Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1981: Shenhai

During the flight, Ji Tianxing released his divine consciousness and enveloped thousands of miles.

The sea is about tens of miles deep, and his spiritual sense can clearly detect the dark seabed through the sea.

Under the seemingly calm and dead sea, there is an undercurrent surging, hiding a shocking scene.

The icy and dark seabed is scattered with the remains of many monsters.

The bones of those monster beasts were basically broken.

However, through the fragmented bones, Ji Tianxing could also infer the original appearance of the monster.

Most of them are sea beasts living in the sea, and their size is huge and terrifying.

There are giant sharks that are thousands of feet long, sea snakes that look like giant dragons, walruses, sea apes, and so on.

Ji Tianxing could see that those sea beasts were not only huge in size, but also very powerful, and basically reached the stage of crossing the catastrophe.

It's just that they haven't experienced the tribulation, so there is no thunder pattern on the bones.

But for some reason, so many sea beasts across the Tribulation Realm died in the sea, and their bones were scattered on the bottom of the sea.

Ji Tianxing picked up a few bones, carefully observed and identified them, and then judged that these sea beasts had been dead for more than a thousand years!

Of course, the bones of sea beasts are everywhere on the bottom of the sea, and most sea beasts are capable of crossing the catastrophe.

There are also many sea beasts whose strength has not reached the tribulation realm.

The fate of these sea beasts was even worse, not even a few complete bones were left, and they were completely turned into scum.

Ji Tianxing flew continuously for 30,000 miles, and all the sights he saw along the way were so.

While this shocked him, he couldn't help but wonder: "Could it be that what disaster happened in this sea that caused so many sea beasts to die at the same time?"

With full of doubts, Ji Tianxing continued to fly in the sea.

When he came to the fourth level, he understood when he saw the sea.

From the outside, the space inside the pagoda is only a dozen or tens of miles in radius.

But this fourth layer of space is completely a small world, more special than the first three layers.

He had been mentally prepared for a long time, even if the sea had a radius of 100,000 miles, he would not be surprised.

However, it turns out that he still underestimated this sea area.

He flew for a whole day, a full 150,000 miles, before reaching the end of the sea.

At the end of the sea is boundless darkness, without any matter, and it cannot be crossed.

He could only turn around and fly in the other direction and continue to wander in the sea.

Next, for six consecutive days, he has been flying non-stop, exploring the entire sea.

After six days, he finally figured out that this sea is a full two hundred thousand li.

In the process of exploring the sea, Ji Tianxing did not encounter a living sea beast, but saw the bones of thousands of sea beasts.

The dark and cold seabed is mostly black reef or silt, not even a single seaweed or coral.

On the evening of the seventh day, the light on the sea was dim.

Ji Tianxing was flying aimlessly in the ocean.

Suddenly, he saw a huge vortex at the end of the sea ahead.

He speeded up and flew to the vicinity of the vortex, only to see the full picture of the vortex.

This vortex has a radius of a hundred miles, and huge waves of ten feet high are rolled around.

The endless sea water poured crazily into the whirlpool, rolling up a terrifying wind.

The vortex is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, and the light gets darker as it goes down. The bottom is already pitch black, and you can't see things clearly.

Ji Tianxing flew around the vortex a few times. After observing and considering for a while, he decided to enter the vortex and find out.

After all, he almost explored the entire sea area and found no clues.

Only this vortex is a stranger area in the sea.

If this space also has the inheritance of demons and gods, most of them are hidden under the whirlpool.

There is also the entrance to the fifth floor of the pagoda, which is probably also in the vortex.


Ji Tianxing stepped into the vortex, his figure plummeted.

He was wrapped in a powerful swallowing force, and smashed to the bottom of the vortex as fast as an arrow.

The surroundings were getting dim and dark, and he quickly approached the bottom of the vortex.

Seeing, he was about to be swallowed by darkness.

The ice-cold water wall around his body also shrank to a radius of a thousand feet.

At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in the dark and cold water wall!

The black shadow is huge as a mountain, thousands of feet long, passing through the sea like a ghost and coming straight to Ji Tianxing.


In the next instant, the huge black shadow pierced through the water wall, opened the mouth of the blood basin, and bit down Chao Ji Tianxing.

Until then, Ji Tianxing could not see clearly.

This huge black shadow was actually an ice blue sea beast that looked like a fish.

It has a body length of thousands of feet, a chubby head, a wide flat mouth, and several rows of sharp fangs.

There are two beards on each side of the mouth, like dragon's whiskers.

There is a huge nostril above the big mouth, which is constantly spewing icy air.

And its abdomen, where the fins should have grown, has a pair of wide wings.

Ji Tianxing had no time to think about what species this huge sea beast was.

At the critical juncture, his whole body lit up with golden light, and his figure teleported ten miles in a flash, appearing outside the vortex.


Just as his figure disappeared, the blood basin of the giant beast closed with a loud bang, making a dull loud noise.

That terrifying bite force can bite a mountain of thousands of feet into scum.


As soon as the ice blue beast shot down, it suddenly let out a low cry of loss.

It flapped a pair of broad wings and swung its broad tail, and instantly traversed the surface of the sea for ten miles before rushing to Ji Tianxing again.


The blood basin opened wide, and hundreds of ice-cold light beams spewed out like a rain of arrows.

Ji Tianxing's figure was immediately submerged by the icy beam of light.

But his mind stabilized, so he responded calmly and calmly.

"I wandered in the sea for seven days and saw thousands of sea beast corpses, and now I finally met one alive!"

He whispered to himself, swinging the Heaven Burying Sword with his right hand, and one sword cut out forty-nine golden sword lights.

The golden light giant sword separated the sea water and slashed towards those ice cold beams.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

The sword light collided with the beam of light, and there was a deafening noise.

The terrifying impact spread to the surroundings, dispelling all the sea water in a radius of 30 miles.

This area turned into a blank area, like a huge bubble.

The blue ice pillars were all broken.

Ji Tianxing was unharmed, but the ice-blue giant was shaken and turned over and flew back ten miles away.

He had already seen ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the strength of that ice-blue behemoth was only around the seventh layer of Crossing Tribulation Realm.

Of course he was able to deal with sea beasts of this kind.

"Smashing Star Fist!"

Before the giant beast recovered, he took advantage of the victory to chase, and blasted a silver fist.


The ice blue sea beast was blown away again, rolling and smashing into the dark seabed.

"Tianlong Palm!"

Ji Tianxing raised his left palm again, and shot a hundred-zhang golden dragon light and shadow, which hit the ice-blue sea beast's head.

This time, the ice-blue sea beast was hit hard, and his spirit consciousness fell into a blur.

It fell to the dark seabed, struggled and rolled several times, then staggered up.

(End of this chapter)

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