Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1789: Waiting for you for a long time

Under the persuasion of Lord Yi Jian Wu and Shen Yu, the old man in Jin Pao considered for a long time and finally made up his mind.

   "Perhaps, the glazed fire dragon in the abyss is the best hope for this faction to reverse its destiny...

   In that case, let's take a risk and try our best! "

   Then, the old man in the golden robe also led everyone into the abyss.

   After this group of strong men entered the abyss, there was only a group of people left outside the abyss.

   These powerhouses discussed for a long time, and in the end, greed defeated reason, and followed them into the abyss.

   At this point, a total of five groups of strong people have entered the abyss, all wanting to win the glass fire dragon.


   After passing through the natural array mask, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao flew down for hundreds of miles before reaching the bottom of the abyss.

   is a dark golden desert at the foot, the terrain is undulating, and the ground is covered with endless yellow sand.

   Of course, the sky was filled with manic red fire.

   The rocks and golden sands on the ground were also reddened by the red fire, and the temperature was extremely high.

   is filled with flames in all directions, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao are like fish swimming in the sea of ​​fire.

   The two can neither hear the sound nor movement, nor can they see the surroundings, so they can only fumble forward slowly.

   "I thought there was a magma lake at the bottom of the abyss, but I didn't expect it to be a desert."

   Yunyao probed the surrounding situation while transmitting to Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing also held the Sky Burial Sword, guarding the surroundings at any time, and the voice transmission replied: "The glazed sky fire in this abyss is more powerful than the outside, and the temperature is twice as high.

   If I am not wrong, this abyss is the core of the Flame Mountain, possibly hiding the source of the glazed sky fire. "

   Yunyao nodded in agreement: "Well, if it weren't the case, the colored glaze fire dragon would not use this as a nest.

   By the way, why didn't the two groups of people who came first move? The glazed fire dragon doesn't seem to appear either? "

   Ji Tianxing frowned for a moment, and explained: "Maybe both sides are very cautious, right?

   I guess, this area is very vast, there are too many places to hide, the glazed fire dragon will not show up easily. "

   It turns out that his guess is correct.

   He and Yun Yao went forward hundreds of miles in the desert without reaching the end.

  The area of ​​the Golden Sands desert is wider than they expected.

   Not only that, but the whole process was very peaceful. They neither found the other two groups nor the Liuli Fire Dragon.

   After half an hour, the two advanced eight thousand miles and finally reached the end of the desert.

   In front of me is a rocky cave, very tall and wide.

  Uncountable large and small caves are intertwined and connected together, like a huge maze.

   Ji Tianxing stopped outside a cave at a height of thousands of feet and observed for a while.

   Suddenly, he discovered something and quickly took Yun Yao into the cave.

   In the wide cave, there were a few rubble piles in the corner, and there were traces of sword qi torn on the ground, and a few pieces of armor fragments.

   "It seems that the previous two groups of strong men have already arrived here and have fought the Liuli Fire Dragon."

   While talking, Ji Tianxing picked up the armor fragments on the ground, and after a few glances, he came to a conclusion.

  "It should be the adventurer. Among the nine strong men, some people are wearing this kind of armor.

   However, when did they fight the Liuli Fire Dragon? Why didn't there be any noise? "

   When his voice fell, a sneer suddenly sounded deep in the cave.

   "Hehehe... you kid really observed carefully, it's not in vain that you are waiting for you."

   This is the voice of a middle-aged man, his tone is cold, with a hint of hatred and murder.

   Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao's complexion changed, and they released their spiritual consciousness to explore the depths of the cave.

   I saw a man wearing a black armor coming out from behind a rugged stone block.

   This person is one foot tall, as strong as an iron tower, and has dark skin all over, with a few scars on his icy face, and a huge spider pattern.

   With his hands behind him, he is confident and domineering, and his whole body exudes a cold murderous aura.

   Ji Tianxing recognized immediately, this person is the leader of the eight strong men, possessing the eightfold strength of crossing the tribulation realm.

   He looked at the black armored man’s attire and dress, vaguely guessed something, frowned and asked: "You deliberately left a trace here and laid an ambush, just wanting to lead us here?

   If I'm not wrong, you should be the leader of the Kuroba Club? "

   "Yes! This monarch is the president, Kuroba!" The black armor man's face was even more sneer, and his tone was jokingly said: "You are very smart, but it's a pity that you will die if you meet this monarch!"

   While talking, he stepped across the sea of ​​fire and came to stand still a thousand feet away from Ji Tianxing.

   He waved his hand, and several figures immediately appeared around the cave, blocking the entrance and several passages.

   There are eight robbers who cross the robbery, and they are all bandits of the Black Feather Society.

   They formed an encirclement, besieging Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao, staring at them with a sneer, bursting into murder.

   Ji Tianxing was not surprised, and his expression was still indifferent.

   He looked at Kuroba and asked: "It seems that you have planned a long time ago. Before entering the abyss, you have been eyeing us?"

   "Of course!" Hei Yu didn't conceal it, and answered truthfully: "Ye Crow sent a message to my lord before he died, but it is a pity that I can't save him.

   I planned to kill you to avenge the night crow after solving the Liuli Fire Dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Unexpectedly, you two are really bold and dare to come to the Abyss of Skyfire to die!

   If I didn’t break the two of you into pieces, wouldn’t you betray your kindness? "

   After that, Kuroba laughed wildly, and the other eight gangsters also sneered unscrupulously.

   Everyone was very proud, and they believed that Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao would not be able to fly, and they were bound to die.

   Yunyao's face was cold, and she quietly grasped the hilt of the Divine Backward Sword, ready to make a move at any time.

   Ji Tianxing was still calm, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Actually, after I killed the Night Crow, I expected this situation.

   I guessed it a long time ago, after coming to the abyss, I will definitely meet you.

   But I still came, guess why? "

   Kuroba was taken aback for a moment, and frowned with a gloomy expression: "Why?"

   "Because..." The sneer on Ji Tianxing's face was even worse, and he said slowly: "You clowns, you can't get into my eyes."

   After a word, everyone was shocked.

   There was silence in the cave, and the eight gangsters were stunned.

   Even Black Feather was stunned, staring at Ji Tianxing in surprise.

   After a while, he came back to his senses and said with a big smile: "Hahaha... I have really learned a lot today, for the first time in my life I saw someone as arrogant as you!

   You are already dead, and you dare to speak up and say such ignorant and ridiculous things. I really admire your courage! "

   Ji Tianxing said calmly, "Do you think it's funny? I hope you can laugh later!"

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