When Ye Qianfan woke up, he found himself lying under a straw hut.

It was a thatched roof supported by only four thin bamboos.

In the middle, there was a bonfire ashes, and next to it were two smooth thin woods.

The surroundings were all foggy, and he couldn't see clearly what was outside the straw hut.

"This...what's going on?"

Ye Qianfan covered his head. He clearly remembered that he was taking a nap at home, so how come he appeared in this ghost place when he woke up?

Moreover, the clothes on his body were still his own clothes, but the bed under him had turned into a pile of dry grass.


Suddenly, a golden light flashed on Ye Qianfan's left hand.

He turned his head and saw a thick book beside him. The golden light just now was emitted by this book.

"What is this thing?"

Ye Qianfan turned the pages of the book.

On the first page it was written:

【Welcome to the foggy world, where you don't have to worry about debt, love, work and all the things that bother you.】

【Because there is only one thing left for you to worry about, and that is how to survive in this foggy world!】

【In the foggy world, only fire can give you enough safety】

【Please pray that your campfire does not go out, or you will be captured by the monsters in the fog.】

【Next Steps……】

【Please enjoy everything about the foggy world! 】

These words were written one by one.

When Ye Qianfan finished reading, these words seemed to be erased by an eraser and began to disappear quickly.


When all these words were erased, new content appeared.

【Mist survival magic book!】

【Don't say I didn't give you a chance. Please remember the following. This will be the only way for you to survive.】

【Every day after the sun rises, the local fog will dissipate, which is a good opportunity for you to explore the surroundings.】

【But please don't go too far, because there are still a few monsters hidden in the mist, and they can kill you at any time.】

【Of course! You also need to remember when the sun sets!】

【Because once night falls, the thick fog will return, and those monsters hiding in the depths of the fog will appear everywhere. Once they discover your existence, they will not hesitate to treat you as their food, and you will be left with nothing!】

【If you die here, you are really dead, don't doubt it!】

【There are many good things hidden in the fog, including the food and water you need, as well as various treasure chests, divided into bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, supreme, top, mysterious, etc.】

【There are some good things hidden in each treasure chest, and of course there are some dangers. I wish you good luck.】

【PS: The straw hut with air leaking from all sides will make you fall into a state of hypothermia. Please build a cold-resistant house within three days, otherwise you may freeze to death in the coming cold wave night! 】The above words were erased again.

But Ye Qianfan remembered every word of it firmly. As the book said, every content in it was related to life and death!

Especially the last sentence, which reminded that if you don’t build a cold-resistant house within three days, you will freeze to death!

After all the fonts of [Regional Chat Channel] [World Channel] [Trading Channel] [Upgrade Tree] disappeared, four options appeared again on the magical book.

Ye Qianfan set his eyes on the regional chat channel, and soon, the content on the page was replaced by the chat channel and everyone's conversation!

"What the hell is this place? I just walked out of the bamboo shed, and suddenly a big hand grabbed me. I was so scared that I quickly hid back! The hand was at least one meter long. Is this the world of Attack on Titan?"

"I feel like this is like the movie"The Mist". It's so scary! I always feel like there's something staring at me in the mist!"

"Someone come take me home, it's too scary here! As long as you can take me home, I can let my dad thank you, even if it means a car or money!"

"The guy upstairs, do you think you can go back?"

"Are all your campfires lit? Why is mine extinguished? But I found two pieces of wood next to the campfire. Is he planning to let me make fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together?"

"Fortunately, my campfire was lit, but why is there nothing to eat here? I’m starving to death!"

"I looked at the timetable on the cover of the book. It was 7:30 now, and there was still 00:29 left until sunrise. Did they want me to go out for an adventure? But it looked so dangerous outside. I didn't dare to go out."


The regional chat channel was constantly refreshing with various contents, most of which were about wanting to go back and asking what this place was.

Some even suspected that this was a prank.

But there were also a few who decided to make the best of it and had already started studying the strategy for this place.

Ye Qianfan saw someone mention that there was a time reminder on the cover of the book.

He quickly turned the mysterious book back to the cover, and sure enough, he saw a line of time reminder text in the middle of the cover.

【The time is 7:32, and it will be 00:28 before sunrise. The weather is good today, suitable for going out for adventure! 】

It turned out that sunrise time was approaching, no wonder the fog seemed to be gradually dissipating.

Ye Qianfan turned his head to look at the mist around him, but in the mist, he could feel a lot of eyes staring at him and the straw hut. It seemed that as soon as Ye Qianfan stepped into the mist, he would be attacked by monsters. Let

's check first to see if there is anything else in the straw hut that can be used.


What are these red exclamation marks?

Ye Qianfan found that there were countless red exclamation marks in his straw hut. When he stared at these exclamation marks, he would see the prompt words appearing below

【Simple hut: cannot resist the attack of monsters, please upgrade the hut as soon as possible!】

【Dry wood*2: can be used to make fire】

【Burnt out campfire: Only a few sparks are left, add more wood as soon as possible】

【Poor quality thatched beds: no comfort at all, only able to retain a little heat to prevent freezing to death】

【Broken stone axe: can be used to chop down trees with twice the effort. Durability 1/5】

【A bottle of mineral water 500ml: Nongfu Spring is a little sweet, one bottle is just enough for you, live one day at a time! 】

Is this a function of the foggy world?

Ye Qianfan quickly opened the magic book and asked a question on the regional chat channel.

He could ask questions as long as he wanted, and the magic book would automatically generate text and appear on the page. However, before sending it, a prompt word appeared on the magic book.

【Each person can only send ten messages per day in the regional chat channel (no limit for private chats). If you have a speaker card, you can increase the number of messages you can send.】

【Send? 】


Soon, a message like this appeared on the chat page.

"Ye Qianfan: Everyone can see what is inside the straw shed. Is there any clue about it?"

Soon, someone replied to him.

"What hints? Do you mean the survival guide in the magic book or something?"

"I only have a pile of extinguished bonfires, nothing else!"

Could it be?

Only I can see this hint?

Ye Qianfan's eyes suddenly lit up, and at this moment, the sun came out, and the fog outside the straw hut began to dissipate quickly...

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