Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3904: Emperor extra

After talking like this, there are too many topics to talk about.

However, He Xiasheng was left alone.

He watched the three heads come together and smiled.

He Xiasheng's side, as if densely covered with dark clouds, the air pressure was extremely low.

"Speaking of which, I still have to thank Mr. He for giving me this job opportunity." Qiao Jin held up the wine glass, "Jing Mr. He."

"Yes, to Mr. He." Qin Tianlan also said immediately.

"That's right, my elder brother is really nice, he really takes care of my sister Xiao Qiao at work. To my elder brother."

The three of them spoke perfectly, but He Xiasheng couldn't hear their irony?

Especially Qiao Jin, who is rebellious, but increasingly untamed.

He Xiasheng raised his head and drank the wine in his glass.

The other three only took a sip.

"This welcome banquet is for the four of us? Isn't it too shabby?" He Xingjian said, "Why, let me call some friends over?"

Qin Tianlan nodded: "I think it's OK!"

He Xiasheng flicked toward He Xingjian with windy eyes.

He Xingjian turned a blind eye, took out his mobile phone, just called friends for a while, and made more than two dozen calls in a moment.

After a while, Chu Mo, Chu Shichen, Gu Xingcheng, Shen Sihan, Shen Li, and his various classmates arrived.

When several people I knew saw Qiao Jin, they all looked happy, and talked around Qiao Jin.

He Xiasheng is a gloomy person, and he usually looks like a big brother in the lead.

Everyone naturally just greeted him and quickly slipped aside.

Chu Mo looked at the candlelight at the scene, a little strange: "Isn't this a welcome banquet today? Why do you light so many candles?"

He Xiasheng: "..."

He Xiasheng said to the waiter: "Turn on the lights."

"Okay, Mr. He."

Qiao Jin was almost eating and drinking, and Qin Tianlan stood up to say goodbye to everyone.

"Sister Xiao Qiao, see you later."

"Sister Xiao Qiao, I'll contact you next time."

He Xingjian was afraid of being caught by He Xiasheng and volunteered: "I'll take Xiao Qiao home."

"You just didn't drink?" He Xiasheng said in a cool tone.

"I helped them take a taxi to take them home. Recently, online ride-hailing and taxis have not been peaceful."

He Xingjian grabbed the clothes, followed Qiao Jin and Qin Tianlan, and followed out.

"Qiao Jin, do you see He Xiasheng's face...hahahaha."

"It's pretty." Qiao Jin was also full of joy.

Didn't it mean the welcome banquet? She just came to attend the welcome banquet. She brought her friends to show her face and cheer. What else is he dissatisfied with?

Sure enough, he was upset, and she was in a good mood.

Qin Tianlan waved his hand and said: "I thought that a man like him would never have a chance to lose weight. When I saw him before, I always had the chance to win, as if everything was in my mind, and I didn't take it back when I saw him. thing."

"From now on, for whatever he likes, I can do it against him."

Qiao Jin had to say that she was too frustrated before, and now she has found a way to cure him.

She not only had to counterattack passively, but also proactively attacked.

Attacked to the point where he couldn't stand the initiative to dig out the divorce agreement.

He Xiasheng, just ask for more blessings.


This is a five-star hotel with a quiet environment. The characteristic positioning is the most suitable for couples dating and gathering of friends.

He Xingjian called too many people, and the scene suddenly got out of control, and the scene was as noisy as a bar.

The hotel manager didn't drive people out because of He Xiasheng's face.

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