Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1914: Long dead without regrets little white dragon

Ji Tianxing also knew that if he wanted to destroy the demons, he must first eradicate the ancestor Demon God.

But he can only think about it, it is impossible to do it.

"Don't say it's me, even if a few martial sages join forces, they may not be able to kill Beiming Mountain, let alone kill the ancestor Demon God?"

Ji Ke also showed a look of helplessness, and sighed with a wry smile: "Perhaps only the three major warlords can join forces to enter Beiming Mountain and kill the ancestor Demon God, right?

It's a pity that this can only be an illusion..."

Ji Tianxing also understands this.

Luoshui Martial God and Taihao Martial God are both in retreat, and what they are closed is a deadlock, perhaps they will not appear for hundreds of years.

After all, he did the same after reaching the Martial God Realm that year.

For the Valkyrie powerhouse, what glory and wealth, power and wealth are not important.

Seven emotions and six desires can be thrown away, and everything in the world is just a passing moment.

The most important thing is to explore the peak of martial arts and the possibility of ascending to the upper realm.

After another moment of silence, Ji Ke continued: "Brother Tianxing, since Beimingshan learned that you have returned to Tianzhu Mountain and conquered nine sects and eighteen factions, he has accelerated his actions.

The Great Demon Sage first sent twenty teams to investigate the news around Tianzhu Mountain.

Within half a month at most, a large number of powerful people will be killed. They will assassinate the people of Tianzhu Mountain, causing chaos and panic.

This is just their first plan, and what plans there are in the future, I don't know for the time being.

But one thing is certain, they are all aimed at you.

The ancestor Demon God once gave death orders to the Four Great Demon Sages, and will capture you back at all costs, or kill you completely.

You must be more careful in the future! If I get important news and secrets, I will also try to tell you by sending them.

I can't stay here, otherwise I will be suspected by others..."

After explaining these things, Ji Ke will leave the cave.

Ji Tianxing looked at her with concern, and solemnly told her: "Koke, I respect your choice and decision, but I never want to see you in trouble.

No matter what happens, you must take your own safety as your top priority. "

"Well, I remembered it." Ji Ke nodded to express her understanding and waved goodbye to him.

"Brother Tianxing, I'm leaving, you and the master sister must take care!"

After speaking, she turned around and left the cave, used her seclusion technique to fly out, and soon disappeared into the night.

Standing in the night sky, Ji Tianxing stood in a daze for a long time before turning around and flying back to Tianzhu Mountain.


Back at Tianzhu Mountain, Ji Tianxing went into the secret room to meditate and adjust his breath.

After one day and one night, his mana and spirit were restored to the peak, and his cultivation ended.

He opened the secret door in the secret room, walked through the straight downward passage, and entered the underground star furnace.

The blazing star fire has been ignited in the huge star **** furnace, shining with silver fire.

The turbulent sea of ​​silver light and fire enveloped more than thirty miles in a radius, containing terrifying power.

Moreover, with the operation of the Tiangang Xingluo and Earth Shaman Praying Array, there are endless star powers that gather in the divine furnace.

The stars and sacred fire are also growing, and the entire sacred furnace will be filled in at most a month.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing showed a relieved smile.

"The Star God Furnace is back to the grand occasion of the year, and I can continue to practice the Star Body Refining Exercise and quickly improve my strength.

In the future, the Heaven Burial Sword will be restored into a divine sword, and it will also need to be tempered in the Star God Furnace.

The most important thing is that with the support of the Star God Furnace and the two God Arrays, the power of the Sky Array has soared, and Tianzhu Mountain has become unbreakable! "

He whispered a few words, full of expectation in his heart.

Suddenly, he remembered an important thing and quickly looked into the fire.

After using his divine sense to search for a while, he found the array he had laid before and the glass vase.

The stars and divine fire were too turbulent, and had already flooded the formation and the colored glass bottle.

The formation has been shattered by the stars and divine fire, and is on the verge of collapse.

The colored glass vase was also flushed red after being burned, and was about to melt away.

Inside the aquarium, the remnant soul of the white dragon **** is hiding in the everlasting vine, wrapped in the curling everlasting vine, looking very anxious and helpless.

Ji Tianxing showed an apologetic smile and muttered to himself: "Hehe, if I come back later, I'm afraid you will die again."

While talking, he stretched out his hand to take away the glazed treasure bottle and placed it on the edge of the Star God Furnace on the extremely hard rock wall.

The rock wall is dozens of miles away from the stars of the divine fire, and will not be burned by the stars of the divine fire. It can only absorb the tiny flames, which is very safe.

To be on the safe side, Ji Tianxing took out a few more materials and laid down a holy formation.

With the protection of this holy formation, the glazed aquarium is very safe.

The remnant soul of the White Dragon God Lord can also absorb the stars and sacred fire under the nourishment of the everlasting vine.

After placing the colored glaze bottle, Ji Tianxing looked at the remnant soul of the white dragon in the bottle, and said expectantly: "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, your recovery speed is too slow.

If this continues, I am afraid it will take you ten or eight years to regain consciousness.

It seems that I have to think of a way to help you regain consciousness as soon as possible, and then find something for you to trust your soul to make it easier for you to act. "

Back then, he accepted several disciples, Huang Long was the eldest disciple, Bai Long was the second disciple, and Chess Saint Xie Wudao was the youngest disciple.

Bai Long's face is the thickest, he looks like a cynical slumber all day long.

It happened that he was the most desperate in his cultivation, his talents and understanding were the strongest, and his ultimate achievement was also the highest.

If Ji Tianxing's most trusted disciple is, of course it is Huang Long.

But to say who his favorite disciple is, it must be Bai Long!

Back then, he snatched a Dragon God Art from an old dragon king in the dragon world.

That is one of the top secrets of the dragons, a magical technique that billions of dragons have dreamed of.

Ji Tianxing not only practiced himself, but also taught it to Bailong.

Because of this, Bailong can become a nine-day real dragon and spread across the galaxy after practicing the Dragon God Jue.

It stirred up the wind and rain in the upper realm, caused countless disturbances and misfortunes, and also got the name of "the little white dragon without regrets"~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing stared at the remnant soul of the white dragon in the white jade bottle, recalling He couldn't help but smile when he started talking about what the **** had done.

"Xiao Bai, wake up as soon as possible.

You said to your teacher more than once that if there is a chance to return to the Shenwu Continent, you will surely disrupt the waters of the four seas and the land of the five continents.

You have to let the women of all races fall in love for you, carry three thousand beautiful ladies to the dragon world, and let the little female dragon kneel down and propose to you.

Even if her father disagrees, you have to take her to elope, even if you are not afraid of being chased by the dragon world.

You also said that you want Huang Long to be the second child and let everyone recognize that you are the big brother.

Haha... Now that both of our master and apprentice are back, you also have a chance to realize your dream, don't you wake up soon? "

As he spoke, the smile on Ji Tianxing's face disappeared, his expression and eyes a little sad.

(End of this chapter)

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