Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1944: Overweight?

The night is deep.

North of Broken Soul Cliff, about four hundred miles away.

A black flying boat that is hundreds of feet long is galloping in the night sky.

The shape of this flying boat is a bit peculiar and eerie.

The jet-black hull is painted with many terrifying and terrifying patterns and symbols.

On the bow of the ship stood a mast more than ten feet high, which was made of gray bones with a flag hung on top.

The flag is engraved with a hideous devil pattern and a complicated skull mark.

That is the emblem of Beiming Mountain.

The flying boat is like a ghost, flying across the sky extremely fast, but silently.

This flying boat is a magic weapon for the top grade of the robbery.

The space inside the flying boat is very wide, divided into several areas, clearly distinct.

The area near the bow of the ship is a heavily fortified secret room.

The formation method for manipulating the flying boat is in this secret room.

Only the leading demon kings are eligible to enter.

Outside the secret room is a dark passage, with closed iron doors on both sides.

Behind each iron door is a secret room, and in a hundred secret rooms, each lives a blood god.

At the end of the passage is a wide rotunda.

The dark hall with purple light is a place for discussion and issuing orders.

Walking through the hall to the stern, there is another straight and wide passage.

Twenty secret rooms lined up on both sides of the passage. In each secret room, fifty elite Mozu fighters lived.

The flying boat has been flying continuously for more than 20 days.

Hundreds of blood **** children and thousands of demon warriors have also been cultivating and replenishing their energy in the secret room.

At this moment, in the secret room in the bow area, several demons are discussing matters.

A demon man wearing a purple robe and a blood-red cloak was sitting on a throne made of bones.

A dark purple light shone on him, half of his figure and face were hidden in the shadow, making it difficult to see.

The other five powerful demons stood around the throne, all wearing black armor and purple cloaks.

These five demons have males and females, old and young, and their appearances are different.

Some are as high as three feet tall like giant beasts, some are as tall as three feet tall as giant babies, and some are hideous in appearance, in the form of beasts.

However, the strength of these five demons is about the fifth or sixth level of the Tribulation Realm.

One of them was a tall, sturdy and sturdy Demon woman with two demon horns on her forehead and a pair of black Shura wings behind her.

She bowed her hand to the purple-robed man on the throne, and said: "Seven Demon Lord, the Great Demon Saint ordered us to **** the hundred blood gods to the battlefield.

In my opinion, the Great Demon Saint wants to test the power of those blood **** children through actual combat to see if their transformation is successful and perfect.

I do not recommend that you separate them, it is best to maintain a unified action and form a special team.

If these blood gods are truly perfect, they will be infinitely powerful.

This special team will also be invincible, torn apart the defensive line of the Luoshui Kingdom, and drove straight into the Luoshui Kingdom!

As the saying goes, pulling the whole body, as long as we tear a gap, we can gradually erode and disintegrate the entire line of defense, and the Kingdom of Luoshui will definitely be defeated! "

Next to the Shura woman, there was an old man with purple hair who was three feet tall and shaped like a dwarf.

He waved the battle axe in his hands, and said in a low voice: "Seven Demon Lord, I don't agree with Yin Ji's statement. The goal of unified action is too clear and the risk is great.

If the Kingdom of Luoshui concentrated its forces and dispatched a large number of strong men to besiege this batch of blood gods... we could not afford such a heavy loss!

I suggest that this batch of blood gods should be separated, led by our ten demon kings, and dispersed to different areas for combat, which is more secure. "

As soon as the dwarf old man's voice fell, a troll with a height of three feet and a mouthful of blood, swung his paws to express opposition.

"Except for the six of us who have been in power for many years, the other four are newly promoted.

Not only is the strength weaker than ours, the overall combat capability also needs to be considered.

They participated in the war for the first time, let them each lead ten blood gods? This is too sloppy! "

Next, the other two demon kings also spoke and expressed different opinions.

The opinions of the five demon kings are not unified, and they are divided into two factions, and no one can convince anyone.

The purple-robed man on the throne remained silent for a long time before speaking, "This matter will be set aside for now, and we will discuss it when we arrive at the battlefield.

Besides, the Second Demon Sage sits on the battlefield, and we still need to listen to his dispatch. "

The five demon kings stopped talking about this matter.

At this time, Yin Ji of the Asura clan said, "Seven Demon Lord, we will reach the Cliff of Broken Soul in more than three hundred miles. Should we avoid it?"

The Seven Demon Lord waved his hand and said in a low and indifferent tone: "Don't go around, so as not to waste time.

Although Broken Soul Cliff is terrifying, it is all based on falsehood and exaggeration.

The flying boat rises to a height of one thousand feet and flies over the cliff of Broken Soul. "

Yin Ji nodded, turned and walked to the middle of the secret room.

There is a huge array in the middle of the secret room, shining with dark purple light and blood mist.

That formation plate carries more than a dozen formations and is the core of manipulating the flying boat.

Yin Ji walked to the middle of the formation, waved a few dazzling purple light, injected into the formation.

Suddenly, a silver light curtain appeared in the midair in front of him.

A picture appeared in the light curtain, with a dark night sky, towering mountains and peaks, and layers of dense forest.

This is the front view detected by the formation method, a hundred times clearer than the naked eye.

Even a drop of dew in the dense forest can clearly show up.

Yin Ji looked at the light curtain solemnly, waiting for the approach of Broken Soul Cliff.

Soon, the hundred interest time passed.

There is an extremely majestic peak in the picture, majestic, mysterious and gloomy.


Yin Ji whispered silently, pinched the magic formula with both hands, and cast a few dark purple magic powers into the formation under her feet.

Suddenly, Feizhou, under her control, began to climb upwards, quickly raising the height.

In just two breaths, the flying boat rose by a thousand feet, passed through the thick clouds, and was about to fly over the cliff of Broken Soul.

But at this moment, Yin Ji suddenly saw that in the clouds above Broken Soul Cliff, a hazy golden light was lit up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although, the golden light was looming in the clouds.

However, Yin Ji could clearly see through the light curtain in front of her that there was a figure in the golden light.

About eight feet tall and wearing a white robe, he is still an individual youth!

Seeing this scene, Yin Ji suddenly tightened her pupils, and a murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

She did not expect that on this extremely dangerous Cliff of Breaking Soul, someone would dare to show up and block the way!

If it was normal, she would definitely use her fascinating skills to kill the white-robed youth into scum.

But now it is different.

After weighing it up, she decided to ignore the white-robed young man and control the flying boat to speed up.

However, something unexpected happened to her.

Unexpectedly, the white-robed young man took the initiative and rushed towards the flying boat!

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