Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects!

551. The dedicated Hestia, the wailing goddess of order (12)

The efficiency of the evil dragon camp is very impressive. Not long after Rhine asked Olivia for help, space cracks opened in front of Rhine's eyes.

Those who came to support Rhine were a total of six powerful Chosen Ones, a group of elite demigod units.

Ancient dragons, elves, fighting gods, humans, star descendants, Yincang people...

Armor, sandals, white silk, boots, pantyhose, bare feet...

Charming eyes, fragrant clothes, and that enchanting and alluring figure...the ultimate beauties from all races are gathered together at this moment.

For a high-end evil god like Olivia, the quality of the Chosen One she selected is of course quite excellent.

And these six people, except for the necessary guardianship of some important temples and ceremonial sites, are all Olivia's possessions.

And besides that,

Following these chosen ones, there is also a huge army of demons.

However...it is true that the arrival of reinforcements made Rhine feel happy,

But the appearance of these evil dragon divine choosers also made the goddess of justice feel completely bad...

Once in the netherworld,

The evil dragon Olivia is the only opponent that can be called her.

And now, this lingering black dragon has once again blocked the life gate of justice...

Beneath Compassion is the only portal in the world that allows the demon army and even the goddess herself to enter and exit.

And the life and death of the goddess of compassion will determine the future of the gods in the Netherland.

And whoever can seize the opportunity may become the winner in the new arena...

What if it was some other unlucky Netherland goddess who filled the population outside the hunting area with her Chosen Ones and Demons, and took the lead in organizing a team?

Justice can make up for the surprise with her hard power. After all, she has the strongest weapons, the strongest army and the strongest chosen one in the Netherland... She can be late, and no one else can beat her anyway.


The lucky guy who got the upper hand was Olivia! !

She is the only one...who is the one who cannot guarantee that justice can win in a disadvantageous situation...

And on the other side...

Under the orders of Her Royal Highness Olivia, the Ancient Dragon Princess, the Chosen Evil Dragons came to tear apart the space. When these beauties exuding the fragrance of corruption arrived... At first sight, they were attracted by Rhine's astonishing Attracted by his good looks.

There are many beautiful women in the world,

But man...

They are the only ones they have ever seen in their lives.

It has an ultra-pure order bloodline that can be directly used as a vessel for divine descending if there is no gender issue, plus a super large cup of divine blood infusion from the goddess of justice...

This man has the pure blood of the two most powerful goddesses on the planet flowing through him, and his charm is also set off by the blood of the two gods... He is as beautiful as a dream.

Is this the male god whom Her Majesty Olivia has been unable to pursue, so much so that the tears of lovesickness watered the Throne of Thorns until it blossomed...

The quality is excellent!

Among the six fallen demigods of different races, several members with wild personalities had already lifted their hair and showed ambiguous smiles to Rhine...

Regarding Rhine Hein's attitude,

The chosen ones of the evil dragon naturally find it very fragrant.

Possessing noble divine blood, he can be regarded as a handsome man of his own race,

It is also unique in the entire world,

This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity...

This man is obviously a good target to end their virginity! !

Although the chosen ones of the evil dragon all have depravity and chaos as their natures,

But adhering to the inner superior taste, as well as the loyalty and love for the Ancient Dragon Princess Olivia... Among all the Evil Dragon God's Chosen, most are virgins.

But actually,

Except for a few abyss-level invincible perverts whose xp is so weird that it explodes,

Most of the chosen ones have to choose to remain innocent in the face of the tragic reality...

Of course, it’s not that they don’t want to have sex...

But the problem is that I really can’t find an opponent.

Her Highness Olivia is a staunch supporter of heterosexuality, and the Chosen Ones are too embarrassed to digest it under her gaze...

So besides these pretty-looking Shaohuo colleagues around me, and other female demigods...

In this world, there really is no dry food that is edible.

Those mortal men, with their ugly faces and despicable hearts, are beyond redemption.

And their disgust or admiration for the Chosen Ones is extremely nauseating...

Momentary desire can make people crazy,

But their long-lasting desire has made them the most high-end diners.

In the evil dragon camp, there are not all rotten crotches who have lost their integrity, but the gathering place for rotten crotches is more among demons and apostles. After all, no matter what... demons have at least two genders.

but now......

The chosen ones looked at Rhine, as if they discovered for the first time that there are people of the opposite sex in this world who can be used for mating...

With the arrival of the chosen ones, and the succubus army,

A large number of succubi are heading towards the hunting areas through the gates of the netherworld in major human cities.

Once this army enters the Divine Realm of Compassion, no one knows how many people will come back...but what is certain is that these succubi will find enough fun for themselves before they die.

"We are under your command, Your Highness Rhine. According to Your Highness Olivia's instructions... you can command us as you wish."

The chosen ones came to Rhine and expressed their loyalty to Rhine, either with a smile, or with a cold and serious expression, or with a hint of jealousy...

Although he is already very familiar with Olivia, Rhine still knows how to maintain respect for his goddess,

After respectfully thanking Olivia, Rhine accepted the temporary allegiance of the six chosen ones.

"Your Highness Rhine Hein... I have heard many stories about you, and I also know that you like to hunt the hearts of various demigods as your proud trophies."

At this time, one of the six chosen ones stepped forward impatiently.

That was a beautiful and charming young lady from the Dou Shen Clan.

Dou Shen tilted his head and smiled like a flower: "Then do you mind...collecting one more Dou Shen tribe girlfriend who loves you?"

The God of War took Lain's arm and said, "Don't worry, my dear Your Highness... I am innocent and still 100% new~"

Miss Dou Shen was the first to send an invitation to Rhine.

But before Rhine could say anything...

The next moment, the young lady from the Dou Shen Clan was firmly grabbed by her shoulders by her companion.

The white-haired ancient dragon wearing light armor looked at the God of War coldly.

"God of War, have you forgotten His Highness Olivia's order? Do you really want to die that much!"


The young lady from the Dou Shen Clan smiled awkwardly.

Dou Shen: "It seems... I can't remember a little bit?"

Gu Long: "Her Majesty Olivia has an order - no one, any of us, can have physical relations with His Majesty Rhine during the war! We must maintain round-the-clock combat readiness, because we are fighting with a group of people." Fight with the Supreme Being of Netherworld! Do you understand!”

The God of War raised his hands in surrender, and after casting a wink at Rhine, he retreated angrily.

Hearing this, the other chosen ones could only wave goodbye to Rhine with regretful smiles, and turned around to lead their respective armies...

No one chosen by God can have close physical contact with Rhine...

This was indeed Olivia's order.

When Olivia received Rhine's request and contacted her chosen ones,

Olivia improvised and gave them a serious order.

They can't touch Rhine,

Don't touch it even once!

Some of these perverts love Olivia wholeheartedly, while others have been protecting themselves for many years in front of a group of subordinates...

But whether they have coveted the most beautiful woman in the world for a long time, or they have been in love for a long time and decided to make a decision that goes against the goddess...

Before this war is over,

None of them can have any physical relationship with Rhine!


Maintaining combat readiness is definitely just an excuse.

The real reason Olivia did this was...

In Leta, she heard the conversation between Prosperity and Hestia through Alice's senses! !

Originally, I wanted to have some tenderness with my master after a long separation...but unfortunately, due to the sneak attack of the goddess of compassion, the plan had to enter the next stage.

Now, Rhine's dedicated maid Meishen is prosperous and has gone to train the secret weapon in the Rhine Imperial Capital.

But now in the base, Unonia is ill, and it will be some time before Legion is swallowed up by the desires in her heart...

And now, Olivia has strictly prohibited her chosen ones from providing certain caring services to Rhine...

So! !

Among this army of tens of thousands of beasts and demons...the only ones left can survive the heavy combat missions and the fierce battles that increase the pressure... ....

Relaxing the body and mind for Rhine and healing tired people...

That's all that's left...

Histia: "...!"

Histia was guarding her respected Highness, looking at the Evil Dragon Chosen Ones leaving in the distance. The last hope in Histia's heart... also failed.

The proud eldest sister of the imperial army, the legendary strongest demigod in the world, when she thought of the instructions given by the goddess of prosperity when she left, she couldn't help but look panicked and her breath was disordered...

Histia: "Your Highness..."

Rhine: "Huh?"

Hestia: "No...no, I'm fine..."

Rhine: "Why are you blushing?"

Hestia: "Because... uh, I, aren't we going to have a great battle next? Challenging the evil god of the netherworld is really, really unprecedented..."

Rhine nodded: "Yes, so you are looking forward to it?"


Will Hestia... look forward to it?

Hestia nodded shyly, bit her lip and whispered:

"I...I don't know, Your Highness..."

Hestia raised her eyes and looked at Rhine with shy and innocent eyes:

"But I just want to say that for you, I am willing to go through fire and water and give everything..."

After saying this, Histia's heart beat violently.

What she said was all from her heart, but...this didn't stop her from getting excited because it seemed like a confession between a man and a woman.

Hestia was shy, embarrassed, and scared... At the same time, the deafening roar in her mind was non-stop.

The goddess today... is particularly noisy.


With the entry of six roast chickens, the base became lively.

The order camp, the justice camp, the evil dragon camp...the three most incompatible camps on the planet are actually living in the same camp peacefully at this moment.

It's nothing short of miraculous.

War is approaching, but everyone is in a good mood.

Only the goddess of justice, in a gloomy mood at the moment, was looking at the legion commander speechlessly...

The Legion Commander messed up again, and Lady Justice was dissatisfied.

However, the legion commander was also extremely depressed...

She knew her goddess was wrong,

In fact, she didn't hate Rhine at all. On the contrary, every cell in her body was telling the legion commander that she should fall madly in love with Rhine and be his loyal slave...


The remaining sanity made the legion commander dare not forget Her Majesty the Queen for a moment. ’

So in the end, she had to draw a sword with Rhine to save her sanity that was on the verge of collapse.

However, even if the legion commander pointed his sword at Rhine with murderous intent... Rhine was still willing to smile at the legion commander, and would even ask the legion commander to reflect on his rudeness.

Rhein Hein...this man is so cute! So charming! It’s really hard to stop wanting-! !

Uh-huh! !

The legion commander calmed down the violent emotions in her heart and sighed: "Her Majesty the Queen, why don't you give this task to others..."

The goddess of justice asked coldly: "Are you disobeying me?"

Legion Commander: "No... I never meant that... I just..."

The legion commander sighed helplessly, speechless.

In fact...Goddess of Justice is also very helpless.

His own legion commander has no spirit of service and doesn't know how to please her Rhine... And the other Chosen Ones of Justice don't have the Chosen Ones of Evil Dragon, and none of them can speak.

take it out,

It will only be more embarrassing...


Lady Justice silently made her decision,

next time,

Directly synchronize the commander of the army,

Let her disguise herself as the legion commander to personally serve her dearest believers...

That’s all! !

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