Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects!

559. Evil Fall Virus, Angel Legion (12)

"His Royal Highness Rhine's kissing skills... are so amazing..."

Hunting area, outskirts.

The door to the general's tent was pushed open, Hestia pursed her lips, and left Rhine's room with a faint but lingering obsession in her eyes.

Histia was just...forcibly kissed by His Highness Rhine.

I don’t know if this is a sign of approval for Hestia’s persuasion of the goddess, or if it’s because of Hestia’s teasing and impulsiveness...


The poor goddess just succumbed to the power of her enemies for the sake of her innocence, and was eaten by her dishonest enemies.

"Your Highness..."

Hestia couldn't help but touched her lips and recalled everything that had just happened.

To be honest, when His Highness kissed Histia, Hestia felt unprecedented excitement...

This is not the first time she has had similar close contact with Rhine.

But this time His Highness Rhine was obviously bolder and more domineering than before.

And Hestia's body, which has been eroded by the evil dragon's reverse scale for a long time, has become more sensitive and sentimental than before...

When His Highness was forcibly held in his arms, Histia's blood boiled, and the scales on her chest were so hot that they stung her skin...

It was a true kiss between lovers.

Hestia was even prepared to be pushed down...but in the end, Her Highness Rhine restrained herself...

What should I say?

Hestia actually still has a little regret in her heart...

In fact, Hestia has always been very aware of her identity.

In the past, she had always known that His Highness Rhine was the emperor she would serve. Although Rhine was immature, his character and wisdom were not bad. Perhaps assisting him would be better than working with His Majesty Keith. Tired, but Hestia didn't mind too much.

There is no need to be nervous or blushing. After all, if one day His Highness Rhine, who is dissatisfied with desire, really wants to make such a request to her, if His Highness really has to do this...

Histia may not necessarily reject His Highness Rhine, whom she admires...

So now, His Highness Rhine finally did something to Hestia that shouldn't be done between superiors and subordinates.

And Hestia,

There was indeed no resistance...

However, on the other side, inside Hestia's body, there was a person who was completely disgusted.

Rhine was indeed kissing Hestia, but the goddess of order clearly felt that... very bad touch!

For the intoxication and pleasure that came from Hestia's body but was transferred to her body one by one, she was extremely helpless, extremely sad and angry!

But what can she do?

Rhine Hein is her sister's lover. There is no reliable reason. Order cannot kill him. Even if she wants to hurt him, Hestia will fully stop him...

Order and Hestia can understand each other in many matters and perspectives.

But in terms of attitude towards Rhine,

The two are incompatible with each other.

Histia's admiration for Rhine is self-evident;

Hestia admires Rhine's various achievements. Moreover, she is not good at brain-intensive work, so she especially admires those smart people. His Highness Rhine must be the smartest person she has ever met. exists.

But it's the exact opposite of Hestia.

Order has only resentment towards Rhine.

This man abducted her dear sister and made her indulge in depraved love between men and women. He forgot her mission, the crisis, and the deep sisterly love with Order.

But I can't forget to drag my sister into the water and fall with her...

Although as long as she can be with her sister, even the invitation to sell her soul makes her a little excited...

But the fact that both her sister and herself were being played around by a mortal, a mortal created by Order itself, and being played around... still made her angry.

However, in this regard,

Histia had a different view.

"I don't think His Highness Rhine has any ill intentions towards you and the Goddess of Prosperity. He loves and protects the Goddess of Prosperity and..."

Histia asked: "Don't you think His Highness Rhine actually respects you?"

Histia heard a vicious sneer coming from her mind.

Just from the things he did...how do you see that he respects me!

Histia smiled: "Think about it, when he borrowed the legion commander's body to have sex with the goddess of justice a few days ago, he showed no mercy to the goddess of justice."

Histia already knew that the legion commander was a flower elf, and had also seen that for some unknown reason, the legion commander regarded His Highness Rhine as his master.

Then...it is also the possessed person's emotional influence that forces him to perform despicable actions that are not worthy of his status as a goddess.

Rhine slapped away the Lady of Justice, but only kissed Order...

This cannot be explained!

How much does Rhine respect and love the goddess of order! !


The order feels very strange, very strange...

Histia's remarks were of course absurd and unreasonable.

But what really made her feel weird was...she actually felt...what this guy said seemed to make sense! !

never mind......

Order gave up the struggle.

Her innocence is still in Histia's hands... It's better to fulfill the promise.

Then a tearing crack appeared in the sky,

The war machines with snow-white wings on their backs, holding crystal guns, landed in the camp with expressionless faces.

The goddess of order sent ten angels of punishment.

This number is not much,

But her statement as the goddess of order is enough.

There was no soul in the eyes of these ten angels, just like machines. They just glanced at Hestia silently, then walked to Hee's camp and stayed with the silicon-based pseudo-gods left behind by Prosperity.

Although the Black Era were completely wiped out during the expedition, the factories at the rear have sent a steady stream of combat power.

After the silicon-based Mimetic debugged the new recruits based on the obtained battlefield data, he sat on the outskirts of the base with the black spirits, staring blankly at the shrinking God of Mercy in the distance.


The angels are coming.

The black god and the white angel looked at each other silently, as if they accepted each other's existence tacitly.

Then sit together to save power and standby.

It seems that the Goddess of Order has no intention of handing over the command of the angels to Hestia or Rhine.

But that's okay,

For this man with whom she had a deep hatred, the mere willingness of the goddess of order to help was already surprising.

Of course, the main reason is that if the order is not compromised, Histia, who is already tortured by the evil dragon, will undoubtedly get an excellent opportunity to use the topic...

Rhine got his wish.

Although the ten angels are just an insignificant team among the angel army of the Goddess of Order,

However, in this coalition army, which is still mainly composed of mortal units, this can be regarded as a powerful reinforcement.

The Punishment Angel of the Goddess of Order is the racial-level combat power of the servants of the original gods.

Like other servant races, the starting point of the Punishment Angels is the demigod realm.

It is the top legion that truly allows demigods to be used as cannon fodder.

Although the true high-level combat power is rare due to the goddess of order's lack of diligence in creating the pinnacle wings and her limited grasp of the authority of the Broken Saint,

But the massive army of demigods is still an unattainable super reinforcement for the coalition forces.


Could it be that the goddess of order sending angels to support Rhine was just a forced compromise?


This is the plan of the goddess of order, her clever plan to retreat in order to advance!

The Angels of Punishment are very powerful and can help Rhine a lot. They can indeed allow Rhine to expand the coalition forces as he wishes and meet the challenges of the upgraded version of the Goddess of Mercy.

But at the same time! !

They are also the extension of the power placed by the goddess of order around Rhine, her arms and her sharp blades!

These angels!

That’s ok too!

Supervise Rhine and tell him not to mess with Hestia again! !

Histia and Order share a body, and Histia is the dominant one.

If Histia insists on protecting Rhine, then Order won't even be able to give this scumbag a hard time.



They can move freely without restraint!

Next time Rhine dares to make a move against Hestia, Order can immediately summon the angels to the scene and give Rhine a beating to resolve the crisis!

There is no need to fight to the death, no need to make my sister sad,

No matter how this gangster bullies Order, Order will retaliate with equal force! !

What a perfect strategy! !


The Goddess of Order also knows that Rhine Hein has the powerful protection of Olivia, plus the natural affinity as a bloodline of Order,

If the angel team sent by Order is not careful, it is very likely that they will be plotted by that man, causing his own punishment angel to be charmed and truly become Rhine's property.

After all, the Punishment Angel is only a demigod-level unit, and theoretically cannot withstand the evil dragon's charming eyes...

But no problem!

Before Order set out, he had already reduced the intelligence of these ten Punishment Angels to a minimum.

Probably only the most basic model of Heie has the intelligence level,

weak intelligence,

But what I got in return was complete indifference to feelings.

It's hard for them to even think.

Not to mention understanding the love between men and women.

Although the combat effectiveness of such a punishment angel is slightly weaker,

However, the weakening of combat power, and being directly taken away by the enemy, becoming the enemy's trophy...

The former is of course better!

These ruthless punishment angels will become the goddess of order's strongest line of defense to protect her chastity and protect the punishment angels!

Order finally gained a sense of security...

The sun sets in the west,

The renovation project of the Goddess of Compassion is still in full swing.

The core demi-gods surround the divine domain, alert to enemy attacks.

Neither angels nor gods received orders to fight, so they just waited quietly...

Different from the original Time Corpse of the Broken Saint, the Punishment Angel created by the Goddess of Order is actually a variant of the silicon-based pseudo-god.

The nine man-made servant races are the ultimate weapons used by the ideal world to fight against the original gods and usurp the authority of the gods.

The artificial race that corresponds to the Time Corpse is a certain kind of machine life.

They can connect with the upper gods and accept data transmission from the upper gods. They even have compositions and structures that are highly similar to those of the upper gods.

This also makes it so that when the angels sit with the silicon-based demigods, they don’t seem out of place at all.

The silicon-based mimetic looked at the angels...


The silicon-based mimetic took out a black metal bar and handed it to the punishment angels.

Punishment Angel: "...?"

Silicon-based Mimetic: "This is a gift from the host to you."

Punishment Angel: "..."


That is, the goddess of prosperity.

That was their former colleague and the favorite individual of their host.

But this metal bar......

Why does it look like some kind of suspicious data carrier?

At the same time, the goddess of order also heard the conversation between the silicon-based demigod and the angels.

A gift from my sister? !

Order suddenly became excited!

Powerful artificial intelligence and the divinity from the Broken Saint give Order an almost real soul.

What a real soul brings is rich emotions, and the probability of doing stupid things after being affected by emotions.

It was as if she had completely forgotten the evil things her sister had done to her.

As soon as Order heard that this was a gift from her sister, she couldn't wait to order and took the gift from her sister!

The Angel of Punishment silently accepted the metal bar.


Just when the Angels of Punishment picked up the metal bars and made physical contact with them...

A moment!

More than a dozen powerful codes with high-intensity pollution capabilities instantly swallowed up the punishment angel's brain.

Both are machine gods, and they are also equipped with the prosperity of controlling the artificial series,

It is indeed capable of invading the intelligent system of the Angel of Punishment!

The bodies of the angels eroded by the data began to tremble violently, and even arcs of electricity burst out from their minds.

And soon, with the blessing of gifts from my sister...

The punishing angels who couldn't help but tremble and tremble... pink love appeared in their eyes.


Order was stunned...

Her angel was invaded.

And it was also implanted with a pretty bad program! ! !

Strong love for Rhine! !

Punishment Angel Oversight Team,

Tangtang is offline! !

If he was tricked by Rhein Hein, then Order could still come up with ways to retaliate, but he didn't expect that the ending would be...

Order is going to cry,

elder sister! ! ! ! !

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