Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1961: 8 parties gathered

Thunderous cheers resounded around the dojo for a long time.

Ji Tianxing opened his eyes and saw the surrounding scene clearly, and couldn't help smiling with relief.

Although, he spent thousands of years in the small world, after a reincarnation and rebirth.

But those are all illusions created by heaven, and have nothing to do with the real world.

In fact, he just slept for three hours in the colorful glare.

Of course, he is still the original appearance, twenty-year-old face, handsome and martial appearance.

He didn't become a gray-haired old man.

The realm of strength has not fallen, and the mental state is still full.

He looked down at himself, raised his head and looked around, and then recalled the experience he had just now, and he felt like a world away.

"Back then, I had only heard of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, and had no chance to experience it personally.

Thinking about it now, even if you become a god, you may not be able to escape the catastrophe, right?

In this world, what can be immortal?

Is the king of the gods? Or heaven and earth? Or the sun, moon and stars? "

Just as he was filled with emotion and thought to himself.

The robbery cloud vortex in the high sky dissipated, turned into a holy golden light, and shed down.


The sacred golden light enveloped Ji Tianxing and quickly poured into his body to strengthen his body and soul.

Ji Tianxing frankly accepted the rewards of Tiandao, quickly improved his strength and broke through the realm of martial arts.

After a quarter of an hour, the sacred golden light dissipated.

His realm of strength also reached the fifth level of the Tribulation Realm in a natural way.

Glancing around the dojo, seeing everyone still cheering and talking, Ji Tianxing left the dojo without lingering.

After returning to the secret room, he summoned Taoist Huanglong and told many things in person.

Everything was arranged, and Ji Tianxing took the Heaven Burying Sword and left Tianzhu Mountain alone.


It was when the setting sun went down, he flew up to the sky, rushing to the direction of the Shenxu.

Tianzhu Mountain, Shenxu and Beiming Mountain are all close together, not too far apart.

Ji Tianxing drove alone, extremely fast, like a streamer piercing the sky.

With his current strength, the flying speed is not much worse than the martial arts, and he can fly 200,000 miles every day.


Unconsciously, twenty days passed.

Ji Tianxing has been on the road with all his strength and has never rested.

In the early morning of the twenty-first day, he finally entered the scope of the God Ruins.

"According to Keke, the secret realm of the yin and yang sage sitting in the north of the gods.

It is next to the Fallen Blood Lake, located in the deepest part of the Shenxu, and the surroundings are very dangerous. "

Ji Tianxing rushed to the north of Shenxu, weighing in his heart.

Although, the news about the yin and yang secret realm has spread in the **** ruins.

Many adventure groups and martial arts organizations have entered the ruins of the gods to search for the secret realm of Yin and Yang.

But he has reason to believe that it is very difficult for the idle generation to pass through the gods and reach the vicinity of the Yin and Yang secret realm.

Moreover, ordinary warriors and masters cannot open the secret realm.

He wasn't in a hurry, he was rushing through the ruins while paying attention to the surrounding movement.

Five days later, Ji Tianxing flew over a lofty mountain range.

Suddenly, his divine sense detected that a group of warriors was flying in the sky ahead, and they were also heading to the north of Shenxu.

There are seven martial artists in the team, and the strength of the leader has reached the second stage of crossing the tribulation realm.

The other six warriors all have the strength above the sixth level of the Primordial Divine Realm, and they appear to be sturdy and powerful.

Obviously, this is a team of adventurers.

Moreover, he looks very elite and experienced.

Ji Tianxing chased up silently, remained invisible, and secretly listened to the news.

However, he followed for two hours.

Those adventurers have been rushing at full speed, keeping silent and not talking.

Ji Tianxing lost his patience and simply appeared directly.

He cast a few spells and knocked out six adventurers.

Only the last adventurous captain was left. After supporting a move under him, he captured it.

This adventure captain is a lean and dark middle-aged man.

A pair of eyes resembled a falcon, sharp and bright.

This person has a gloomy and dangerous atmosphere, and he is obviously well experienced and experienced.

He knows current affairs well, knowing that he can't provoke Ji Tianxing, so he obediently expresses obedience.

Ji Tianxing captured him, and asked in a cold tone: "Who are you? Where do you come from? Where do you go?"

The adventure captain bowed his head and replied with a dull expression: "This senior, we are members of the Tiangang Adventure Group, and Du Tiangang below.

We came from Baiji City to the south of Shenxu, ready to go to the middle of Shenxu to explore a ruin.

We are single and weak, we haven't opened for a few years, and we are ready to try our luck..."

Ji Tianxing frowned immediately and asked in a deep voice, "Go to the middle of Shenxu to explore the ruins? Don't you go to the fallen blood lake in the north?"

Du Tiangang stunned for a moment, and said with a strange expression: "Go to the Fallen Blood Lake? Senior means... the legendary two-saint secret realm?

You look too high at us!

The Double Saint Secret Realm is certainly a great treasure, but our manpower doesn't even have the qualifications to covet the Secret Realm.

Before we rush to the Fallen Blood Lake, we may be killed by other forces halfway through! "

Ji Tianxing has been monitoring Du Tiangang's spirit fluctuations and can be sure that Du Tiangang is not lying.

He took a deep look at Du Tiangang and asked: "You fellow knows himself! By the way, how do you know the news about the Secret Realm of the Two Saints?

Could it be said that the matter about the Secret Realm of the Two Saints has been widely spread? "

Du Tiangang quickly explained: "Presumably the predecessors also know that Baiji City is one of the largest collection and distribution centers for adventurers around Shenxu.

The lair of our Tiangang Adventure Group is in Baiji City. It's a small local snake.

Regarding the news about the Secret Realm of the Twin Saints, I learned from the Heavenly Broken Alliance.

In Baiji City, there is a branch of the Heavenly Broken League, which is the most powerful martial arts force in the city.

My senior is an elite of the Heavenly Broken League, and is qualified to know this news.

It was also my senior brother who persuaded me not to fight the double holy secret realm, so as not to invite the disaster of extinction..."

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked, "According to you, the Heavenly Broken Alliance is also interested in the Secret Realm of the Two Saints?"

Du Tiangang showed a playful smile, nodded and said, "I'm afraid it's not just as simple as interest, but it's inevitable.

I heard from my brother that the leader of the Baiji City branch led the team personally and led more than fifty elites to act together.

Judging from the posture of the Heaven Alliance, I am afraid that it is bound to win against the Secret Realm of the Two Saints! "

Ji Tianxing also showed a playful smile, and said in a playful tone: "I am sure to get it? Haha... With this little manpower, it's really crazy!"

Du Tiangang raised his head and glanced at Ji Tianxing, a look of shock clearly flashed in his eyes, and his expression grew in awe.

He has reason to believe that this white-robed young man who dares to despise the power of the Heavenly League will definitely have incomparable strength!

Thinking of this, he was even more grateful that he did not resist and honestly explained the truth.

If not, how could he live now?

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