Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1907: The Fall of Wu Sheng

With roars of roars, a melee kicked off.

Taoist Huanglong and Tang Zhanlong rushed out first, leading more than twenty strong men to fight each other.

Sect Master Ziji, Sect Master Feihe, and a dozen powerhouses were immediately stopped, unable to approach Ji Tianxing at all.

The dozen or so strong men who had knelt down before begging for mercy all retreated to the edge of the dojo, watching the battle while healing their injuries.

They also wanted to see if the white-robed youth was a sword god?

If Ni Wuya loses, they will have surrendered to Tianzhu Mountain and are safe.

If the Tianzhu Mountain side loses, they will turn to the battle again, and they can still belong to Ni Wuya's command.

In short, this is a bunch of clutter.

Just as many powerful men were fighting fiercely, Ji Tianxing jumped out of the crowd and flew to the sky.

He stood on the Qianzhang sword monument and slowly extended his right hand.

The huge sword monument lit up with colorful auras, and a four-foot-long pitch-black sword flew out and fell into his palm.

With the Holy Sword in his hand, he was full of murderous intent, exuding the domineering power of the world.

At this moment, Ni Wuya waved his jade flute and chased him.

"Boy, die you!"

Ni Wuya shot a huge mountain-like palm with his left hand, holding the jade flute in his right hand, stabbing nine sword lights in a row, and assassinated him extremely fiercely.

"You have committed sins, you can't live!" Ji Tianxing snorted coldly, pinching the law jue with his left hand, inducing the divine power of heaven and earth to irrigate his body, and holding the burial sword in his right hand to stab Ni Wuya.

"Broken Sun Sword!"

The Heaven Burying Sword pierced nine dazzling sword lights, carrying golden light, purple thunder and stars, and killing towards Ni Wuya.

"Boom bang bang!"

In the deafening loud noise, the palm shadow and sword light played by Ni Wuya were all defeated.

Many sword lights collapsed and exploded, bursting out of the sky of thunder and stars and divine fire, like a pouring rain.

The two fought against each other, and they were evenly matched, and they were not able to take advantage.

This made Ni Wuya more certain of his speculation that Ji Tianxing was definitely not a sword god.

If the true sword **** could crush him to death with just one finger, how could he be tied?

Ji Tianxing was not impatient either, his left hand was still casting spells, desperately absorbing the power of heaven and earth.

As the endless divine power of heaven and earth poured into his body, his strength soared wildly, and his body swelled and grew violently.

After just a few breaths, he became a giant ten feet tall, with a dazzling golden light all over his body.

The power in his body has reached the Martial Saint Realm, and when he rushes, he makes a thunderous sound, which is very shocking.

Fortunately, his physical body was tempered to the extreme and merged with the world of thousands of miles to withstand such terrifying power.

If you change to an ordinary tribulation powerhouse, even the ninefold tribulation will be blown up on the spot.

"One sword opens the sky!"

Ji Tianxing held the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands, cut out a hundred-foot-long sword light, and slashed towards Ni Wuya.

Ni Wuya was not to be outdone, and waved his jade flute to create hundreds of arcs, forming a huge seal.

"The Eight Methods of Sealing the Sky!"

The big golden light seal of the mountain bag forms a disc with a radius of hundreds of meters, which wraps Ni Wuya like a shield.


The Great Open Sky Sword slammed into the Baizhang disc, bursting with a thunderous noise, shaking the sky.

The golden disc exploded on the spot, turning into billions of fragments and splashing out.

Ni Wuya was also chopped and flew out, violently spraying blood from his mouth and nose.

As a result, he looked shocked, and his eyes filled with anger.

"Damn it! This is the Tianzhu Mountain Dojo, protected by a large formation of heaven.

I was fighting with him here, my own strength was suppressed by the big formation, and I couldn't play 60% of my strength.

His strength is skyrocketing, and it is always increasing!

No way! I must flee from the big sky to kill him! "

Ni Wuya knew in his heart that the source of Ji Tianxing's strength was the big sky array.

As long as he escapes from the sky, Ji Tianxing will let him kill.

After making up his mind, he turned and ran away without hesitation and flew to the colorful mask in the sky.


"Stars cut!"

While escaping, Ni Wuya waved the jade flute to show the stars, and wanted to break through the colorful mask and escape.

Ji Tianxing chased him, and shouted coldly, "Do you really think that you can break through my big sky formation?"


He shouted angrily, holding the Heaven Burying Sword in both hands, instantly releasing all his mana, and stab Ni Wuya fiercely.

At that moment, his ten-foot-tall body merged with the ten-foot-long Heaven Burial Sword into a golden light giant sword.

The human sword was one, piercing the sky like a meteor, and instantly stabbed Ni Wuya.


A loud noise that shook the sky burst out, spreading for hundreds of miles, shaking the entire Tianzhu Mountain.

The golden light spread out and turned into a stream of flames that covered the sky and covered the sun, falling on the vast dojo.

Ni Wuya was pierced by the giant sword, blood spattered from his chest, and let out a miserable cry.


His chest cracked, revealing a blood hole as big as a washbasin, and his internal organs were broken.

Both arms and legs were broken, and the whole body was covered with cracks, like a broken porcelain bowl.

He has never been hit so hard in his life.

The body was destroyed, and even the soul was shaken out of several cracks, and his consciousness became blurred and confused.

At this moment, Ni Wuya's heart was full of regret.

He doesn't regret the attack on Tianzhu Mountain this time, but only hates that he shouldn't rush into Tianzhu Mountain.

Knowing that Ji Tianxing was so tough, he would definitely plan more comprehensively, looking for opportunities to kill Ji Tianxing outside Tianzhu Mountain.

But now, it's too late to say anything.

Just as he fell feebly from the sky, Ji Tianxing waved his left palm again and resorted to a secret technique.

"Smashing Star Fist!"

The endless stars and divine fire, gathered into a huge fist, like a meteor, smashed towards Ni Wuya.

This is the real broken star fist!

Ni Wuya looked at the sky with misty eyes, watched the stars fist attack, but was unable to avoid it.


Another loud noise burst out, resounding all over the world.

Ni Wuya's body was instantly shattered and turned into thousands of pieces of flesh and blood, scattered in the sky.

The turbulent stars and sacred fire ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ flooded the pieces of flesh and blood, causing it to burn, turning into dots of silver sparks.

His spirit also shattered into more than a dozen fragments, gradually dissipated by the stars and divine fire.

At this moment, the dojo with a radius of a hundred li was shrouded in the sky of stars, becoming radiant, particularly gorgeous and shocking.

When the endless starlight falls on the ground, everything dissipates.

The dignified martial sage powerhouse, the supreme master of the Wuya Sect, Ni Wuya, disappeared and completely fell!

Seeing this scene, the battle on the dojo also came to an abrupt end.

Everyone looked up at the sky, their eyes widened in shock, showing complex expressions.

The people of Tianzhu Mountain and the Three Sects and Six Sects all gave birth to a deep sense of awe, and a hint of pride and pride.

The four sects and eight factions were completely shocked, and there was no more fighting spirit and fighting spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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