Sweet Seduction! Attractive Wife Sets Fire to Mr. Ji’s Heart

Chapter 56: Woohoo, I paid too much for that bear

  Chapter 56 Woohoo, I paid too much for that bear


  Shen Wanwan hugged the bear in her arms and was unwilling to let go. In order to get Ji Jinxian to agree to bring the bear into the room, Shen Wanwan acted like a baby again.

   "Husband~ This bear was caught by you. They want to bring it into the bedroom and put it next to the bed, okay?"

  Blinking her eyes, Shen Wanwan let go of Xiong Xiong in her hand, and pounced on Ji Jinxian, spraying her fragrant legs directly on the opponent's waist.

   "Honey, just promise me?"

  While speaking, Shen Wanwan put her wrist around Ji Jinxian's neck and rubbed her head back and forth on Ji Jinxian's shoulder.

  The addition of a koala in his arms made Ji Jinxian feel much better. He held the koala in his arms with both hands, for fear that he would accidentally drop the coquettish spirit.

   "It's not impossible to bring it into the bedroom."

  Ji Jinxian said while looking down at the little man in his arms, a dark light flickered in his eyes, he raised the corners of his mouth and didn't give Shen Wanwan a chance to speak, and directly carried him into the bedroom.

  The bedroom in the hotel is very big, Ji Jinxian directly hugged him to the bed and sat down, while Shen Wanwan, who was being hugged, didn't struggle, but sat obediently in the other's arms.

   "Husband, what request do you have~"

  Shen Wanwan looked at Ji Jinxian expectantly, thinking to quickly complete Ji Jinxian's request and bring in the bear that was left outside.

  Looking at the little wife with sparkling eyes in his arms, the corners of Ji Jinxian's mouth curled up. Instead of answering the words of the coquettish girl, he reached out to cover the eyes of the coquettish girl.

   "Close your eyes."

   As soon as the words fell, Ji Jinxian turned over, and Shen Wanwan also instinctively closed her eyes, and the four lips of the two of them stuck together like this.

  In an instant, the lights on the ceiling of the room went out, and the whole room was plunged into darkness.

  Time seems to be frozen at this second, and the neon light gently sprinkles into the house through the window, slowly illuminating the corners of the room.

  The bright moonlight also seems to like to join in the fun, and it also sneaked into the room, casting a faint moonlight around the two of them, adding a touch of mystery and romance to the quiet atmosphere.


  Early the next morning, a refreshed Ji Jinxian opened his eyes, lowered his eyelids, and looked at the little wife who was sleeping soundly in his arms, his eyes filled with satisfaction.

   Shen Wanwan, who had paid too much for the little bear she carried back, was closing her eyes tightly at this moment, immersed in sleep and unwilling to wake up.

   "Little lazy cat~"

  Ji Jinxian pampered Shen Wanwan with a kiss on the cheek, then gently tucked the quilt up for the sleeping Shen Wanwan, got up and walked into the bathroom to wash up.

   After a simple wash, Ji Jinxian went straight to the kitchen. The kitchen in the hotel suite is very large. As soon as Ji Jinxian walked into the kitchen, he closed the door with his backhand.

  In order not to wake people up when cooking, the hotel also thoughtfully installed soundproof cotton outside the kitchen, no matter how the cooking is done in the kitchen, the outside of the kitchen will not be affected in any way.

  Ji Jinxian put on the apron sent by the kitchen, and opened the refrigerator to look for ingredients. Last night, the little girl said that she wanted to eat pasta with tomato bolognese and a candied egg. Ji Jinxian planned to make pasta and eggs today.

  Although he doesn't like western food very much, it's okay to eat with his little wife once in a while. When he finds the ingredients he wants, Ji Jinxian skillfully starts the pot to boil water.

  The pasta itself is relatively hard. Ji Jinxian is used to boiling the pasta in hot water before cooking the pasta. While waiting for the water to boil, Ji Jinxian turned back to the pot and poured hot oil.

  After adjusting the high heat to medium-low heat, pick up the egg and crack the egg with one hand. The sound of the egg entering the pot is very beautiful.

   Immediately afterwards, he repeated the steps of breaking the eggs just now. After the eggs were put into the pot, Ji Jinxian sprinkled some water in the pot and covered the pot.

  Five minutes later, the soft-boiled candied eggs in the middle were freshly baked. Ji Jinxian put the soft-boiled eggs on two plates and started to boil the tomato sauce.

  Pasta ketchup is usually replaced with ordinary bottled ketchup, but when Ji Jinxian makes it himself, he prefers to boil the sauce by himself.

  He cut the cleaned tomatoes into small cubes, put them all into the pot, poured 82 years of drinking water, and started to boil on high heat.

   The process of cooking the sauce is long. If you want to get a delicious sauce, you have to wait patiently. The sauce in the pot starts to bubble over time.

   Immediately after the bubbles disappeared, the tomatoes in the pot became soft, rotten and sticky. Ji Jinxian lowered the heat, let the tomatoes in the pot continue to boil, and began to prepare the meat.

  How can there be no meat in bolognese noodles?

Ji Jinxian chopped the pork into small pieces, and then used the kitchen meat grinder to grind the meat into minced meat. When the sauce was almost boiled, Ji Jinxian poured the cut meat into the tomato pot, and continued boil.

After the meat sauce was cooked and the noodles were cooked, Ji Jinxian took the noodles out of the pot and put them in two pots respectively. He picked up a large spoon and poured a large spoonful of meat sauce on the pasta. The combo of tomato bolognese is freshly baked.

  In an instant, the whole kitchen was filled with fragrance. Ji Jinxian brought the prepared breakfast to the table in the dining room, and when he turned around, he saw the person lying soundly asleep on the big bed.

   I don’t know how bad the designer of this hotel is. The kitchen is located directly opposite the big bed in the hotel. People standing in the kitchen can see the people lying on the bed as soon as they turn around.

  Although this design is very speechless and makes people want to complain, Ji Jinxian is very satisfied.

  As long as he turns around, his eyes will show his acting like a baby.

   Just in response to the phrase "As long as you turn around, I will be here."

   Seeing that it was almost time, Ji Jinxian walked to the bedside, and reached out to gently pat the sleeping coquettish Jing.

   "Baby, don't sleep, get up quickly."

  Ji Jinxian sat by the bed and called his precious daughter-in-law warmly, but how could Shen Wanwan, who was immersed in sleep, wake up so easily?

   She turned around in a daze, stretched out her hand and patted in the direction of the source of the sound, muttering while patting her mouth.

   "Smelly mosquito, don't disturb my sleep!"

  Ji·Smelly Mosquito·Jinxian felt a little helpless after being scolded, he stretched out his hand and directly picked up the person including the quilt.

   "Baby, get up quickly, the tomato bolognese noodles will be cold later."

  Ji Jinxian said while hugging someone and going to the bathroom, and Shen Wanwan was also impatient with the noise, she suddenly opened her eyes, and glared at Ji Jinxian resentfully.

   "I'm so sleepy ~ why are you making me sleep~"

  Shen Wanwan's voice was extremely weak when she just woke up, her angry words seemed to be acting like a baby, Ji Jinxian's heart softened in an instant.

   "It's getting late, baby, it's time to get up~"

  Since realizing his own intentions, Ji Jinxian changed his name naturally, directly becoming a baby.

  And his baby didn't seem to want to talk to him, instead pouted angrily and began to complain.

   "It's all your fault, who made you so annoying last night!"

  Speaking of what happened last night, Shen Wanwan was almost **** off. She really paid too much for the bear to enter the house...

   As the culprit of this incident, Ji Jinxian just touched his nose without refuting, letting the soft voice of his charming daughter-in-law accuse him.

   I have to say that Doraemon is so beautiful.




  (end of this chapter)

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