The fire burned more and more fiercely!

The scary box jumped more and more violently, and the whole box jumped at a 45-degree angle, and then changed to another corner, struggling non-stop!

The fire kept burning, and the scary box kept jumping!

Until the circle of resin that sealed the scary box was gradually softened by the burning.


It was just like a cooked clams! The upper shell exploded directly!

But the scary box had been burned for so long that it had already been cooked.

At this time, the lid of the box was opened.

The scary box finally revealed two rows of long and sharp fangs connected to the upper and lower lids, and its long red tongue could no longer hold back, and it collapsed directly outside the box and fell directly to the ground.

It looked like it was dying!

But to be on the safe side, Ye Qianfan still drew his bow, aimed at the inside of the scary box, and shot an arrow!


Hit the bull's eye!

In fact, when the scary box was opened, Ye Qianfan couldn't see any other parts except a box full of tongues.

It was as if the whole scary box was made up of a copper box, two rows of teeth, and a huge tongue!

Weird thing

【The scary box is dead, do you want to disassemble it? 】

Finally dead!


【Bronze +10】

【Scary Box Meat +10】

【Scary Box Blood Clot +20】

【Scary Box Fangs +20】

【Animal tendons +1]

This is fucking...

Ye Qianfan saw the red tongue meat, which was covered with tongue coating and taste buds. He had no desire to eat it.

But this scary blood clot, I wonder if it has any special effect.


【Scary Box Blood: The blood is cooked and tastes bad! But you can feed it to your pets to increase their endurance!】

【Scary box meat: It is basically the meat on the tongue, and a small amount of meat on the box wall. It has a tender and smooth taste! It should taste similar to pig tongue when cooked. It is a good delicacy!】

【The scary box and poisonous fangs: good stuff for making poisonous arrows, don’t waste it! 】

Forget about the blood and meat, let’s leave them for the white eagle.

Ye Qianfan couldn’t eat it anyway, but as for the poisonous fangs and bronze, they were good stuff, all good stuff for making arrows, so it wasn’t a loss this time!

After finishing the scary box.

Ye Qianfan opened another bronze box not far from it.

If it were other people, those who were not bitten to death by the scary box at this time would probably have psychological trauma.

No one dared to open another treasure chest like Ye Qianfan did.

【Bronze +10】

【Coke +1】

【Instant noodles +2】

【Spirit Stone +5】

【Kerosene lamp blueprint +1】

【I found a kerosene lamp drawing. Do you want to learn from it?】


【Kerosene lamp: You have progressed from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age. Kerosene lamps are an amazing invention! Kerosene lamps can not only burn for up to 10 hours, but also save a lot of raw materials for making torches, and the lighting range can reach 10 meters. Production conditions: glass 14/2, bronze 520/2, cotton 0/1, kerosene 0/1]

Cotton and kerosene are not available for the time being!

Go to the trading channel to collect some at night. With the fog lingering all day, everyone should be reluctant to waste a lot of wood and resin to make torches. Kerosene lamps should be able to sell a wave!

This thing is pretty good!

Ye Qianfan plans to go back to collect a wave at night to see if cotton and kerosene are easy to collect. If they are easy to collect, this business should be able to make another wave of money!

Good income.

Back to the stone house, Ye Qianfan immediately threw everything in his backpack into the warehouse.

He took out the weapon tempered with lightning leopard blood and tempered all the remaining eight arrows with blood. The eight arrowheads immediately became shining with sharp light!

【Exploding Bronze Arrow: It kills with one blow, it is indeed a good arrow! Special effect: Explosion +100%]

Tsk tsk!

The blood of this lightning leopard is really a good thing.

After tempering the bronze arrow, it actually increased the burst effect by 100%. Coupled with his precision skills, he doesn't believe that any monster's blood bar can hold up! If it hits, it's a death sentence!

Ye Qianfan was overjoyed.

With these eight treasures, it is easy to deal with nightmare rats and cat women!

There are about 200ml of lightning leopard blood left. Ye Qianfan found that every time he used the blood of the lightning leopard to temper a weapon, no matter the size, it would use up nearly 100ml of blood.

With 200 ml left, he planned to temper his remaining two weapons.

Tempering completed.

The blades of Ye Qianfan's two weapons were flashing blue light, and they looked very sharp at a glance.

【Excellent dagger: No matter how hard the beast's skin is, it can't withstand a single cut. This dagger doesn't need to prove its sharpness to anyone, because it is sharp itself! Special effect: Damage +100%】

【Excellent axe: Even the masterpiece of the dwarf master is no more than this! It is electricity, it is light, it is the king of the felling world! Special effects: Critical hit +100%, combo +3]

Both weapons have changed from [sharp] to [excellent] grade.

It has changed directly!

And whether it is the description or the special effects, there has been a lot of growth.

The damage value of the dagger has increased by 80%, and the axe has an additional combo effect!

Go back and try it outside!

After cleaning up.

Ye Qianfan lit a new torch and walked towards the south.

【South: After the acid rain, a lot of trees died. You can easily cut down a lot of wood! In the trunk of a certain tree, there is a silver treasure chest. Guess if you can find it? 】There happened to be a dead tree in the south, just in time for him to try out the new axe!

Ye Qianfan came to the woods with a torch.

He randomly found a huge dead tree.

The trunk of this dead tree is at least five meters in diameter, and there are a few sparsely hanging yellow leaves on the tree. It looks like it has just died. It is not considered burying it to try out the axe!


Ye Qianfan swung his axe and chopped down at the dead tree.

The dead tree didn't move at first, and Ye Qianfan thought there was something special about the tree that he couldn't chop it down!

But one second later,

""Bang, bang, bang!"

Ye Qianfan saw several trees around the dead tree. In the middle of the trunk, there were also several flashes of silver light.

Then, five or six trees, including the huge dead tree in front of Ye Qianfan, broke in the middle. The cracks were smooth and just slid down at an angle until they fell to the ground and turned into wood!

【Wood +10】

【Vine +3】

【Resin +10]


This axe upgrade is really powerful!

It cut down five or six trees at once, and some of them were large trees with 3 pieces of wood.

The sharp metal axe that was originally sharpened with a grindstone could only cut down one relatively large tree, but now with combos and critical hits, it can actually cut down 10 pieces of wood in one breath!


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