Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1776: Awakening

The ancestor Demon God looked down at Ji Tianxing, his expression and tone were very contemptuous.

   Ji Tianxing's heart ignited raging anger, surging with violent killing intent.

   But his strength is weak, and one arm has been cut off, and he has reached the end of the crossbow.

   He raised his head and glared at the ancestor Demon God, and at the same time he burst out murderously, he still had some doubts in his heart.

   "It actually called me the sword god? How could this be?

   It is an ancient demon **** from 30,000 years ago, and the sword **** is a powerful man from thousands of years ago. There is no intersection at all! "

   Just as he was secretly puzzled, the ancestor Demon God slowly raised his left palm, released a few dark and cold light blades, assassinated from the sky.


   Ji Tianxing wanted to avoid, but couldn't avoid it. He was stabbed by several light blades on the spot, and fell to the ground with blood.

   Several blood holes appeared on his chest, back and legs, and the bones inside were clearly visible.

   Heart-piercing pain spread all over his body, causing him to twitch and curl up.

   "Jie Jie Jie..." The ancestor Demon God sneered more and more gloomily, and said in a disdainful tone: "It is really fragile waste, it is really disappointing!

   My God is very puzzled. With your patience, how can you protect this continent and hundreds of millions of people? "

   While talking, the ancestor Demon God moved his fingers again, shed blood all over the world.

   The dark red blood condensed into a light blade, pouring down like a rain of arrows, enveloped Ji Tianxing.


   The blood flickered, and the sky fell apart.

   Ji Tianxing was also pierced into a sieve by a sharp blade of blood, and his body was covered with hideous wounds and blood holes, and blood poured out like spring water.

  Even, his body was chopped in two, mixed with blood-colored mud, and it looked particularly miserable.

   was so severely wounded that Ji Tianxing didn't want to live in pain, and his soul was also painfully twisted, his consciousness blurred.

   Once his consciousness passes out, he will fall into deep sleep and may never be able to wake up.

   He tried his best to support, and groaned silently in his heart: "No! I can't die, I can't fall down anyway! Even if I die, I have to pull on the back of the ancestor Demon God!"

   With extremely tenacious beliefs, he actually managed to survive without fainting on the spot.

   The two halves of his body squirmed gently, slowly converging towards each other, and wanted to reshape his body.

   The ancestor Demon God couldn't help grinning when he saw his life so tenacious.

   "Hahaha... An ant is an ant, no matter how humiliated and painful it is, it will survive.

   However, this **** will never give you a chance, accept destruction in despair! "

   The ancestor Demon God sneered, raised his left foot as big as a mountain, and stepped it down hard.

  The pitch-black giant feet descended from the sky, as if a mountain was suppressed, and Ji Tianxing was about to step on him immediately.

   When life and death are at stake, Ji Tianxing tried his best to look up at the sky, and shouted unyieldingly: "No! This is definitely not true! I will never lose to you!"

   Although the illusion is extremely real, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

   But he suddenly woke up, this is definitely not true!

   The ancestor Demon God has been restored to a god, but he is still capable of crossing the tribulation realm, this is simply impossible!

   The strength gap between the two is definitely not so big.

   "It just called me the Sword God...Yes, I am not Ji Tianxing, I am the Sword God, the **** king who has come to the nine heavens and dominates the gods!!"

   Ji Tianxing roared wildly, every drop of blood, every pore and hair in the body burned.

   Both bodies lit up with golden flames and quickly melted into a ball.

   In the next instant, the golden sacred flames condensed and formed, turning into a man in white robe of eight feet tall and sacred and majestic.

   The huge soles of the ancestor Demon God also slammed on him, and there was a loud noise.


   With a loud and deafening noise, Ji Tianxing's figure was drowned.

   The earth with a radius of a hundred miles was shattered by the huge soles of feet, and a huge abyss appeared.

   However, after the ancestor Demon God moved away the soles of his feet, he looked at the ground with a stunned face.

   A young man in a white robe is holding a dark sword, standing majestic above the abyss.

   This man has a stalwart body, a handsome face and a strong face, and his eyes are as bright as stars.

   His long hair is **** by a cyan hair rope, a silver belt is tied around his waist, and a pair of simple black cloth shoes are on his feet.

   At first glance, he is very simple.

   But his whole body exudes sacred, noble, innocuous majesty, and invisible divine power surrounds him!

  He is the Sword God!

   The ancestor Demon God looked at the Sword God, then looked down at the instep, and saw a huge blood hole in the sole of the foot.

   The dark magic blood rushes out like spring water and falls into the abyss.

   The ancestor Demon God became angry immediately, raised his fists and punched out a monstrous black light, and blasted towards the Sword God.

   "You reptile, go to death!"

   Sword God looked at the ancestor Demon God with an indifferent expression, with his left hand behind him, holding the Heaven Burial Sword in his right hand, and swinging out three large swords.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   The three dazzling golden swords slammed into the ancestor Demon God.

   It was smashed and flew back, his left ankle was cut off, and a huge blood groove appeared between his right leg, chest and abdomen.

After    flew a hundred miles away, it smashed into the wasteland with a ‘boom’, smashing the ground to pieces.

   Before it gets up, the sword **** has teleported for hundreds of miles, and he is chasing and killing him with his sword~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The evil spirit is outside, everyone has it! "

   Sword God gave a cold sigh without expression, and swung his sword to kill the ancestor Demon God.

   "White Tiger Sacred Sword!"

   The giant sword cut through the sky, carrying a white tiger light and shadow that looked like a real thing, and instantly drowned the ancestor Demon God.


   The ancestor Demon God was once again cut off his right foot, and numerous wounds broke out all over his body, bursting out dark purple blood.

   The sudden turn of the battle and the tingling pain in the heart made the ancestor Demon God furious, and roared hoarsely.

   "Ahhh! You despicable reptile, ant-like thing, how dare you bully the **** like this? The **** fights with you!"

While    roared, the ancestor Demon God opened his teeth and danced his claws to counterattack, shooting out the blood and black mist, covering thousands of miles.

   Sword God is happy and fearless, stepping on the sky and stars, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in his hand, using a superb sword technique.

   Despite the presence of thousands of blood and demon energy, it is also blocked by the sword light, making it difficult to get close.

   The two were fighting each other for a quarter of an hour over the wasteland, before the battle came to an end.

   Within a thousand miles, the sky was beaten to pieces, and dense voids appeared.

  The wasteland has become a ruin, with gullies and potholes everywhere.

   The sword **** is still in white robe like snow, and there is no injury on his body.

   And the ancestor Demon God was cut off with five arms and wings, and his legs and feet were bombarded into debris.

   suffered such a serious injury, its physical body was on the verge of collapse, and it had to turn into endless black energy, dived into the vast earth, and escaped by secret method.

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