Materials in hand!

Upgrade the tool bench first

【Stone - 20, Wood - 2】

【Level 1 tool bench, built successfully! 】

With a flash of golden light.

In the left corner of the cabin, near the bed, there was a large stone with a stone hammer on it.

It seemed that this should be the tool bench. The level 1 one was indeed primitive enough.

Ye Qianfan opened the magic book, and the instructions under the level 1 tool bench had indeed changed.

「Level 1 tool bench——》Level 2 Tool Bench: Can be used to create primary defense tools, double-edged stone axes, short bows, arrows, sewing clothes, intermediate backpacks... Construction conditions: Stone 0/100, Wood 47/20, Earth Beast Core 0/2」

【Stone Axe: Can be crafted. Crafting conditions: Stone 0/1, Wood 47/1, Vine 9/1】

【Bamboo Spear: Craftable. Crafting conditions: Bamboo 0/2, Stone 0/1, Vine 9/1】

【Torch: Craftable. Crafting conditions: Resin 0/2, Wood 47/1, Vine 9/1】

【Primary backpack: can be crafted. Production conditions: 1/2 animal hide, 0/1 hemp rope】


The Level 2 tool bench can actually make bows and arrows!

Ye Qianfan's eyes lit up.

He remembered that there was always a lightning leopard running around him.

If there was a bow and arrow, he could cripple it remotely, and then use an axe to kill it!

I wonder what good things the lightning leopard has! Unfortunately, the materials required for Level 2 are too abnormal. It actually requires 100 stones and 2 earth-type beast cores.

Before, Ye Qianfan was very confused about what the earth-type beast cores were used for, but now he has an idea, which is to upgrade some higher-level things.

Maybe beast cores will also be used to make tools of Level 2 or above.

It seems that he needs to collect more!

As for these Level 1 weapons, Ye Qianfan really doesn't like them. After all, he already has a rusty metal axe.

It must be much more useful than these primitive stone tools.

So there is no need to make extra ones.

If there is anything on the tool bench that Ye Qianfan wants, it should be the torch and the primary backpack.

Unfortunately, the materials are not enough.

But he is not in a hurry.

He still has several flints that he hasn't sold!

I'll go to the trading channel later to see if there's anything good to exchange.

Now I'll fill my stomach first.


At this time, the other piece of snake meat that Ye Qianfan had put on the campfire was also roasted.

He picked up the last piece of snake meat, ate it with relish, and drank a big sip of mineral water!

Looking at a group of people in the channel crying and shouting in fear...

Ye Qianfan suddenly felt very lucky!

After all, he now has a warm wooden house with a bonfire burning vigorously.

With the four walls blocking him, the outside world suddenly seemed to have nothing to do with him, giving him a strange sense of security.

After eating the meat, Ye Qianfan felt that the water was not enough!

He then remembered that he seemed to have received a [Water Purifier Manufacturing Drawing] today. It was time to store some water. He opened the drawing.

【Water purifier production blueprint: Stone 0/3, Wood 47/3, Charcoal 0/1, Bamboo 0/1】

【It can purify water, so there is no need to worry about water pollution. 】

Uh... it can only purify water, but not produce water.

It seems that he can only go to the trading channel to exchange some water with others.

【Trading Channel]

Ye Qianfan typed in the content about water and immediately saw that many people were selling water.

He clicked on the ranking directly, scrolled down, and found the most cost-effective [1L water: exchange for 1 wood]. Compared with other people's 100 or 200 milliliters, or even dozens of milliliters, this is quite cost-effective.

After all.

There are so many people in the world, and there are always some people who were born next to water sources.

Naturally, they enjoy the convenience of water sources, but they may lack other things, such as wood, otherwise they don't have to exchange water.

Just about to click on the transaction

【System reminder: You don't have a container to hold water, do you still want to trade? 】

Without a container, there was almost a flood!

Fortunately, fortunately.

Ye Qianfan breathed a sigh of relief, and then silently chanted to make a wooden barrel.

The magic book quickly jumped to [Upgrade Tree - Workbench - Level 1 Workbench], and went directly to the content of the ordinary wooden barrel

【Ordinary wooden barrel: can hold 10L of water, requires 47/2 wood, 9/1 vines]

The materials are sufficient.

Ye Qianfan clicked on the production without hesitation.

Soon, a slightly small wooden barrel appeared in front of Ye Qianfan.

【Exchange for 1L of water】

【Exchange successful: Water +1L, Wood -1]

And in the bucket that Ye Qianfan had just made, some water appeared at the bottom of the bucket.

Sure enough.

The water was a little turbid, and there were even some dead branches and rotten leaves floating on it.

If you look closely, you can find some plankton in the water, such as mosquito larvae, which are quite disgusting.

No wonder it is sold so cheap!

If I didn’t have a water purifier, I probably wouldn’t be able to drink this thing after taking it back.

Ye Qianfan clicked on the water purifier production drawing again [Water purifier production drawing: stone 0/3, wood 44/3, charcoal 0/3, bamboo 0/1]. He had a lot of wood, but he lacked charcoal and stone.

Isn’t charcoal the product left over from incomplete combustion of wood?

Ye Qianfan stared at the campfire and looked at it carefully.

Sure enough.

Soon he found some small red exclamation marks from the dazzling campfire.

【Charcoal: A byproduct of incomplete wood burning, it is an excellent thing for filtering water.】

【Collecting charcoal will reduce the burning time of the bonfire. Please pay attention to adding firewood. The temperature will drop to minus five degrees Celsius in the middle of the night! 】

I see.

After collecting charcoal, the burning time of the bonfire will also be shortened.

This means that when you add firewood, the burning time of the bonfire has already taken into account the burning time of the charcoal!

However, he has a lot of wood and dead branches, so he naturally doesn't care about this consumption.

【Collect the charcoal!】

【Charcoal - 3, the remaining time for the bonfire to burn is 14 hours, please remember to add more firewood. 】

One dead branch for one charcoal?

This ratio is also acceptable.

However, Ye Qianfan was not in a hurry to take the remaining charcoal, anyway, he would take it when he needed it.

Charcoal is something that can be burned at any time.

Ye Qianfan threw three more dead branches, so that the bonfire could continue to burn until dawn.

【[Water purifier production drawings: Stone 0/3, Wood 44/3, Charcoal 3/3, Bamboo 0/1]

To make a water purifier, all you need is a few stones and a bamboo.

Ye Qianfan remembered that someone had left a message under the flint he was selling, saying that there was not enough wood, and whether it could be exchanged for stones.

Just right!

He immediately opened the trading channel and contacted the seller who left the message. It was a headshot of a long-haired beauty.

She looked to be in her early twenties, with a round face, very cute, and looked like a 3D modeled real doll.

But Ye Qianfan naturally didn't believe this kind of photo.

After all, makeup technology is so advanced these days that what you see in front of you in a minute is not a photo, but a"photo fraud".

So he just took a look.

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