Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 1992: Sky Dragon Proud World Slash

"Damn bastard!

How could his defense and strength be so strong?

Could it be that he also broke through the Martial Saint Realm and practiced the Dragon Clan's fighting secret? "

Ji Xiuluo retreated to the east of the altar, panting silently, thinking in shock.

Of course he could see that what Ji Tianxing displayed was the dragon clan's combat skills.

There is the voice of dragon chants in every move.

The golden light and shadow burst out, always showing the ghost of the dragon.

Ji Xiuluo thought to himself, is this kid a dragon?

Only the Dragon Clan has such a powerful body and such a wonderful combat skill.

"However, Lord Demon God never mentioned that this kid is a dragon.

Could it be that he is hiding too deeply? "

Thinking of this, Ji Xiuluo made up his mind to report this top-secret news to the ancestor Demon God after returning to Beiming Mountain.

At this moment, Ji Tianxing flew in from the darkness, looking down at Ji Xiulao condescendingly, and let out a sneer of contempt.

"Hehe, what kind of **** Shura Demon Saint, it's a chicken dog, vulnerable!

Ji Xiulao, what other hole cards are available, otherwise you will have no chance! "

When the voice fell, Ji Tianxing burst into golden light, and a shadow of a dragon appeared behind him.


The golden dragon phantom that was a hundred meters high let out a dragon chant that penetrated the golden cracked stone.

Ji Tianxing also tried his best, holding the Heaven Burying Sword and slashed towards Ji Xiulao.

"Tianlong proudly cut!"

At this moment, his power exploded to the extreme, all concentrated on the Heaven Burial Sword.

The Heaven Burial Sword illuminated the sacred golden light, condensing a huge sword of hundreds of feet, carrying the power to destroy everything, and beheaded at Ji Xiulao.

The golden light cut through the darkness and tore the night sky apart.

Before the giant sword could kill, the unparalleled amount of pressure caused Ji Xiuluo's suppressed body to tremble, and his feet fell into the ground.

Ji Xiuluo looked up at the giant sword, his pupils tightened, his eyes solemn to the extreme.

It is very clear that if this sword hits, it will not die but will be seriously injured.

In a critical moment, he could only resort to a taboo secret technique at any cost.

"Burning blood to transform the gods, the great demon **** Shura fist!"

As it uttered an angry shout, blood flames ignited all over its body.

It ignited its own essence and blood, making its skill more than triple.

The price of using this secret technique is... the loss of fifty years of penance.

"Die me!"

Ji Xiuluo let out an angry roar, waved a pair of dark and cold fists, desperately blasting towards Ji Tianxing.

Behind it was dragging a long, **** tail flame, like a meteor piercing the night sky and colliding with the giant sword.


A loud and deafening noise burst out, resounding hundreds of miles.

The Great Sword of Golden Light collapsed instantly, turning into tens of millions of pieces of Golden Light, splashing around.

Ji Tianxing was shaken back by the terrifying force, and flew out and fell into the wasteland twenty miles away.

One of Ji Xiuluo's arms was cut off by a giant sword on the spot.

Two sharp claws exploded into countless pieces of black dross, scattered in the night sky.

The black carapace on the chest also cracked open several cracks, splashing purple magic blood.

It was severely injured, suffered great pain, and its combat effectiveness was also weakened.

The violent impact blasted the earth into a deep pit with a radius of tens of miles.

Ji Xiuluo was bloodied, wrapped in shock waves, and flew more than a dozen miles away.

The dust and gravel covering the sky and sun shrouded the entire wasteland.

The violent impact, the darkness that poured into the edge of the wasteland, immediately dissipated.

After a whole hundred breaths of time, the earth-shaking movement gradually stopped.

At the same time, Ji Shuluo, who was seriously injured, took the opportunity to get into the altar in the middle of the wasteland.


As soon as Guanghua flashed, it fled the second floor of the tower and disappeared without a trace.

After a while, Ji Tianxing turned into a golden light, flew from the darkness, and landed on the altar.

Just this time, he went to solve a dozen surviving demons.

More than 20 powerful demons, more than a dozen people were killed by the aftermath of the battle, and they were already wiped out.

The remaining dozen or so strong men fleeing far away with severe injuries, did not escape Ji Tianxing's beheading.

So far, more than twenty powerful demons have died.

Ji Shuluo was alone, and escaped without a trace.

And Ji Tianxing also recovered his original appearance.

Seven feet tall, wearing a white robe, holding the Heaven Burial Sword, with a strong and domineering breath.

It's a pity that the ruined long hair still didn't grow out for a while, looking a little embarrassed.

He was only slightly injured before he moved his energy and adjusted his breath for a while, which was no major problem.

Standing on the altar, he leaned over to look at a drop of demonic blood on the ground, and couldn't help frowning and muttering: "Damn Ji Xiulao, escaped?

No way! I can't give him a chance to breathe, I must take advantage of its serious injury and kill it completely! "

Ji Tianxing had decided to kill, and decided to cut the grass and root.

But he hesitated a bit, wondering where Shura had fled.

Did you go to the third floor of the tower?

Or back to the first floor of the tower?

"When I first came here before, Ji Xiuluo and those demons were around the altar, seeming to crack the big formation.

I don’t know, did Ji Xiulao crack the big array? "

Thinking like this in his heart, Ji Tianxing decided that Ji Xiuluo had mostly failed to crack the big formation.

Even if he escaped, he must have fled back to the first floor of the tower.

As a result, Ji Tianxing waved his palm and shot the golden light, casting a spell to start the big formation.


With a flash of light and shadow, Ji Tianxing passed through the large array and left the second floor of the tower.

In the next instant, he appeared on the first floor of the tower, standing on the square.

Behind him is the statue of the yin and yang double saints, surrounded by darkness.

Ji Tianxing released his spiritual consciousness, spreading to the surroundings, searching for the trace of Ji Xiulao.

However, there is no blood on the ground, and no magical energy remains in the air.

Not reconciled, Ji Tianxing quickly left the square and began a careful search in the surrounding buildings.

There were thousands of houses and palaces, he spent two hours carefully inspecting them twice.

As a result, he still did not find a trace of Ji Xiulao.

Facts have proved that Ji Xiuluo never returned to the first floor of the tower.

Ji Tianxing frowned suddenly, his expression gloomy and thoughtful.

"Since it is not on the first floor, it is very likely to escape to the third floor!

Damn Ji Xiulao, I didn't expect it to crack the big array.

Of course, there is another possibility that Ji Xiuluo escaped from the tower and was hiding in the secret realm. "

After making up his mind ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing cast a spell to open the big formation and left the first floor of the tower.


Guanghua flashed, and he returned to the second floor.

There is no change around, no matter the altar or wasteland, it is the original appearance.


Guanghua flashed again, and Ji Tianxing passed through the large array and left the second floor of the tower.

In the next instant, he appeared on the third floor of the tower.

The surrounding area is also a wasteland, shrouded in boundless darkness.

Not far ahead is the mysterious Golden Crow Tomb.

Ji Tianxing released his spiritual consciousness, spreading around, searching for Ji Xiulao's trail, and flew to the ancient tomb of Jinwu.

However, he had just flew ten miles away, and the colorful brilliance appeared on the left and right sides, and it was coming fast.

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