Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1708: Longevity Pearl

The two flower monsters fell into a sluggishness and took a few breaths.

   Ji Tianxing did not stop, and after defeating Scarlet Palm, he immediately launched a counterattack.

   "Suzaku Holy Sword!"

   His body turned into a raging fire, and a thousand-foot-high Yuanshen giant sword appeared behind him.

   Sky Burial Sword also flew into the sky, and instantly expanded to a thousand feet high, as sacred and majestic as a giant pillar.

   The three merged into one in an instant, turning into a golden sword with blackness and a thousand feet of red flames.


  The huge sword burst out with a violent and unparalleled power, wrapped in a phantom of the Vermilion bird as large as a mountain, and fell from the sky to the Underworld.

   At that instant, hundreds of miles around was illuminated by fire, and half of the sky became red.

   The terrifying heat burned the earth and the mountains into black scorched earth.

   When the giant sword hit the top of his head, Minglan suddenly recovered.

   But before she could escape, she was hit by the Suzaku holy sword.


   In the deafening muffled sound, Minglan’s body was smashed to pieces by a huge sword, and collapsed into a **** mist covering the sky and the sun.

   Thousands of **** mists spread around, mixed in the fierce red fire, and it is difficult to distinguish.

   Suzaku's Holy Sword hit the ground, piercing a fifty-mile-long gully, and splashing clouds of smoke.

   Half of the valley of flowers was destroyed on the spot, turning into black scorched earth ruins.

The mountains and mounds on both sides of    Flower Valley were also razed to the ground.

   The entire valley of flowers was destroyed and turned into a huge pit.

   Seeing, the dense blood-colored mist quickly gathered together, and wanted to reconsolidate the body.

   But Ji Tianxing was prepared.

   The Suzaku Holy Sword quickly separated, and his figure appeared.

   "It's actually related to the demon clan, and the demon clan secret method was used, what a damn!"

   He yelled angrily with cold eyes, waved his palms to make a monstrous white light, and headed towards the **** mist.


   The sacred white light enveloped dozens of miles in a radius, enveloping thousands of threads of **** mist.

   The evil blood mist quickly dissipates when encountering the sacred white light, and is purified into nothingness.

   After just a few breaths, the blood mist in the sky was wiped out and all was purified.

   The female flower demon Minglan was killed by Ji Tianxing, leaving no trace.

   The tree demon Mingshu escaped from this area in embarrassment, and flew thirty miles away through the white light.

   It witnessed the destruction of Minglan, and immediately its angry eyes were splitting, and it made a cry of grief and anger.

   "Reptile! You killed Ben Jun's wife, Ben Jun is going to thwart you! Ah!"

   Unparalleled anger caused Ming Shu to fall into madness.

   Its hundred-foot-tall tree demon body trembled violently, twisting tens of thousands of canes crazily, and stabbing Ji Tianxing desperately.

   Supported by the power of the azure orb, each cane stretches out dozens of miles away, like a sharp spear, vowing to stab Ji Tianxing into a sieve.

   However, before the gleaming vines could be killed, Yun Yao greeted him with a sword.

   "The magical ghosts, retreat quickly! Tianshui Wanjian Jue!"

   She wielded her sword, her clothes fluttered out of the sky with sword light, and nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine icy blue sword lights burst out, stabbing like a flood.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   The ice blue sword light collided with the blue light cane, and a series of loud noises burst out, shaking the earth for hundreds of miles.

   Without a doubt, all the ice blue sword light was defeated and turned into ice crystal fragments scattered in the ruins.

   The power of the azure cane was also greatly attenuated, and when it was assassinated in front of Yun Yao, it was blocked by an ice blue light curtain.

   Yunyao held the ice crystal statue solemnly, injected majestic mana into it, igniting a light curtain with a radius of hundreds of feet.

   The endless green light cane slammed into the light curtain and burst into a muffled sound.

   The light curtain trembles violently with a blast, and ripples around, but it is always unbreakable.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ji Tianxing has already used the hidden step, rushing to Mingshu's side.

   Mingshu noticed something wrong, and immediately took back tens of thousands of canes.

   Moreover, it gushes out dark blue light, condenses into a huge shield to protect itself.

   It's a pity, it's all too late.

   Ji Tianxing stared at it sharply, raised his left palm impressively, and let out a murderous shout.

   "God Killing Spear!!"

   In the heart of his left palm, the majestic golden flames gushing out, condensed into a ten-foot-long golden spear, and stabs the Ming tree fiercely.


   only heard a burst of blisters, the dark cyan shield that protected the Ming tree was instantly pierced by the golden divine spear and collapsed into fragments.

   Immediately afterwards, the invincible golden spear pierced Ming Shu's head severely and exploded with a ‘bang’.

   A cloud of bright golden mushrooms rose in the air.

   The dazzling golden light illuminates half of the valley of flowers, and the sky is also shining brightly.

   Mingshu's 100-foot-tall body was blasted into tens of thousands of debris on the spot, splashing in all directions.

   Among the countless branches and debris, a dark blue orb was mixed, and it was thrown into the sky.

   Yunyao was already ready to go, and immediately flew over, stretched out her hand to cast a glare of ice blue, and grabbed the dark blue orb in her hand.

   At the same time, a dark blue primordial spirit fled out in a panic and turned to the distant sky to escape.

   Ji Tianxing immediately caught up, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in both hands, and slashed out with all his strength.

   "A sword opens the sky!"

  Sky Burial Sword released a hundred-foot-long golden sword ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ surrounded by dazzling purple thunder, smashed into the soul of Mingshu.

The main body of   Nether Tree is a tree demon, the five elements belong to the wood, and are most afraid of the thunder and raging fire.

   Minglan is a demon flower that grows on Mingshu, and it fears the power of thunder and fire just like it.

  The two of them can successfully survive the thunder tribulation four times, all relying on the power of the dark blue orb, otherwise they would have long been turned into fly ash under the thunder tribulation.

   At this moment, Ming Shu lost the most precious dark blue orb, his body was also destroyed, and his strength was greatly reduced.

   When the Thunder Golden Sword slayed, it panicked to the extreme and fleeed desperately.

   It's a pity, no matter how fast it is, it can't be as fast as Ji Tianxing's sword.


   With a muffled sound, the soul of Mingshu was hit by a golden sword on the spot, and was wrapped in thousands of lightning arcs.

   The "crackling" thunder blast sounded, and its primordial spirit was torn apart by the lightning, and it collapsed into several fragments.

   But its vitality is extremely tenacious, its soul collapsed, and it hasn't died yet.

   A few pieces of Yuanshen fragments, unexpectedly gathered together, still wanting to regroup.

   Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing thought in his heart: "It really is the **** of longevity, it contains such a terrifying vitality!

  The Dark Tree has occupied the God Orb for countless years, and under the baptism of the power of the God Orb, it has such a tenacious life.

   I hope that Yaoyao will prolong her life and greatly enhance her life after refining this longevity pearl. "

   Thinking like this in his heart, he decisively raised his left fist and thundered out a thunderbolt, blasting the shards of the soul of the Ming tree into shards.

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