Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1923: Such a long name?

"call out!"

Ji Tianxing galloped in the night sky as fast as lightning.

Ten miles in front of him, a demon in a black robe was speeding desperately.


Ji Tianxing shouted angrily, manipulated the thousand-foot-long Yuanshen Golden Sword, and slashed at the demon.

The Qianzhang Golden Sword is like a golden light piercing the night sky, like a thunderbolt in the sky.


With a dull and loud noise, the Demon Race was hit by a Qianzhang Golden Sword on the spot, and the body exploded into pieces, splashing out all the blood.

Another powerful demon, died under the sword of Ji Tianxing.

There was only one strong demon clan left, he was so scared that he was so scared, he desperately resorted to taboo secret techniques, turning into a **** light and fleeing away.

But at this moment, the blood-robed old man had caught up with Ji Tianxing, and the two were thousands of feet apart.

"Little beast, you are not sorry for your death!"

The blood-robed old man roared and waved his big sleeves to make two blood-red streams, which cut through the night sky like two horses, and blasted towards Ji Tianxing fiercely.

Ji Tianxing sensed something wrong, and turned around to meet the enemy decisively.

"Heaven and Earth Law Bodies!"

With a low yell in his mouth, he performed the stunt of the Heaven and Earth Law Body, and his body became transparent and blurred, and merged with the Qianli Heaven and Earth.

But even so, the two blood and light training still hit him, exploding two dull loud noises.


Ji Tianxing's body shone wildly with golden light, and the reality changed dozens of times.

At the same time, the ground within two hundred miles around him collapsed silently.

The two nearby mountain peaks also collapsed silently, turning into endless dust, scattered on the ground.

Obviously, the power of the blood and light exercises played by the blood-robed old man was absorbed by the world.

Such a weird scene made the blood-robed old man stunned for a moment, his eyes widened, revealing a thick incredible color.

Taking this opportunity, Ji Tianxing decisively launched a counterattack.

"Five-color thunder!"

He abruptly waved his palms, and shot out two brilliantly colored thunder beams, blasting towards the blood-robed old man.

The two thunder beams are tens of feet long, containing four attributes of thunder and star fire, and their power is extremely amazing.

The blood-robed old man suddenly reacted, and his figure moved horizontally as soon as he flashed, avoiding a beam of thunder.

However, another five-color divine thunder still hit him, bursting with a deafening loud noise.


The five-color divine thunder exploded, and the violent thunder and star divine fire enveloped the body of the blood-robed old man.

He is a giant of the magic path, mastering all kinds of magic path secrets, possessing the power and supernatural powers to destroy the world, and he is almost immortal.

But even so, he was still afraid of the most masculine thunder and the terrifying stars and divine fire.

A "crackling" thunder blast sounded, and the blood-robed old man's body trembled and twitched.

However, after just a few breaths, he was able to drive away the thunder and extinguish the stars and sacred fire with black mist.

He quickly returned to normal, and after a hazy blood flash across his body, the scorched scars healed quickly.

He stood in the night sky, staring at Ji Tianxing with his eyes, surrounded by murderous intent.

"Boy, the old man underestimated you. I didn't expect you to control the four kinds of thunders, and you can manipulate the fire of stars!"

The blood-robed old man is indeed lingering, and the look at Ji Tianxing also contains a trace of jealousy.

After all, Thunder has great restraint on the demons, and the same is true of Stars and Divine Fire.

Fortunately, he is a generation of demon sage, an old monster who has cultivated for two thousand years, and masters a powerful mysterious method to escape the catastrophe.

If he were to be another powerful demon, I was afraid that he would be bombarded by thunder into ashes on the spot.

Ji Tianxing looked at the blood-robed old man indifferently, and asked in a cold tone: "Old thing, which of the four demon are you?"

"Which end?" The blood-robed old man frowned fiercely, and said with a gloomy sneer: "Ha ha ha... The old man thought you were somewhat capable, so you must have extraordinary knowledge.

Unexpectedly, you don't even know the name of the old man, which is ridiculously ignorant!

Listen, the old man is the fourth demon saint, blood-robed ancestor! "

At this point, the cloak of the blood-robed ancestor disappeared out of thin air, revealing an old face that was shriveled and rough, like a bark.

There was a blood-red wide mouth on the black and dry old face, and a pair of scarlet eyes.

Her long dark purple hair, surrounded by mysterious purple flames, curled around her shoulders.

A tyrannical, bloodthirsty and domineering aura burst out from him and spread in all directions.

He stared at Ji Tianxing proudly, and shouted in a deep voice: "Little beast, the biggest mistake of your life is that you shouldn't appear tonight!

Report your name, the old man will not kill the unknown! "

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, staring playfully, and a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Do you really want to know my name?"

"Ha ha ha... are you scared?" The blood-robed ancestor grinned and sneered: "A coward who dare not report his name, the old man is afraid of getting his hands dirty by killing you!"

Ji Tianxing said with a sneer on his face: "Then listen carefully! This seat is surnamed Ji, and his name is... the devil's father!"

"Where is such a long name? Demon God..." The blood-robed ancestor listened carefully, and was still muttering doubtful. He didn't react until halfway through, and he was furious.

"Little beast, you are really impatient!"

Ji Tianxing was not in a hurry, and was willing to delay time with him, and then continued: "Boss Blood Robe, you are one of the four great demon heads, the running dog of the ancestor Demon God, you can also be regarded as a giant of the magic way.

But you don't even know who the nemesis of the ancestor Demon God is, this seat is standing in front of you, you don't even know it, you are really blind! "

The blood-robed ancestor was scolded with **** head, trembling with anger, and staring at Ji Tianxing with fire-breathing eyes.

But after all, he suppressed his anger and heard the mystery in Ji Tian's jargon.

"The nemesis of Lord Devil? Your surname is Ji?!"

The blood-robed ancestor's eyes widened, but his pupils gradually narrowed, staring at Ji Tianxing sharply like a sword.

A hint of throbbing filled my heart, causing the blood-robed ancestor to shudder and clenched his fists secretly.

"You are... Ji Tianxing? You are the **** Ji Tianxing?!

No wonder...no wonder you are so similar to a portrait~www.wuxiaspot.com~you have such a powerful means at a young age! "

The blood-robed ancestor finally guessed the identity of Ji Tianxing, suddenly excited, Yang Tian laughed.

"Hahahaha...I really can't find any place to break through the iron shoes, it is no effort to get it!

The old man came all the way to Tianzhu Mountain, slaughtered five cities and killed hundreds of thousands of reptiles, just to get you out.

Unexpectedly, before the old man went to Tianzhu Mountain to find you, you would throw yourself into the net and send it to your door!

You **** little beast, you are really looking for a dead end! Hahahaha! "

Once the identity of Ji Tianxing was determined, the blood-robed ancestor suddenly realized.

He never concealed it, confided the truth without hesitation, and vented the excitement and excitement in his heart.

Just because Ji Tianxing is already dead in his eyes!

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