take, he naturally approached the saint.
At the emperor’s approach, the eyes around them, which were already focused on the saints and priests, were stained with tension.
The imperial family’s attitude towards the Order was so famous that it need not be mentioned.
“It must have been really embarrassing to visit here, but I will still live up to the spirit of fulfilling the duties of the priesthood.”
Even in the midst of handing out simple greetings to the clergy, the emperor naturally contained a small sarcastic saying that the relationship between the church and the imperial family would have been strained, but he did well to put his face here.
The emperor’s light attack spread the atmosphere around him.
“Heh heh, what are you saying that makes me so sad. Your Majesty the Emperor? We are just trying to do Orion-sama’s will.
The clergy, who bow down to such an emperor and bow down, but do not completely prostrate themselves by selling the name of Orion, claiming their share and getting out lightly.
It was an all-too-familiar relationship between the imperial family and the church.
“is it?”
Replying coldly as if he was not even praying, the emperor glanced at the saint.
The saint also showed an expression of regret, which is rare, as to what kind of emotions he felt in this situation.
‘Whose name are you selling next to…’
The emperor shook his head as if he was dumbfounded and brought up the matter of approaching the priests.
“I’m going to give a toast to the expedition, but I want to take the saint away for a while to get the cup from him.”
At the words of the emperor, joy that could not be concealed on the faces of the clergy instantly spread, and the expression of the saint became even more ambiguous.
And the people around them were confused whether what they heard was right.
Each denomination has something that symbolizes that denomination.
The Church of Ariel is flowers and leaves. The Church of Calliul is fire and steel. The Church of Herna is fangs and feathers. And the Church of Orion is the wind and a cup of wine.
Exactly, the cups referred to in the Orion Church include all shapes that can contain liquid, but among them, the cup with a wide mouth and a wide bottom and a narrow middle is represented, and the perception of it as a drinking cup has become stronger.
These elements are simply religious symbols given by God, but there are many things derived from them.
One of the representative examples is that when humans have something to celebrate or commemorate, they raise a glass and recite a toast.
Although closely related to the Orion religion, it was also an old custom that was naturally used by everyone from emperors to commoners.
It was a custom so widespread in the secular world that the imperial family did not dare to refrain from or prevent such an act, so it was not unusual for the emperor to recite a toast, but it was only under normal circumstances.
In any case, the origin of this toast was religious, and the fact did not disappear, and this origin was not hidden, so even if it was a commoner, there was no way that aristocrats and priests with a certain degree of culture, much less the emperor, would not know this fact.
And a person who knows that the toast has such an origin receives a cup from a saint who can be said to be a representative of religious figures and raises a toast.
Depending on how you look at it, this could be interpreted as a sign that the emperor would stop the long-standing suppression of the Order and accept it.
Since the person who hands the cup to the emperor only under ordinary circumstances is an attendant, it could not have meant that he would treat the saint as his inferior, but judging from the emperor’s attitude at the conferment ceremony the day before, the possibility was slim.
Even if the emperor decided to put the saint on the lower row again, there was no way he could not have known how much damage the image of the emperor himself would be damaged by the immediate denial of his actions the previous day.
From nob le mt l. com
Looking at the clergy’s happy faces, it was clear that they also guessed the meaning of the emperor’s actions.
Could it be that there was a dramatic development of relationship between the church and the imperial family by using the saint as a bridge without knowing it?
If that were true, a new wind might blow through the empire.
However, if it is true that the church and the imperial family had a friendly relationship, then what about the checks the emperor gave to the clergy…?
The aristocrats who were watching forgot about their social activities, which were their duty, and were only looking at the saints, priests, and emperors.
For some reason, I felt like watching while eating fried corn.
* * *
Emperor, I can’t tell the difference between wearing this and not wearing it.
By the way, look at the clerics b*tching at the thought of being able to get away from me.
As it is, it must be difficult to have a toast with the emperor and continue the story about the leader because the pulse is cut off.
It’s a pity. It’s been a while since I’ve been stressed out and it was nice.
Still, I can’t refuse the emperor’s request to relieve my stress.
Hiding my regret, I stepped out to the center of the place where the banquet was being held according to the Emperor’s will.
Even though the emperor abandoned me after the secret conversation and left alone, I think the lie I told was impressive in its own way.
And it seemed that they decided to support me, as if I was recognizing myself as a real person receiving revelations from the gods, who spread secret stories (intracerebral delusion) of gods that no one knows about.
If you look around, wouldn’t it seem like the same feeling between sharing a drink with each other.
I can’t refuse the Emperor’s offer to push me to relieve my stress.
I looked at the attendant who trembled next to me and handed me a drink and a sad look.
You wouldn’t be a complete newcomer to the job of serving drinks here, but to shake your hands like this. Are you feeling unwell?
I deeply sympathize with the hardships of ordinary people who have to work without saying a word that they will rest even when I am not feeling well again.
As I was handed a drink, I sprayed the attendant with divine power to revitalize her body.
It doesn’t look like you have a particularly serious illness, but it looks like it’s just a chill. Take good care of yourself.
However, the attendant, who must have been feeling better because of my divine power, only bowed her head deeply to me while trembling even more.
What is it…? Didn’t the holy magic work properly?
If there’s a problem with my holy magic and holy power, it’s a real big deal.
I took a glass of wine, poured it into it, and subtly tried to spread divine power around me.
If there was a real problem, this wasn’t the time to be like this.
Fortunately, the divine power spread to the surroundings according to my will, and the divine power that spread like that subtly illuminated the surroundings.
I don’t think there’s a problem with me. Was it just that the attendant got chills from a mental problem and the effect was weak?
It didn’t seem like a clear answer, but once I realized that there was no problem with my divine power, I was relieved and focused on handing over the drink again.
I had to check it urgently, so I used divine power, but at this level, no one would doubt that I used divine power just to lighten up the atmosphere.
I even thought of that excuse in the first place and used it.
Thinking that, I hesitated for a moment while handing the cup to the emperor.
That…no matter how you look at it, the Emperor seems to be on the verge of senility, but since I think the Emperor is senile, if I tell him directly that I will treat him, he’ll blow off his hair, right?
Still, I don’t want to see the emperor, who will become my reliable ally, paint the wall with senility.
Well, here’s a decent solution.
Wouldn’t it be possible to get rid of senility by pouring a lot of holy power into alcohol?
If you ask why you did that, you just have to make an excuse that you instilled divine power in the hope that the emperor would live forever.
Besides, he is showing off his intimacy by pinching me and pushing me, and if I think of my older brother’s body like this and infuse him with divine power, it might seem even more sticky.
It’s not that the emperor is senile, he’s just an extremely eccentric man, so even if the divine power doesn’t work, it’s good for the body and tastes good… I don’t know if it tastes good, but anyway, since it’s divine power, I don’t think it will adversely affect the body.
It didn’t seem too bad the more I thought about it.
After I made up my mind, I diligently breathed divine power into the wine poured into the glass.
“Wait, this is too…”
“Stop. It’s okay. It’s what I asked for.”
When one of the people next to the emperor saw me, he was filled with concern and tried to say something, but the emperor stopped him.
It’s not that I’m not worried from the position of waiting on the emperor, but how could I do anything wrong with the sake the emperor would drink in such a large crowd?
If the emperor were to fall, I would be the number one suspect right away.
Rather, I am in a position to get rid of the poison if someone poisons it.
Fortunately, the emperor noticed that much and stopped it, so I was able to fill the drink with divine power without any burden.
I pressed it really well.
If your senility doesn’t improve after drinking this, that’s just his personality. It’s just that the emperor is a weirdo.
The wine filled with divine power gave off a subtle scent of grapes, stimulating the surroundings. This is wine.
Until just now, the scent wasn’t this strong, and it didn’t seem normal that the scent of grapes flowed out of the wine this far, but the divine power must have had a good effect.
I handed the emperor a cocktail of divine power wine, the only one of which was made in this world.
The emperor looked at the glass in my hand with deep emotion and slowly handed it to me.
…But the painting is a bit unusual. Does the original emperor receive the wine glass with both hands?
In South Korea, a Confucian Taliban country, I think it might be done out of habit to show courtesy, but is it normal for the emperor to pass the wine glass with both hands in a world where human lives are naturally valued according to class?
Is this also a form of imperial court etiquette?
I thought about it for a while, but I decided to do it because I gave up on understanding the imperial palace etiquette at the point where the maids were having a family entertainment in front of me.
My only concern is that if the emperor has the manner to receive the wine glass with both hands, I wonder if the hander has some useless manner… stood out on
That’s right. If it’s such a tricky etiquette, if there are a lot of things to protect from the handing over, there’s no way there’s a lot of it.
My head hurts. Is this actually a place created by the emperor to make me uncomfortable?
There’s no way I know anything about imperial etiquette!
By tomorrow morning, there will be voices like saints, stupid villagers who don’t know anything about the etiquette of the imperial palace…
It’s not wrong, so it’s more annoying.
What should I do?
While I was so confused, the emperor, who had been handed a drink, spoke to me in a quiet voice.
“If you don’t mind, can you say something? For the old man who has been wandering in the fog for many years.”
I sneaked around once again.
Most of them were still shocked, so it was difficult to determine whether the emperor’s words were natural or not.
Originally, the person giving the alcohol should say a word first. Isn’t that what the person receiving the alcohol said while giving a toast?
Or are you asking me to do something else to cover up because I’ve already made the mistake of disregarding etiquette?
Apparently that seemed the most likely.
Then I’ll just tell you that. What’s the added word? That’s why you’re confused.
It’s really before I drink, so I might be senile, so I’m looking at it.
Even after drinking, it’s fun to be alone with such nonsense, and if the people around you continue to joke around with billions of sounds, I get really angry.
I quickly shook my head, taking the time to clear my neck and tidy up my clothes.
It’s nice to have a way out, but if you suddenly ask the emperor to give you a congratulatory message, there are no words that come to mind.
At most, live long and be strong, and let the gods rule and rule the world for a long time…?
I don’t know.
In an unprepared situation, and especially in a situation where there were so many witnesses, my brain, which had been overworked for two days, was already at its limit to say something plausible to an unexpected person.
“Does the emperor know of a way to bring peace to the world?”
“How to make the world peaceful…?”
The emperor twitched his eyebrows and wondered if it was surprising that I brought up an absurd topic again after he gave me a seat to say something appropriate and finish it.
The gazes of the people around me, who were astonished, turned to curiosity and turned to me.
Don’t worry. I’ll end it short and thick.
“In order to bring peace to all under heaven, we must govern the country well.”
“That’s too…”
“Kuhm, but something…”
The surroundings started to get a little noisy.
It was a reaction I expected because it was so obvious even when I thought about it.
I thought I was going to say something great, but if you’re saying something like this, I’d like to say something even if it’s like me.
However, I did not forget the nature of the situation.
In the first place, this is not a place where I want to stand out. It is a way out provided by the emperor. You just have to say something reasonably obvious and leave.
“If the emperor wants to govern the country well, he must first govern the family well. How can he govern the country when he is unable to govern the family well?”
Fortunately, the surroundings became quiet as if they noticed the situation.
I continued talking, focusing only on the emperor.
“In order to rule the family, one’s discipline comes first. How can someone who can’t even manage the family manage the family?”
This far is the meaning of the sovereignty of the world, but it is too unfortunate to end it here.
“In order to govern yourself, you must set your mind upright. This is because a upright mind must be the standard in order to govern yourself.”
What does it mean to straighten one’s mind? I don’t know.
“In order to set one’s mind straight, one’s will must be clear, and in order to make one’s will clear, knowledge must be awakened. Studying the principles of all things in order to awaken complete knowledge is the way to make the world peaceful.”
Come to think of it, isn’t this just saying knowledge is power?
As I thought about that, I got out of my own world and looked around, and suddenly everything around me was quiet.
…Bitter, I said a lot of nonsense.
“So, please, please remain as the emperor who makes this world peaceful.”
I hurriedly ended my words and saluted the emperor.
Even after I said that, the surroundings were still quiet.
Even the emperor, who had to deliver a full-fledged toast in response to my words.
…Did I buy something else?
I missed my bed fiercely.
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