Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1782: Is there any reason?

Unconsciously, another half hour passed.

   Night Crow flew desperately for more than ten thousand miles, and finally saw the dawn of hope.

   There are rolling mountains at his feet, and an endless sea of ​​fire around him.

   But in the far ahead, in the sky that was red by the fire, there were magical brilliance flashing across the sky like thunder.

   There is also a flaming red figure that is hundreds of miles long and towering like a mountain, circling and flying in the sky, constantly smashing the light and shadow of the sky.

   That flaming red figure is very mighty and mighty, it is the legendary glazed fire dragon.

   Obviously, that glass fire dragon is fighting with many strong men.

   The fighting between the two sides was earth-shattering, and the fight can be seen tens of thousands of miles away.

   Accompanied by countless brilliant brilliance lights up, there are also high-pitched and angry dragons, constantly coming from the sky.

   Seeing such a scene, Ye Crow's spirit was shaken, and his eyes showed deep anticipation.

   "It's great! The master and my brothers, must be waiting for me there, and I can meet them in half an hour at most..."

   Ye Crow muttered to himself in high spirits, and his exhaustion disappeared a lot, becoming more energetic.

   But at this moment, he suddenly noticed that an extremely dangerous breath came from behind him.

   He noticed something wrong, turned his head and looked back, and was immediately dumbfounded.

   I don't know when, Ji Tianxing and Nishui Excalibur unexpectedly flew thousands of feet behind him and brazenly launched an attack.

   A hundred-foot-long blazing white sword light and that huge ice blue divine sword were slashing down like an aurora.


   The sword light and the divine sword flicked left and right, locking the night crow's spirit aura, leaving him nowhere to escape.

   His eyes were violent, showing shock, anger and disbelief.

   "No! How is this possible? How could they suddenly catch up?"

   Ye Crow was chased and killed for more than two hours, and the opponent has been unable to catch up with him, making him mistakenly believe that the opponent has only this strength and means.

   But now, the sudden attack has shattered his vision and plan, making him panic.

   "Kong Ming Escape!"

   At the critical juncture, the Night Crow exploded with all its strength without hesitation, and resorted to the secret method of escape.

   He flapped his pitch-black wings, broke through the sky with great magical powers, and instantly moved twenty miles away.


   Guanghua flashed, and he appeared in the sky twenty miles away.

   The glow of the blazing sword fell to the sky, and it slammed into a mountain peak with a loud bang.

  The pale golden mountain peak was cut out by the sword light, and a huge gully was cut out, splashing out the sky with gravel.

   But the hundred-foot-long backwater divine sword, as if it had eyes, also teleported twenty miles through the air and caught up with the night crow.


   In the muffled sound, the Divine Sword against the Water hit the Night Crow fiercely, smashing him down from the sky and smashing it into the mountains below.

   The black light shield he used to protect himself was shattered by the sword.

   was also cut into a gap on the back of the divine sword, two feet long, bones were visible, and blood surged.

   Unimaginable great power made him smash against a thousand-zhang mountain peak.

  The pale golden rocky ground was smashed into a big hole by him. There were dense cracks around it, and countless earth and rocks spattered.

   The whole mountain shook, as if overwhelmed and about to collapse.

   However, the pain in his body was nothing compared to the horror in his heart.


   He got up, got out of the pit, and flew back into the sky.

   Before he could escape, Ji Tianxing had already caught up and stopped in front of him.

   The God Sword Against the Water was also floating behind him, blocking his retreat.

   He was surrounded, and he had nowhere to go.

   But he is a famous Wujun, even if he is in danger, he will not be in danger, and he can remain calm.

   He showed his body and returned to the appearance of a black-robed man. He stared at Ji Tianxing coldly, and asked in a deep voice, "Boy, you hidden your strength before? Deliberately chasing the monarch here?"

   Until now, if he still doesn't understand what's going on, he will be the second master of the Black Feather Society.

   Ji Tianxing looked at him blankly, and said indifferently: "Yes, you are not too stupid!"

   Ye Crow sneered with a ferocious face, and cursed bitterly: "Little beast, you dare to use this monarch to find the traces of the glazed fire dragon. You are so bold and unsure!"

   Ji Tianxing still said indifferently: "I have done this and succeeded, you have lost the value of use, you can go to death."

   "Hehe..." Ye Crow sneered again: "Your kid is despicable, but you have forgotten that this monarch has already survived seven times of heaven. Is it so easy to deal with?

   Besides, I am the second master of the Kurobakai!

   If you want to kill this monarch, you'd better consider whether you are qualified to bear the revenge of the Black Feather Society! "

   Ji Tianxing still looked indifferent, and said indifferently, "How about after seven times of catastrophe? To me, Wu Sheng is invincible, and killing you is easy!

   As for the Black Feather Club, an uninfluenced gang that I have never heard of, what can I do? "

   Relaxed, indifferent tone, determined and calm manner, all show absolute self-confidence and domineering.

   Ye Crow was also shocked by Ji Tianxing's domineering, and suddenly showed a look of stunned, a little stunned.

   But he could see that Ji Tianxing didn't make a lie, it was definitely not a bluff.

   His intimidation failed, and he turned into anger from a bit of anger, and his face became squalid.

   He pointed to the sky ahead~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and shouted in a deep voice: "Boy, our leader of the Black Feather Club is in front, a short mile away!

   If you are acquainted, retreat now, and nothing has happened to me.

   Otherwise, before you defeat this monarch, the master will arrive and smash you into pieces! "

   Night Crow's own strength and identity can no longer control Ji Tianxing.

   He can only move out of the big boss as a backer, hoping that Ji Tianxing will hesitate.

   Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, and asked in a deep voice, "The leader of the Black Feather Society? Has his strength reached the Martial Saint Realm?"

   "Uh...that's not the case." Ye Ya was taken aback for a moment, and chose to tell the truth.

   After all, even if he made up his mind, he couldn't hide it from Ji Tianxing.

   Of course, he added with confidence, "The strength of the master is far more than me, and he has already survived the eighth heaven..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Ji Tianxing interrupted him, and said blankly: "Since you haven't reached the Martial Saint Realm, let him come to save you. Just kill them together."

   Ji Tianxing said very lightly, just as he was talking about eating and drinking water, carelessly.

   Ye Crow was dumbfounded on the spot, his eyes glared at Ji Tianxing.

   A strong sense of anger and humiliation made him almost run away.

   But he couldn't refute it, and his entire face became purple and blue.

   He really couldn't understand that Ji Tianxing had just passed the first tribulation before he reached the first stage of crossing the tribulation realm. How could he have such a strong confidence?

   only has the strength to cross the Tribulation Realm, so he doesn't even look at the Eight Tribulations Martial Lord?

   Is there any reason?

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