Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1949: Starlight Trail

Ji Tianxing sighed for a while before the complex emotions calmed down.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that not far from the world of the five elements, a silver light flickered in the void.

"The silver light in the void must be the brilliance of stars.

But there is close to the Five Elements World, how can stars appear? "

Ji Tianxing frowned, revealing a thick color of doubt.

Funeral Tian also noticed that it was not good, and reminded: "We passed through the net of the void just now, and we passed through a gap in space before we came to the void.

The place where the silver light shines seems to be our exit from the world of the Five Elements. It must be related to the space crack. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "Let's take a look."

After all, he got into the Heaven Burying Sword and stayed in the sword world.

The Heaven Burial Sword lit up with golden light, like a meteor piercing the void and flying towards that silver light.

Although Ji Tianxing could stay in the void, he could not keep it for too long.

If he was flying thousands of miles, his mana would be unsustainable, and there would be unpredictable danger.

Only the Heaven Burying Sword can travel unimpeded in the void.

Although Ji Tianxing didn't seem to be far away from the silver light.

But the Heaven Burying Sword flew for ten consecutive days before flying one-third of the distance.

The distance of tens of thousands of miles is very short in the void, and it is not worth mentioning.

But for Wu Sheng strong, it takes a month of uninterrupted flight to arrive.

Therefore, the Wusheng strong can move in the void, but it is impossible to travel in the void, let alone reach another star.

Only the strong Valkyrie has this qualification and possibility!

Unconsciously, thirty days passed.

The Heaven Burial Sword finally crossed a distance of tens of thousands of miles and came to the place where the silver light was lit.

This place is very close to the Five Elements World, and tens of thousands of miles ahead, you can encounter that golden seal.

Arriving near Yinguang, the Heaven Burying Sword stopped in the void, and Ji Tianxing flew out of the sword.

He fixed his eyes to see the silver light clearly.

It was a avenue condensed by stars, which was ten miles wide and tens of thousands of miles long.

This mysterious ancient starlight road is connected to the void at one end and a huge black stone at the other end!

The black stone was ten thousand li long, and the whole was diamond-shaped, like a sharp knife, pierced the golden seal and inserted into the world of five elements.

If we say that the super huge Five Elements World is a big watermelon.

That huge black stone is just a small stone stuck to the watermelon.

After seeing this scene clearly, Ji Tianxing suddenly realized, revealing a thick color of surprise.

"That's it! No wonder there will be a web of void at the bottom of Broken Soul Cliff, and there will be a space crack.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that this black stone pierced the golden seal and pierced into the world of the five elements, causing an unhealable spatial crack! "

Funeral said in a solemn tone: "This black stone looks mysterious. It must have flew from the depths of the starry sky and hit the Five Elements World.

If I am not mistaken, it is not an ordinary stone, but a meteorite formed by broken stars! "

Ji Tianxing thought for a moment, then gently shook his head and said, "You are not quite right. The meteorites formed after the stars are broken will burn and decompose when they pass through the void.

In the world of the Five Elements, the meteorite must be very small, and it is very rare to be as big as a house.

This stone is thousands of miles long, it is definitely not a meteorite, it is probably a star core! "

"Star core?" Funeral stunned for a moment, and said in shock: "The source and crystallization of the power of stars?"

"That's right." Ji Tianxing nodded, and said solemnly: "You shouldn't forget that when we fought in the star field, I used to refine 18 stars into a chain of stars.

A star with a radius of tens of billions of miles has been smelted to the extreme by me, and the star core is only ten thousand miles in size.

I used the supreme magic technique to seal the Wanli Star Core into beads..."

Funeral said in response, full of surprise: "I vaguely remember this, it is true.

According to you, isn't this black stone inserted in the world of the five elements the star core of a big world? "

"It's very likely." Ji Tianxing nodded solemnly, and said: "Let's go and take a look."

After that, he held the Heaven Burial Sword and stepped onto the Starlight Ancient Road and walked towards the huge black stone.

I don't know that the Starlight Ancient Road has a history of thousands of years, and the edges have been broken, full of cracks.

After entering the Starlight Ancient Road, Ji Tianxing only felt that the pressure was greatly reduced.

The mighty power of the stars rushed into him crazily, and was quickly swallowed and refined by him.

The Starlight Ancient Road was tens of thousands of miles long, and he flew fast and fast, and it took two full hours before he reached the end of the Starlight Ancient Road.


After stepping on the dark star core, Ji Tianxing clearly felt that the star core contained mysterious and invisible power.

The surface of the star core is uneven, with ravines and cracks everywhere, and many pits.

Ji Tianxing observed carefully and found that those were all traces of the battle.

He couldn't help wondering, which star and which big world this star core came from?

After half an hour, he came to the center of the star core, and a wide canyon appeared in front of him.

Walking along the canyon to the end, countless gravel piles on the ground in front of him, covering a wide opening.

Ji Tianxing released his divine sense to investigate and determined that there was no breath of life in the canyon and cave entrance before he stepped into it.

Inside the dark hole, there is a straight and wide passage, which is obviously man-made.

The rock walls on both sides of the passage are carved with many mysterious and ancient patterns, as well as strange and strange characters.

Ji Tianxing slowed down and observed the patterns and text on both sides as he walked.

After walking about three hundred miles, he gradually recognized the writing on the wall and understood many things.

"It seems that this star core is the phantom world of the phantom family. Only when the phantom star changes and is destroyed by the gods war will it fall into the starry sky..."

Back then, he had crossed the star nucleus, spanned countless star domains, and had seen the humanity of thousands of worlds.

He knows very well that the billions of worlds in the universe and starry sky are changing and changing in strength every day.

Every day, the old world is destroyed, new stars are born, or new races appear.

The vastness of the stars in the universe ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is beyond imagination.

The phantom world is just a relatively ordinary big world in the billions of worlds.

When Funeral Tian heard what he said, he immediately became interested, and the sound transmission asked: "The Phantom World? It sounds very strange. We haven't been in contact with it back then?"

"Of course not." Ji Tianxing shook his head and said in a calm tone: "Judging from the remaining written records in the star core, the Phantom World is in a very distant star field, and we have not been to it.

What is interesting is that the Phantom Clan is one of the ancient ten thousand clan, and is a noble species with racial talent. "

"Oh? How do you say this?" Funeral Tian became more and more curious, and Transsion asked: "Could it be that they are extremely powerful?"

Ji Tianxing showed a playful smile, and said: "No one knows whether the combat power is strong or not.

But one thing is certain, the phantom clan cultivates soul power, and the soul is extremely powerful! "

(End of this chapter)

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