Ye Qianfan glanced at the content of the world channel.

He realized that being attacked by monsters was a crisis event that happened in every district, and it was probably the first wave of tests for the lords of each district!

A qualified lord should have the ability to deal with problems quickly.

However, the red dragon responsible for attacking District 7 where Ye Qianfan was located did not even have the chance to attack.

Because before Ye Qianfan even realized the appearance of the red dragon, and it was just a test, the red dragon had already been killed!

It's no wonder that in the world channel, the players in District 7 were all wondering why nothing happened in their area.

Who made the red dragon so unlucky to come to his house!

At this moment.

The top announcement changed.

【Good evening everyone!】

【Do you think you can have a good sleep after the elimination match tonight?】

【Hehehe...I have to say, you are so naive!】

【This wave of attacks is my first gift to the lords of each district. As the saying goes, he who wears the crown must bear its weight!】

【If the lords cannot deal with or drive away the evil dragons that appear in your territory as soon as possible, there will be heavy casualties among the players and people in your area!】

【Please don't be eliminated in the first round of tests!】

【Come on, lords!】

"Wow! It's actually a lord test!"

"Oh my god, I'm just an ordinary player, why did the Lord's test affect me! My good house was corroded in half by the dragon that sprayed sulfuric acid! I built this wooden house with great difficulty! Woohoo!~"

"What’s that? I lost one of my hands due to freezing!" Player A complained:"A dragon that sprays cold air came to our area, and my hand was just hit by the dragon’s breath, but my whole hand turned into a popsicle and fell off! Can you imagine!!!""

"The one above, then you have become Yang Guo? Congratulations to the ordinary Louis Koo!"

"Are you still human? I am already so miserable!"

"Who wouldn't be miserable? Yes, I finally got the girl, and I was just about to go to the base! But the dragon claw grabbed my girl from the roof and took her away! It would have been fine if he took her away, but the movement was too big, and I ended up breaking my bones! Who can I talk to!"

"Awesome! You have a broken bone, but you still have the strength to speak!"

"It hurts! Talk to distract yourself! Have you seen the N shape? I am in this state now. My penis is swollen badly, but I dare not move it. It hurts if I move!"

"If you want to practice this skill, you must first castrate yourself! Congratulations, you have mastered the Sunflower Manual!"

"My day……"

"Give up, brother, you can't do it anymore!"


"@People behind the game, I would like to ask a question. What if the lord of our area dies?"

"The lord is dead?!!"

"Wow, what kind of rubbish lords are you? How could you die so easily? Usually lords have their subjects to protect them, how the hell did you die?"

"Hmm...can I say that our lord died because of a cesspool explosion?"


"The manure pit exploded!"

"Sacrifice yourself to blow up a manure pit?"

"Exploding shit?!"

"Shit explosion +1"

"Shit Explosion +2"

"Shit explosion +10086"

"Come on, girl, please describe in detail how your lord gets what he deserves?"

"When my lord was going to the toilet, a fire dragon attacked him and blew fire at him, causing a methane explosion! Boom!"

"Ugh! That's really tragic!"

"I can imagine that scene, it's definitely shitty~"

【If the lord dies, the second-ranked player in the same area will inherit the lordship. If the second-ranked player also dies... no, he dies, then the succession will continue!】

【Huh? There was actually a lord in a certain area who managed to kill an F-level red dragon in a short period of time!】


【Although the means are a bit vulgar and a bit hard to watch, it is indeed quite remarkable!】

【Congratulations to the Lord of Area 7 for becoming the first dragon slayer!】

【Reward: Title of Dragon Slayer Warrior and a Dragon Slayer Warrior Medal!】

【Let’s all congratulate him!】

【Papapapa! (Don’t get the wrong idea, this is applause!)】

【Okay! Back to the topic!】

【8 lords of District A, and 1 new lord, you must give your all, otherwise you will soon be left far behind by District 7!】

【If you don't work hard now, you will be sad if you are eliminated! (Good poem, good poem~)】

【Come on! Babies!! 】

Then, a golden light flashed in front of Ye Qianfan!

It was the same golden light flashing in Balabala the Fairies!

A medal similar to a shield suddenly appeared in front of Ye Qianfan, lying neatly on the table!

The medal was golden yellow, and it looked like it was made of gold!

Ye Qianfan picked it up and took a look!

"Damn! It almost blinded my titanium dog eyes!"

"It’s so damn bright!!"

Until Ye Qianfan’s eyes gradually adapted to the golden light from the money, he finally saw clearly...

The medal was engraved with a pattern of a dragon slayer holding a lance and piercing the body of a dragon!

So handsome!

Very good! It really suits my temperament!

Ye Qianfan was very satisfied with the texture and pattern of the medal!

【Dragon Slayer Medal: Wearing it can increase courage +2, magic resistance +2】

【Special Effect: The dragon's fear effect on the dragon slayer +10】

【PS: It's a good thing, please carry it with you at any time! After all, you never know when you will encounter a dragon~]

Ye Qianfan picked up the medal and rubbed it gently.

The texture of the medal was a little cold!

It was quite heavy.

A lot of gold must have been used!

In order to confirm that it was real gold, Ye Qianfan bit it with his teeth, and sure enough, a tooth mark was left!

Real gold is soft in texture, and alloys are super hard, so it can't be bitten!

Not bad! Not bad!

It's real gold!

I have to keep it well. Not to mention that it has special functions. When I return to the city, Ye Qianfan thought that he could sell this piece of gold, which should be worth a lot of money!

After wearing the [Dragon Slayer] medal, Ye Qianfan took another look at his attribute column!

【ID: 888 (Lord of District 7)】

【Strength: 21/10 (Courage effect strength +2)】

【Agility: 17/10 (Wind Boots +7, Courage Effect Agility +2)】

【Defense: 8 (Armor adds defense. Once you remove the equipment, your defense is the same as that of an ordinary person)】

【Spell Sensing: 2 (Weak sensing ability. If you want to cast a spell, you need at least 10 levels of elemental affinity to successfully condense a spell!)】

【Magic resistance: 2 (Dragon Slayer Medal +2)】

【Toxic resistance: 2/10 (mild smog won’t kill you, but you still need to keep working hard!)】

【Special Effect: The dragon's fear effect on the dragon slayer +10】

【Status Assessment: A Warrior Who Wants to Be a Mage! 】

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