Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1751: The danger of Tianzhu Mountain

The goddess phantom behind Yun Yao slowly retracted into her body.


   After the cloud vortex of the high sky dissipated, it turned into an overwhelming colorful streamer, pouring down like a tide.

   Yunyao sat on the ground, her face calm and serene, swallowing the colorful brilliance.

   That is a powerful and sacred light. After successfully surviving the catastrophe, one will surely receive rewards and feedback.

   Yunyao was bathed in colorful light, the bloodstains all over her body quickly disappeared, and her injuries quickly healed.

   Her strength is also skyrocketing, and it is logical to break through the Primordial God Realm and reach the first stage of Crossing Tribulation Realm.

   A full half an hour later, the colorful light disappeared, and she was completely refined.

   The sky is calm and clear, and the blue sky reappears with the golden sunrise.

   Yunyao finished her cultivation, slowly stood up and stood on the top of Guyun Peak.

   At that moment, she was dressed in white as snow, with long hair fluttering, and her body was dyed with a layer of gold by the rising sun, as holy and majestic as a goddess.

   A majestic breath radiated from her body, lingering in the world.

  The gods and guards standing in the sky felt the invisible pressure, and couldn't help feeling awe in their hearts.

   There is no doubt that Yunyao has reached the tribulation stage and is qualified to be called Wujun!

   Grandma Long showed a gratified smile, and said excitedly: "Great! Yunyao finally succeeded in crossing the catastrophe, breaking through the realm of crossing the catastrophe!

   Moreover, she is the only peerless genius who has survived eight thunder tribulations in the past thousand years!

   Now she has reached the first level of crossing the tribulation realm, and her strength and background are comparable to those of the third or fourth level, and her future achievements are unlimited! "

   Several deacons also nodded in agreement, showing relief expressions.

   Many gods and guards are full of envy and amazement, and they admire Yun Yao very much.

   Ji Tianxing stood in the sky, watching Yun Yao with a smile, his eyes filled with relief.

   At this time, Yun Yao stepped onto the sky, left Guyun Peak, and flew towards everyone.

   She flew straight to Ji Tianxing and stood before him.

   Ji Tianxing smiled and asked, "Yaoyao, how are you feeling now? Has the injury healed?"

   Yunyao nodded slightly and said: "There is no problem. After the triumph is successful, the divine light from heaven will heal most injuries."

   Long Po Po and several deacons flew over and asked her with concern.

   Several disciples also gathered around and congratulated her.

   Yunyao exchanged a few words with everyone before leaving with Ji Tianxing and returning to Yunshui Palace.

   Long Po Po did not linger, and hurried back to her residence to report the news to Luoshui Martial God.

   There are only a large number of deacons, guards and disciples who still refuse to leave, staying around Guyun Mountain, talking excitedly.


   Yunshui Palace, in an elegant and warm room.

   Yunyao and Ji Tianxing were sitting at the table, talking in a low voice.

   "Yaoyao, the eighth thunder tribulation you just experienced, is it the legendary heart demon tribulation?"

   Ji Tianxing showed concern and fixed his eyes on Yun Yao.

   Yunyao nodded, and said: "Yes, it's the Tribulation of Heart Demon."

   Ji Tianxing thought for a while, and asked, "Then what was the heart demon tribulation you encountered? How did you resolve it?"

   "My heart devil..." Yun Yao frowned slightly, and after thinking about it for a moment, she shook her head slightly: "The process is very complicated and chaotic, and I can't explain it clearly in a few words.

   However, the two most critical points in the Heart Demon Tribulation are the Demon Race and the Yaoguang Goddess! "

   "Huh?" Ji Tianxing frowned in confusion, and asked inexplicably, "What do you mean?"

   Yunyao explained: "I have inherited the goddess of Yaoguang, no matter whether it is Yaoguang or I, I have blood and blood feuds with the demons.

   In the illusion of Heart Demon Tribulation, I saw countless pictures about the Demon Race, and I fought with the Demon Race powerhouse in countless times.

   I also awakened some memories of the Goddess Yaoguang, and saw the scenes of ancient **** wars.

  Even, I still see the future, we join forces to deal with the ancestor Demon..."

   "So that's the case!" Ji Tianxing showed a dazed expression, nodded, and asked, "The result?"

   Yunyao's complexion darkened, her eyes were a little bleak and said, "Nine dead for a lifetime."

   Ji Tianxing was silent for a moment, and the look in his eyes full of expectation became much bleak.

   A moment later, he shook his head and said, "Don't worry, it's just the future picture you predicted during the Tribulation of the Heart Demon. Maybe it's also the test of God.

   The real future is full of unknowns, it is unpredictable, and no one can tell the result.

   I believe that as long as we work hard enough, grow fast enough, and strong enough, we will have a chance to kill the ancestor Demon God in the future. "

   Yunyao nodded and said: "Well, I understand."

   Ji Tianxing continued: "Okay, Yaoyao, let's take a rest for two days.

  Wait until your situation stabilizes, let's set off again to Flame Mountain. "

   Yunyao responded, got up and walked into the secret room, and went to adjust her breath.

   She has just reached the tribulation stage, and she still needs to practice for two days to consolidate the martial art realm.

   Ji Tianxing was not idle either, ready to go to Flame Mountain, and then went to meditate and adjust his breath.


   Two days later, in the early morning, Ji Tianxing was meditating and adjusting his breath.

   Suddenly, a guard came to report the news, saying that a pair of young men and women wanted to see him.

   The two claiming to be Ji Tianxing’s servants, named Zhibai and Shouhei.

   Hearing this news, Ji Tianxing quickly let the guards go.

   Not long after, Zhibai and Shouhei entered the Yunshui Palace and came to the room to meet them.

   "Zhibai sees the master!"

   "Shouhei pays respect to the master!"

   Zhibai and Shouhei stand side by side in the room ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ bowing respectfully to Ji Tianxing.

   "Exemption." Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and looked at them a few times, and found that they were in the dust, with a touch of worry and fatigue hidden in their eyebrows.

   Besides, the breath of the two of them is a bit disturbed, and they are still full of blood. They are obviously injured.

   Ji Tianxing sensed that the situation seemed to be bad, so he asked, "Zhibai and Shouhei, how come you are back to Tianzhu Mountain this time, why it took more than two months to come back?

   Look at your complexion, it seems that you have suffered serious injuries? What happened? "

   Zhibai bowed his hand and was about to explain.

   Shouhei took a step forward and said in front of him: "Master, we did encounter some trouble when we returned to Tianzhu Mountain this time, but we all resolved it easily.

   We were late and worried the owner, please punish the owner! "

   Ji Tianxing understands their temperament and knows that Shouhei is a woman, and his mind is more careful.

   But Zhibai has always been cold, and his mind is simple.

   He guessed that Shouhei had something to hide, and he asked in a majestic tone: "Shouhei, you don't have to hide it from me, I have already discovered that you have not only blood, but also demons.

   Tell me the truth, have you ever fought against the demons? "

   "This..." Ji Tianxing saw through his mind, Shou Hei was a little embarrassed, and he didn't know how to answer.

   Ji Tianxing did not question her, his eyes fell on Zhibai.

   "Zhibai, come on!"

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