Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3373: She wants to fall in love too

He has a calm look. Under the not-so-bright lights in the car, he can’t distinguish his emotions. He can only see the faint light coating him with a light that favors him too much, and outlines his face hard and perfect. Lines.

Jiang Bai seemed to be aware of it and said in a low voice, "I, I'd better be the co-pilot."

Although he didn't quite understand what the situation was, he had a slightly bad premonition. The man in the back seat seemed to be angry.

And the object of anger... is Xia Jiu.

Jiang Bai slipped to the front row, leaving Xia Jiu alone in the back row facing Shen Muhan.

It was probably because Jiang Bai was there, so Shen Muhan didn't say anything.

Xia Jiu really wanted to touch his forehead, but he didn't even count it. He would be here.

Maybe Chen Qi reported her whereabouts to him, right?

But, what did he come to France for?

Don't know to make a call in advance.

The more he does not speak, the more depressing the atmosphere in the car.

The more you accumulate, the more.

Jiang Bai surreptitiously looked at the man in the rearview mirror, and was suddenly startled. This... if she remembers correctly, it seems to be Shen Muhan?

Is it that Shen Muhan, who has a strong and complicated background in the Dragon Empire, is frightening?

It's no wonder that even someone like her who has never seen a big man feels a chill in her back.

So when did Xia Jiu meet Shen Muhan?

No, it shouldn't be said when they met. After all, at the last auction, Shen Muhan and Xia Jiu sat in the same row. It is certainly not surprising that they met.

It should be strange how Shen Muhan came to pick up Xia Jiu at the door of a manor in the suburbs of France in the middle of the night!

Jiang Bai quickly typed on the phone: "Xia Jiu, is Young Master Han your boyfriend?"

Except for the boyfriend, there is no other explanation.

Hearing the sound of WeChat received on the phone, Xia Jiu reached out and took out the phone. She took it out. When the phone turned on, a line of words popped out from Jiang Baifa.

She didn't know how to respond for a while.

Coincidentally, the car chuckled, as if being touched by something on the road, the people in the car were shaking.

Xia Jiu's phone was not held firmly, and it fell straight onto Shen Muhan's body.

The driver said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Young Master Han, there was a stone just now, and I didn't avoid it because my sight was not good."

"It's okay." Shen Muhan's voice was cold.

He looked down, his eyebrows were cold and compelling, just when he saw the line of words on the screen of Xia Jiu's phone, Xia Jiu gritted his teeth.

The phone screen light disappears and the screen is automatically locked.

But before that, Xia Jiu could confirm that he must have seen the line.

After all, it's just such a simple line of words, and you can see it clearly with a glance.

Xia Jiu seemed to kick Jiang Bai in front of him. At this moment, what was wrong to ask, but he asked if she wanted to die?

She stretched out her hand and took the phone back from Shen Muhan as quickly as she was afraid of an electric shock.

Forget it, just don't answer, why is Jiang Bai's curiosity so heavy?

"No?" Shen Muhan asked.

Xia Jiu clenched her hand, how could she respond?

"Maybe the interview will be better." After Xia Jiu finished speaking, he wanted to bite off his tongue.

What if Shen Muhan let her talk to Jiang Bai like this now?

Wouldn't it be more tormenting?

Typing can still be considered, if you chat directly... then it may really be dead!

Sure enough, Shen Muhan never disappoints, and said: "Then talk about it?"

Xia Jiu pinched herself severely.

Jiang Bai didn't know what happened later, but he heard them talking back and forth, and what they said was very simple, she didn't understand at all.

Curiosity made her scratch her head, and she couldn't participate in it, so she could only wait patiently.

The road back to the city is exceptionally long.

Specially long Lu, Jiang Bai tortured.

Xia Jiu was even more tortured.

She smiled awkwardly and escaped: "It's too late now, let's talk about it later."

For a long time, Shen Muhan didn't speak.

Xia Jiu finally settled down.

With a certain heart, people are easy to get tired, and the self-brewed wine in the manor is really strong, even if she pays attention to safety, she drank a lot.

Relaxing, Xia Jiu's eyelids fought a little, then closed his eyes uncontrollably, and his head began to tilt to both sides.

When she tilted to the window, she was probably uncomfortable, and she tilted to Shen Muhan's position again.

Shen Muhan stretched out his hand and took her shoulders, put her head on him, found a more comfortable position for her, looked down at her, and then closed his eyes, as if he was asleep.

Jiang Bai saw this scene completely from the rearview mirror.

Well, she knows, this is her boyfriend, and Xia Jiu doesn't need to explain.

So sweet!

She wants to fall in love too!

When the car stopped, Xia Jiu woke up, Jiang Bai got out of the car, and said with a smile: "Then I won't disturb you and Xia Jiu, Young Master Han, goodbye."

Xia Jiu still wants to be with her, Jiang Bai has already walked out quickly.

"Jiang Bai!" Xia Jiu had to stop her.

Jiang Bai blinked at her, and Xia Jiu had no choice but to watch her run away.

The driver also drove away, leaving Xia Jiu to face Shen Muhan alone.

"So, why are you here?" Xia Jiu really didn't expect that he would come.

"I just want to come," Shen Muhan said lightly.

In fact, when she almost had an accident with Fang Minghao that day, he planned to come over.

But something happened temporarily in the company. Fortunately, Xia Jiu was fine, so he procrastinated.

However, in the end he came, even if Xia Jiu was about to return home.

However, after I came, I saw Xia Jiu at ease. He didn't look unwilling after being bullied. On the contrary, he was having fun in someone else's winery.

Xia Jiu said softly, thinking that he was here to deal with official duties, which was normal, after all, his business spread all over the world.

"Don't want me to come?" Shen Muhan remembered the scene she saw at the entrance of the manor just now, and she had a good chat with the mixed-race man.

When the car lights were on, the man obviously raised his arm, blocking the light in front of her.

That scene was very dazzling.

"France is not my place. Come as you want. It has nothing to do with me or not." Xia Jiu said lazily.

Shen Muhan turned around, circled her around the support beam of the parking lot, and looked down at her.

There was obvious coldness and anger in his eyes.

Xia Jiu didn't know where he provoke him. Is it a problem to celebrate with friends?

Are you still worrying about her not answering Jiang Bai?

But, how do you want her to answer?


Does he count?

After thinking about it, Xia Jiu's thoughts were complicated, so he didn't bother to think about a word, and simply didn't look at him.

"Think I delayed your party?" Shen Muhan saw her lowering her eyelids, unwilling to pay attention, after all, she opened her mouth again.

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