Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1716: Blood Rose

For a whole month, Ji Tianxing has been practicing in retreat. dt

   Sufficient training resources were prepared in the secret room, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was extremely strong, which made him practice twice with less effort.

   Through a month of hard cultivation, his understanding of the fourth layer of the Tao of the sword soul has become more profound and thorough.

   Although his realm of strength has not been improved, he is still the ninth level of the Primordial God Realm, and there is still a distance from the Consummation Realm.

   But he gradually realized the sword intent, his own unique sword intent!

   There is also a subtle change in his golden sword of soul.

   The surface of the brilliant golden sword is surrounded by a ray of white light that seems to be nothing.

   When he was still in the Profound Sky Continent, Funeral said to him that he wanted to become a swordsman myth like a sword god, but his strength and sword skills were not enough.

   He must comprehend his own sword intent and combine his will with the sword.

   Only in this way can we achieve the state where the sword moves with the heart, and the words speak with the law.

  Swordsmanship myth like the sword god, a sword cut is the will of heaven, just like the law of heaven and earth, it makes all people surrender, even the gods can hardly resist.

   Ji Tianxing still has a long way to go to reach that level.

   But he realized the sword intent and has already taken the first step!

   Ji Tianxing is very much looking forward to it, looking forward to the early condensing of the sword intent and perfect integration into kendo.

   By that time, his combat effectiveness will surely increase sharply, crushing any opponent in the same realm.


   After finishing the retreat, Ji Tianxing left the secret room.

   He went to Yun Yao's secret room to check Yun Yao's cultivation situation.

   However, the secret room is empty, and Yun Yao is not in the secret room.

   He quickly found Black Hawk and asked Yun Yao's whereabouts.

   Black Hawk then told him that Yun Yao had already left the customs two days ago.

   Early this morning, a guard came to report the news, telling Yunyao to go to the meeting hall, and Long Po Po has important issues to discuss.

   Upon hearing the news, Ji Tianxing hurriedly left Yunshui Palace and hurried to the conference hall.

   Discussion Hall, located in the middle of Luoshen Mountain, is a towering palace with a radius of one hundred feet.

   There is a huge square outside the palace, and there are many guards guarding it.

   Any major festivals, sacrifices and ceremonies on Luoshen Mountain on weekdays will be held in the square outside the temple.

   Ji Tianxing walked through a group of palaces, across the vast square in front of the palace, and arrived at the conference hall.

   He had just entered the magnificent hall, and heard the voices of Long Po Po and several divine envoys in the hall, discussing a major event.

   In the magnificent hall, the light is bright, and everything is spotless.

   Six strong and strong carved dragon gold pillars support the dome of the main hall.

  The dome is inlaid with tens of thousands of gems, converging into a vast star map, emitting a dazzling light.

Just north of the hall, the wall is carved with a lifelike statue of the God of Luoshui, which is as high as ten feet.

   Under the statue is a high platform, between which there is a luxurious and noble throne.

  Lung Po Po, who is full of Dharma protectors, is sitting on the throne, majestic thinking about something.

In the hall of   , there are eight strong people standing on both sides.

   All seven of them are white-haired old men, or young men and women with majesty.

   These seven people all have the strength to cross the Tribulation Realm, and they are also the powerhouses of the famous side.

   They are the seven envoys of Luoshenshan.

   There is also a young woman wearing a moon white dress with a beautiful face and a dusty appearance. It is Yun Yao.

   When Ji Tianxing entered the hall, everyone immediately stopped talking and turned their heads to look at him.

   Long Granny also raised her head to look at him, and said in a low tone: "Ji Tianxing, you have finished your retreat? It's just time for you to come, and the old man is discussing that matter with everyone..."

   Ji Tian walked to the hall and stood still, saluted Long Po Po and the seven envoys, and greeted everyone.

   Then, his gaze fell on Yun Yao, looking at her situation.

   Yunyao has obviously refined the longevity divine bead, her complexion is excellent, and her breath is also very stable and powerful.

   Moreover, her strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and she has reached the nine peaks of the Primordial Divine Realm!

   Ji Tianxing can still clearly sense that her body is full of majestic life divine power, like a moving **** and treasure!

   He secretly asked Yunyao about Yunyao's situation through secret transmission, and only after a few exchanges did he talk about business with Long Po Po.

   "Long Po Po, you have gathered everyone here today. Is that the case of Baihuagu, it is interesting?"

   Long Po Po nodded slightly and said: "Yes, the spar you gave to the old man, the old man has personally sent it to the kingdom of God, and presented it to the Lord God to see it.

   The Lord of God spent a day and a night, judging the true identity of the bleeding skeleton through the scarlet spar.

   The spar remained in the hands of Lord God Lord, and the old man returned to Luoshenshan three days ago, and only then did he call everyone to discuss the matter. "

   Hearing this news, Ji Tianxing suddenly raised his brows and asked expectantly: "Long Po Po, the **** master already knows the true identity of the blood skull?"

   "Of course!" Long Po Po nodded and said: "The Lord God Lord Bogu Tongjin, hands and eyes open to the sky, there is nothing she doesn't know in this world..."

   Ji Tianxing quickly asked, "Who is that blood skull?"

   Long Po Po looked at him with solemn eyes, and said in a low tone: "About its identity, I have to talk about it thousands of years ago.

   Under the command of Lord God Lord, there was an Iron Blood Guard named Blood Rose.

   There are only a hundred guards, all of them are elite and strong, and they are all women.

  They have no loyalty to the Lord ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They have been guarding the kingdom of God, performing various secret tasks for Lord Lord, and clearing all obstacles..."

   Long Po Po talked unhurriedly, with a deep and solemn tone.

   Ji Tianxing vaguely guessed something, but listened in silence without interjecting.

   Grandma Long sighed and continued: "The captain of the Bloody Rose is named Yu Wei, who is the most trusted and respected right-hand man of Lord God Lord.

   At the time, Yu Wei had reached the peak of the Nine Stages of Crossing Tribulation Realm, and was only one step away from becoming a martial sage.

   And her husband is the holy emperor of the Heavenly Kingdom, and the most brave and fighting emperor.

   Tianju the Great was an orphan since he was a child. He grew up in Luoshen Mountain, grew from a servant to a godly disciple, and eventually became a generation of emperor.

   After he was pious to the gods, made contributions and created the Tianju Empire, he sat in the northern border of the kingdom of God and vowed to fight the ghosts of Beiming Mountain to the death.

  Yuwei is also loyal. In order to serve the God Lord, she is willing to give up her position as the Queen of the Heavenly Jade Empire, and serve as the captain of the Bloody Rose to serve the Lord Lord.

   However, in the great battle a thousand years ago, the Great Emperor Tianhui led an army into Beiming Mountain, and was besieged by the three great demon saints and fell, leaving no bones.

   After learning the news, Yu Wei was heartbroken. In grief and anger, she led dozens of guards and rushed to Beiming Mountain to slay the ghost tribe to avenge Tianhui the Great.

   It's a pity that Beiming Mountain is too dangerous, the ghosts are powerful, and dozens of guards have all died in battle.

   Yu Wei was the only one who escaped from birth, but she was also seriously injured and dying, her strength plummeted, and she lost her hands and feet..."


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