Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2392: Looting

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Ji Tianxing returned to the sixth floor of the tower.

Distorted time and space, as always dark and cold.

He flew tens of thousands of miles to find Yun Yao, who was beside Ji Ke.

"Yaoyao, why didn't you go to heal?"

Standing beside Yun Yao, he asked suspiciously.

Yun Yao pointed to Ji Ke who was cultivating, and said with a bit of excitement: "A Ke's strength has broken through again, and only then has a vision appeared."

Ji Tianxing looked at Ji Ke intently and found that her strength had indeed improved a lot, reaching the third level of the Martial Saint Realm.

Moreover, the golden streamer that surrounds her body has also become half-gold and half-red, becoming more mysterious and powerful.

In the halo like flowing water, the pattern of the slowly swimming firebird became clearer.

The flamingo is slender and beautiful, with a crown on its head and extra slender tail feathers. It looks a bit like a peacock!

Ji Tianxing suddenly showed a surprised expression and murmured: "Last time we came to see her, she was only the second layer of the Martial Saint Realm.

Only one month has passed, and she has been practicing here for four years, yet she has raised another level?

Such an amazing talent, compared to ours, it is incredible! "

Yun Yao nodded in agreement, and smiled and said, "It seems that the inheritance of the demon **** that Ake has obtained is also the unique magic of the **** king.

The owner of this tower must be the demon king.

Its power attribute is very consistent with Akko, and it can have such an effect! "

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, pointed to the phantom of the firebird on the mask, and asked: "You said, is the monster king, is it related to this firebird?"

Yun Yao was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded and said: "It's very possible! When Ake was inherited from the Demon God, she said that she had fallen into a strange dream.

In her dream, she not only saw the magnificent battle, but also the fall of a bird that covers the sky.

If we guessed correctly, the divine bird that shields the sky from the sun is the owner of the divine tower, the divine king of the monster race. "

"This phantom is still a bit vague, it looks like a peacock." Ji Tianxing touched his chin, and said thoughtfully: "What kind of divine bird would that monster king be?"

"Like a peacock?" Yun Yao frowned, "This range is a bit too big. The Qingluan, Condor, Golden Crow, Chongming Bird and the legendary phantom feather all resemble this phantom."

Ji Tianxing shook his head and smiled and said: "Forget it, don't care about it, Keke will tell us the answer in the future."

After that, he and Yun Yao turned and left.

The two of them found a place in the dark space and began to practice in retreat.

In the first half of the year, both of them were healing their injuries.

After the injury healed and their strength returned to their peak, the two of them focused on training and tried to attack the Martial Saint Realm Eightfold.

Of course, Wusheng Eightfold Realm is just the beginning.

The ultimate goal of the two is to break through to the Martial God Realm as soon as possible!

Only by reaching the **** realm and Ji Tianxing's swordsmanship can he use his supreme magical powers and fight to the death against the Sky Clan.


Ten days passed.

The news of the collapse of Tianzhu Mountain has spread throughout half of the Shenwu Continent.

The prestige of the Fatian tribe once again frightened all tribes and became one of the most powerful forces on the mainland.

Related legends and news spread wildly on the mainland and are widely known.

In the eyes of warriors of all races, the Celestial Clan from the outer starry sky is stronger and more cruel and terrifying than the ancient and mysterious demons!

At the same time, the Fatian clan has also become the fourth largest force and can stand shoulder to shoulder with the three great kingdoms!

The martial arts forces of all races are watching, and the Fatian tribe is so ambitious that they continue to invade and expand their territory.

Who is their next goal?

Within Tianzhu Mountain.

It has been ten days since the Fatians invaded this area.

An Yu led many soldiers to build a majestic Palace on the ruins of Tianzhu Mountain, which was guarded by heavy soldiers.

He sits in the Fatian Palace and dispatches many captains from the Martial God Realm to control the lord of all the cities.

Nine sects and eighteen factions have been destroyed.

The Celestial Clan controlled many city masters and truly controlled this territory.

For the past ten days, An Yu and the powerful men of the Heavenly Swordsman have been very busy.

An Yu wants to completely take Tianzhu Mountain as his own. It is not enough just to control the city lord.

He also sent thousands of black armored fighters to garrison each city.

In this way, the resistance of the people is completely eliminated.

The entire Tianzhu Mountain area is under the control of the Fatian clan.

Hundreds of millions of Li people have also become slaves driven by the Heavenly Clan.

In the early morning of that day, An Yu's order came from the Fatian Palace and was conveyed to each city.

Subsequently, many warriors of the Celestial Clan ordered the city lord to issue orders to collect hundreds of thousands of slaves in the city.

Most of these slaves were young warriors, regardless of gender or race.

They not only need to mine mountains and mines, but also plunder cultivation resources for the Chutian tribe.

They also need to build city walls, build fortresses and fortifications, and even raise monsters and plant elixir for the Celestial Clan.

All in all, if the Celestial Clan controlled Tianzhu Mountain, it wanted to plunder the resources of this territory.

Before Tianzhu Mountain ruled this territory, it has never done this kind of sloppy fishing.

For long-term planning, there are limits to the mining and use of training resources in each city.

But the Fatians are different.

They never thought of a long-term livelihood, let alone the life and death of the Li people.

As long as the resources are available to them, they will plunder regardless of the consequences.

Even if Tianzhu Mountain became a barren and barren land after a few years, they would not regret it.

The big deal is enough to invade other territories, anyway, they are predators that ravage the starry sky.

Soon, because of the collection of slaves, chaos and fighting broke out in each city.

But normal people do not want to lose their freedom and become slaves like livestock.

The order of the Kavatian tribe was lowered, and the City Lord's Mansion could only execute it, so it took tough measures to recruit slaves.

The people in the city, see the city lord’s mansion extending its magic claws to the compatriots, how can they not be angry and chill?

Many people and warriors, of course, struggled to resist, and clashes broke out with the City Lord's Mansion.

However, the resistance of the people is too weak.

The warriors of the Celestial Clan who were stationed in the cities slaughtered a group of rebels by **** and cruel methods, and the chaos was suppressed.

Soon, every city recruited 300,000 to 500,000 slaves and began the task of plundering resources.

Within a few days, the plundering plan was on the right track.

The peaks and mineral veins around the cities ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were dug up by slaves.

Every day, a large number of ores are mined, and after refining, they become spirit stones and send them to the city lord's mansion.

After accumulating a certain amount, the Warriors of the Fatian clan escorted the spirit stone to Fatian Palace and handed it to An Yu.

In addition, the construction plans of the cities were also carried out in an orderly manner, and matters such as raising monsters and planting elixir were also carried out smoothly.

In just one month, Tianzhu Mountain has completely become the territory of the Heavenly Swordsman.

There are no more warriors and forces who dare to challenge the rule of the Sky Clan.

Of course.

There is a glimmer of hope and faith in everyone's heart.

Everyone firmly believes that one day, the Sword God will return, punish the Heavenly Clan, and rescue Tianzhu Mountain!

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