Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1746: Cross catastrophe

Under the rising sun, Guyun Peak was covered with a layer of pale gold.

   The platform on the top of the mountain has no grass, and the ground is full of uneven rock layers.

   There are still many cracks and pits on the ground, leaving behind the black marks of thunder bombardment.

   Obviously, Luoshenshan's tribulation powerhouses often cross the tribulation on Guyun Peak.

   When Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao rushed to the bottom of Guyun Peak, Long Po Po was already there and waited for a long time.

   In addition to Long Po Po, there are several young gods, as well as a dozen deacons and many guards.

   A few days ago, the news that Yun Yao was about to cross the catastrophe was uploaded on Luoshen Mountain.

   As the first goddess of Luoshenshan, the most noble goddess, she has always attracted attention.

   Now, she is the first **** disciple to cross the calamity, and also the first time to cross the calamity.

   Of course everyone has to come to see the excitement.

   Seeing Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing are here, Long Po Po looked at them kindly, and solemnly said: "Yun Yao, this is your first time to cross the catastrophe. The matter is very important and should not be lost.

   I still have to tell you about the taboos and tricks of Heavenly Tribulation to avoid accidents.

  Heavenly Tribulation is the supreme will of heaven, with established rules, and must not be disobeyed or disobeyed.

   When Yunyao crosses the catastrophe, he can only stand alone on the Guyun Peak, and no one else can approach it, let alone help!

After    Heavenly Tribulation begins, a cloud of tribulation will form, covering the entire Guyun Peak, suppressing only Yun Yao.

   If someone enters the tribulation cloud range, the power of the tribulation will be doubled.

   If anyone helps Yun Yao resist the catastrophe, the power of the catastrophe will skyrocket several times, and everyone will be wiped out! "

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao both nodded to express their understanding.

   "Long Po Po don't worry, I will not interfere."

   "Mother-in-law, don't worry, I can deal with the catastrophe alone, and there is no problem."

   Long Po Po nodded slightly, and continued: "The tribulations have different talents, so everyone has different tribulations.

   The calamity of a mediocre person usually has only three sky thunders, and it can be successfully passed through if resisted.

   Those with outstanding aptitude will attract four to six sky thunders, and the **** thunder will be mixed with other powers.

   And the peerless genius with extraordinary talents and aptitudes will attract more than six sky thunders, and the **** thunder will also mutate, possessing strange and unpredictable power.

   Yunyao, the old man is worried that your aptitude is too outstanding, and the catastrophe that will be triggered will be extraordinary..."

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao have known about this a long time ago, and they all know it well.

   "Mother-in-law, don't worry, I know it in my heart and I am confident to deal with it." Yun Yao looked at Long Po Po firmly with a confident tone.

   Long Po Po was so relieved, and nodded and said, "It's so good. When you're ready, let's ascend to Lone Cloud Peak."

   After all, Long Po Po took many gods, deacons and guards to fly to the sky.

   Everyone was standing in the sky twenty miles away from Guyun Peak, preparing to watch Yunyao crossing the catastrophe.

   Ji Tianxing held Yunyao's hand and smiled and encouraged: "Yaoyao, I believe you will pass through smoothly, and will never disappoint me, let alone accidents, right?"

   Yunyao nodded, and said in a calm tone: "Tianxing, wait for me here, I'll be back soon."

After   , she turned around and flew up into the sky, her clothes fluttering down on Lone Cloud Peak.

   On the solitary cloud peak, the clouds are lingering and the wind blows.

   Yunyao stood on the top of the mountain, her clothes fluttering, her long hair fluttering, and her whole body exuding the spirit of the dust and vulgarity.

   She stood quietly on a grindstone, closed her eyes, and slowly released the majestic mana in her body.

   Suddenly, an invisible and vast breath rose into the sky, straight into the sky.

   At this moment, she no longer hides and suppresses the power, completely releases it, showing the strongest side.

   The majestic and violent power immediately enveloped the entire Lonely Cloud Peak.

   The sea of ​​clouds and dense fog around were immediately dispersed, and the gust of wind suddenly stopped.

   Then, thick gray clouds appeared in the high sky, coming from all directions, gathering in the sky above Guyun Peak.

   After a short period of a few hundred breaths, a cloud of fifty li in a radius formed in the sky above Guyun Peak, which was like a huge vortex, spinning rapidly.

   The golden sunrise was blocked, and the light between heaven and earth became dim.

   The raging wind blew down from the sky above Guyun Peak and spread in all directions.

   A sacred and vast invisible force suppressed from above the sky, covering the entire Lonely Cloud Peak.

   That is the invisible will of heaven!

   Ji Tianxing and all the gods and guards suddenly felt heavy and depressed.

   Even Long Po Po and all the deacons, under the sacred and invisible will of heaven, are full of awe and solemn expressions.

   And Yun Yao on the Guyun Peak, at the center of the storm, is under the strongest amount of pressure.

   Her complexion became dignified, and her body stood proudly on the top of the mountain, without a trace of fear.

   It didn't take long for the gray clouds in the sky to condense to a radius of about twenty miles, becoming pitch black as ink.

   The speed of the cloud group's rotation speeded up, and in the huge vortex, flickering arcs and dazzling thunder light began to appear.

   Long Po Po looked heavy and murmured: "The robbery cloud has formed, and the first heavenly thunder is coming soon!"

as predicted.

   After just ten breaths, thousands of electric arcs in the vortex of the robbery cloud formed a sacred thunder and blasted it down.


With a sound of earth-shaking roar, a purple thunder that was thirty feet long and as thick as a water tank fell from the sky to Yunyao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing, Long Granny and all the gods The disciples, the heart raised his throat, showing a deep worry.

   Yunyao on the lone cloud peak is not afraid.

   She raised her head to look at the thunder that was smashing down, and when the brilliance flashed in her right hand, a crystal clear ice blue sword appeared.

   is the sword against the water!

   She pinched the sword art in her left hand, holding the divine sword in her right hand, and pierced the thunder in the sky with all her strength.


   A hundred-foot-long ice-blue sword light appeared out of thin air, carrying an indomitable momentum, and violently collided with that sky thunder.


   The two collided, and there was a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, spreading across the top of Luoshen Mountain, alarming hundreds of miles.

   The sky thunder was actually stabbed by sword light and collapsed, bursting into hundreds of purple arcs on the spot, scattered on the Guyun Peak.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   The bare Lonely Cloud Peak suddenly shook with a blast. Many cracks broke open on the ground, splashing gravel into the sky.

   Yunyao was standing on the millpan boulder, all around ten feet safe, there was no light of thunder.

   After a while, the sky, gravel and thunder light disappeared.

   The mountain top returned to calm, she was unharmed, looking up at the sky indifferently, waiting for the arrival of the second sky thunder.

   In the sky twenty miles away, the many gods, deacons, and guards were all dumbfounded.

   Everyone showed horrified expressions, and couldn't believe their eyes.

   The sacred and violent Sky Thunder was defeated by Yun Yao's sword?

   This is too tough, right?

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