"It’s over! It’s over!"

Liu Yan almost cried. She tremblingly used the magic book’s regional chat channel to contact her boyfriend and said,"A Feng, I’m lost, I’m finished! I’m so scared and cold now!"

"What's going on?" He Feng was a little surprised and said,"Didn't I give you the Wind Shoes? How can you still get lost? Where are you now?"

"I am...I am……"Liu Yan turned her head and looked around, still crying,"I don't know either. There are only a lot of bushes here, and... and……"

"what else?"

"There is also a stone house?"

Liu Yan looked at it in confusion. Not far away from her was a stone house with a roof covered with snow.

The area was about 100 square meters. The walls around it were built with round stones. There were also exquisite wooden frame glass windows and wooden doors with engraved patterns!

The whole house gave people the feeling that it didn't look like a house that a player could build!

Could it be... the house of the indigenous people of this world?

Look up!

If she could have a house like this, it would be great.

Then she wouldn't have to starve and freeze, and she wouldn't have to worry about the monsters in the fog coming to capture her at night.

Because the solid stone walls can definitely resist the monsters in the fog.

Even if the bonfire went out in the middle of the night, she wouldn't have to worry too much and crawl out of the warm bed to add firewood to the damn bonfire!

"Stone house?" He Feng quickly replied to Liu Yan:"Are there still indigenous people in the misty world? How can there be a stone house?"

"Afeng, do you think it could be upgraded by players?"

"How is it possible!"He Feng immediately rejected it and said,"We have only been in this foggy world for three days, and it took the two of us to upgrade the cabin together. How could anyone be faster than us!"

"That's right."

Liu Yan thought it made sense.

At this moment, her nose twitched.

A strong smell of barbecue wafted out from the stone house, so fragrant that her saliva was about to flow out!

"Liu Yan, what else can you see from inside the stone house? He Feng asked again

"The smell was of barbecue, and I saw smoke coming out of the chimney of the stone house."

"There is actually meat to eat!" He Feng sent three knife emojis in a row and said,"Liu Yan, you should know how expensive meat is now, right? It's time to use your beauty to take down this unsophisticated aboriginal!"

"Like last time?"

Liu Yan lifted her hair and smiled confidently.

She was still very confident in her beauty.

He Feng nodded three times and said,"Of course! Didn't that fool believe that you were a weak woman last time, so he let you in? If it weren't for his gains, I'm afraid we wouldn't have upgraded to the cabin so quickly, and didn't you feel happy wearing his shoes?"

"Okay, I'll go." Liu Yan looked down at the snow-resistant shoes, then licked her red lips greedily and said,"But let me make a deal first! I'll pick the things in this room first!"

"No problem!"

He Feng agreed naturally.

It was a no-cost business, at most he would just sacrifice his girlfriend's looks.

Even if he really paid something, He Feng didn't care. After all, who would bother with a dead person?


""Knock knock!"

Ye Qianfan was happily roasting the lightning leopard meat piece by piece.

But when he was halfway through roasting the meat, he suddenly heard a knock on the door!


Ye Qianfan turned his head in surprise.

In the night of the foggy world, it is impossible for a player to dare to run around.

But if it was a monster knocking on the door, then the monster's IQ was too high!!!


The white eagle, who was originally sleeping in the nest with his neck tucked in, suddenly poked his head out and stared at the door, looking as if he was facing a great enemy.

"Knock knock!"

"Is anyone there?"

The knock on the door sounded again, and along with it came a delicate female voice saying,"Hello, I'm lost and can't get home, woo woo~"


Ye Qianfan stared at the door.

He still felt it was unreliable. After all, even in his world, he often heard stories about fox demons transforming into human forms, bewitching scholars who were about to take exams, and digging out their hearts to eat.

There were even stories about sailors who encountered water demons at sea and were bewitched and eaten as soon as they heard their songs.

These facts tell us a truth!

Women are dangerous!

The more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is!

Especially in this foggy world, God knows what kind of terrifying existence will emerge.

Anyway, Ye Qianfan didn't dare to open the door casually.

"Master, please open the door, okay? I'm really scared now, it's so dark outside, and there are monsters in the fog, ready to eat me at any time." But the woman heard no response from inside the house, but she refused to leave, and continued to beg at the door:"As long as you let me in, you can do whatever you want!"


Ye Qianfan sneered.

He continued to grill the meat, biting off a big bite of meat from time to time, and listened to the woman singing crosstalk outside, just as a pre-dinner entertainment.

The more beautiful the woman's talk was, the more Ye Qianfan didn't believe it!

There is no such thing as a pie falling from the sky in this world. If there is, it must be a spoiled pie that has been bitten, and it will hit you in the face at the same time!

This is reality!


However, the woman suddenly screamed, and then the knocking on the door became more intense and she said,"My torch is out!"

"The fog is coming, please, please save me!"

"Whatever you ask for, I will agree to it!"

"I promise!!"


Ye Qianfan thought at first that the woman outside was a monster from the foggy world in human form.

It was not until he heard the woman holding up a torch that he was sure that it was really a player who got lost in the fog and ran to him.

But even so.

Ye Qianfan did not open the door rashly.

Instead, he walked to the glass window first and glanced at the woman by the door!

It was her!

The female thief who stole her vines this morning!!

"Big brother! Big brother, it's you!!"Liu Yan saw Ye Qianfan sticking his head out from the glass window and immediately said happily:"You are the big brother who cut down trees in the bushes today! I recognize you, we are both players, great, please open the door and save me"

"Why should I save you?" Ye Qianfan looked down at the woman standing at the corridor and said,"You stole my vines today. Who knows what else you will steal from me if I let you in!"

"I promise I won't do it again!"

Liu Yan begged for mercy:"Brother! I was wrong before. I will return all the vines to you now, as well as some wild fruits I picked up today, and the silver treasure chest I opened. I will give you everything in it. Please let me in, okay?"

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