Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1520: Heaven and earth

Ji Tianxing stared at the tomb of the Yang in the colorful mask, his heart was full of WwW..lā


   "Fun Tian, ​​how can I enter this Yang tomb?"


   The funeral sky said calmly: "The formation method to protect the Yang Tomb is a god-level formation, arranged by the Sword God himself, and blending with his formation skills.


  The way to open the God Formation, you can look for it in the Tianshu Pavilion. After you reach the Martial God Realm, you should be able to open the great formation. "


   "What? It can only be opened after reaching the Martial God Realm?" Ji Tianxing frowned suddenly.


   "When I reach the Martial God Realm, it will be at least a few decades later... Funeral Sky, is there any way I can open the God Array in advance?"


   Funeral Tian said in a calm tone: "Yes, I can help you open the divine formation."


   paused, it added: "But it doesn't work now. My body has not been repaired, and my strength has not been restored. It is impossible to activate the divine formation.


   Unless, you can help me repair the blade and restore my strength to about 70%. "


   Ji Tianxing thought for a while, nodded and said: "In contrast, repairing the Sky Burial Sword should be easier than me reaching the Martial God Realm. This method can be considered.


   I just don’t know, where can I find the materials to repair the Excalibur? "


   Burial Tian said solemnly: "What materials are needed to repair the Excalibur, I will naturally tell you later.


   The Yin-Yang Double Tomb contains everything about the Sword God. One day, if you can merge the Yin and Yang Double Tombs, you will discover the shocking secrets left by the Sword God! "


   A gleam of light flashed in Ji Tianxing's eyes, and he hurriedly asked: "What is the secret of the heavens?"


   Buried Tian said with some contempt: "That is the top secret that can shock the world and shake the nine days."


   "What the **** is that?" Ji Tianxing was aroused and became more curious.


   Buried Tian said solemnly: "With your current strength and situation, it's better not to know. When you turn on the divine formation in the future and enter the Yang Tomb, you will naturally understand."


   Funian Tian's answer made Ji Tianxing quite helpless.


   He could only endure curiosity and anticipation, and turned and left the valley.


   Qianyue waited outside the valley, saw him coming back, hurriedly greeted him, and asked, "Old Ji, how is it? Do you see any clues?"


   "Go back and talk about it." Ji Tianxing flew to its back and let it rush back to Antu City.


   Half an hour later, he took Qianyue back to Antu City, and summoned King Jinshan with the secret method of sound transmission.


   After a few conversations between the two sides, Ji Tianxing realized that King Jinshan did not know about the colorful array.


   So, he told King Jinshan: "The big formation in that valley is a powerful God-level array with extraordinary power. Don't let anyone approach it to avoid accidental injury."


   Jinshan King bowed his hand and said that he would obey orders.


   Ji Tianxing looked at Qianyue again, and said: "Qianyue, you don't want to explore it anymore, it is very dangerous there."


   Qianyue naturally nodded and agreed.


   Then, Ji Tianxing left Antu City and flew to the mountains to the west to visit the little black dragon.


   According to Qianyue, the little black dragon found a wonderful pool in the deep mountains to the west.


   There seems to be a spring in the water pool, and the gushing out is all spiritual water, making the whole water pool like a fairyland.


   Since the little black dragon discovered the water pool, he has been entrenched in the water pool and refused to leave, and has been practicing in the water pool.


   Ji Tianxing was a little curious, so he wanted to see what happened in person.


  The world in the sword keeps growing and expanding, and many wonderful things have emerged, making this small world no longer monotonous and colorful.


   He is looking forward to the fact that in the future, the strength of Funeral Sky will be restored, and the world in the sword will expand into a complete world. There will surely be more new and mysterious things at that time?


   Half an hour later, he flew to the depths of the western mountains.


   Several hundred miles away, he saw a colorful cloud in the sky ahead. ..


   The auspicious cloud with a radius of hundreds of miles is suspended between several towering mountains, even if the wind blows.


   The colorful auspicious clouds are made up of rich heaven and earth auras, continuously converging drops of colorful spiritual liquid, like a light rain.


   Below the auspicious clouds is a lake with a radius of tens of miles, surrounded by towering mountains.


   Looking down from the sky, the lake is like a mirror. There are still many clouds and mist above the lake, a scene of clouds steaming.


   When you look closely, you will find that the lake is full of shallow seven colors, which contains a strong spiritual aura of heaven and earth.


   Ji Tianxing flew over the lake, looked around and saw some clues.


  "The five mountain ranges interspersed and just crossed here, forming a deep valley in the middle, which turned into a lake when filled with water.


   There are five thousand-foot high mountains around the lake, which just occupy the position of the five elements, forming a natural five-element array.


   This is the place where the aura of the five elements gathers, and it is also a natural treasure place of spiritual veins. No wonder there will be a spiritual spring here!


   The little black dragon is lucky. He can find this natural spiritual vein and gather the five elements of aura within hundreds of thousands of miles to help it become stronger in cultivation..."


   He muttered to himself, and a gratified smile appeared on his face.


   is surrounded by mountains and protected by five peaks.


   The level of the lake for dozens of miles is as quiet as a mirror, with clouds and mist flowing slowly in the sky.


   There are colorful auspicious clouds in the high sky, and it is constantly raining rain.


  Guo is really a peaceful place, like a fairyland.


   Ji Tianxing observed for a while before calling out to the calm lake: "Little black dragon, come out and meet!"


   As his voice fell, ripples and ripples gradually appeared in the center of the originally calm lake ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ spreading around.


   In just a few breaths, the surface of the lake in a radius of ten miles seemed to be boiling, with huge waves surging.


   Then, a huge black shadow emerged from the water, burst through the water with a sound, and flew into the sky.




   A high-pitched and majestic dragon chant sounded, echoing among the mountains.


   A ten-li long, pitch-black dragon, with a cold and majestic momentum, appeared over the lake.


   It is the little black dragon.


   Today, it is not only ten miles in size, but also extremely powerful and majestic, and its dragon scales are also shining with dazzling cold light.


   For ordinary people, this water surface with a radius of tens of miles is a big lake.


   But, compared with the huge size of the black dragon, this piece of water can only be regarded as a pool of water!




   The black dragon swiftly flew across the sky, and quickly came to Ji Tianxing, nodded slightly at him, and said with an urn: "Old Ji, how did you find this place?"


   Ji Tianxing stepped onto the dragon's back, and while looking at it, he said, "I heard Qianyue say that you found a treasure place, so I will come and see it myself.


   Unexpectedly, in just two months, your strength has improved a lot.


   It seems that this pool where the five elements converge is of great benefit to you. "


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