Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2406: 2 giants

? The ancestor Demon God obviously did not pay attention to General Fulong.

Such self-confident and domineering words shocked Ling Xuan, Shu Tuo and others, and felt deeply proud.

Deep down in my heart, I naturally have sufficient confidence.

Ling Xuan no longer said much, and hurriedly bowed his hands in salute, saying: "Please follow the order of the ancestor, and this subordinate will send the message to General Fulong."

After all, he took out the jade slip of the message and sent it to General Fulong on the spot.

The ancestor Demon God thought silently for a moment, and then asked: "You once reported that Tianzhu Mountain was destroyed by the Heavenly Swordsman army?"

"Exactly." Ling Xuan nodded quickly.

The ancestor Demon God frowned, and asked in a low tone: "Tianzhu Mountain is the dojo of the Sword God, and it must contain the inheritance or treasure of the Sword God.

After the Fatians destroyed Tianzhu Mountain, is there any vision? Have you found any treasures? "

Ling Xuan shook her head and answered truthfully: "No! Tianzhu Mountain is like a normal mountain, it turned into a ruin.

The Fatian tribe army built a Fatian Palace on the ruins.

Since then, the sword **** has also disappeared without a trace, and has not yet appeared. "

The ancestor Demon God pondered for a moment, and said in a harsh tone: "The battle of Tianzhu Mountain, the sword **** did not show up, then it proves that he did not participate in the battle, he must be alive!

He is likely to hide, and is regenerating his energy and regaining his strength in order to avenge his hatred in the future! "

Ling Xuan hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Enlighten the ancestor, now that the sword **** is making enemies on all sides, not only the Exercising Clan is looking for him, but even the Kingdom of Heaven and Jue is also looking for him.

You see, should we take the lead to seize his blood and heritage? "

The ancestor Demon God waved his hand, grinning with a joking sneer, and said: "No need! The original **** has returned to the divine realm, and the blood of the sword **** is no longer needed to condense the divine body.

Moreover, the Fatian tribe is too ambitious and will surely become a stumbling block for our tribe in the future.

You can't let the Sky Clan go too smoothly, leaving the Sword God to deal with them, just to weaken their strength! "

Ling Xuan suddenly realized, showing an expression of sincere admiration, nodded and said: "So that's it! The ancestors are really foresight!

The Fatian clan is eager to expand, and it is bound to kill Luoshui and the sword god.

When they both lose in the fight, we will take advantage of it again! "

The ancestor Demon God smiled and nodded, and said in a low tone: "You can understand the best! No matter how strong the Sky Clan is, it is only temporary.

Ultimately, it must be my clan to rule this world! "

Ling Xuan, Shu Tuo and others all agreed, full of hope for the future.

Not long after, a dark red light of blood flew from the sky and fell in front of Ling Xuan.

It was a piece of mysterious blood jade, and it was the message sent back by General Fulong.

After Ling Xuan read the message with her spiritual sense, she suddenly smiled.

"Enlighten the ancestors, General Fulong said he wanted to see you a long time ago, since you have invited, of course he will go to the appointment..."

Ling Xuan bowed to the ancestor Demon God and relayed the message truthfully.


Soon, two days passed.

In the early morning of the third day, the Beiming Palace was solemnly arranged, and a ceremonial guard was placed on the square outside the temple.

When they arrived, Ling Xuan, She Tuo and others walked out of the hall and waited on the square to meet General Fulong.

It didn't take long for a black shadow to come from the south, swiftly for hundreds of miles.


The black shadow came to the sky above the Beiming Palace and stopped, showing a real appearance, actually a warship that was thousands of feet long.

The battleship hung high in the sky. After the door opened, a tall monster came out.

This is a half-human and half-beast monster, covered with black dragon scales, and two hideous black dragons protruding out of its shoulders, surrounded by mysterious black energy.

There is no doubt that this is the leader of the Fatian tribe, General Fulong.

Behind him, followed by four guards from the Celestial Clan wearing black armor.

General Fulong took four guards, descended from the sky and landed on the square outside the temple.

Ling Xuan, She Tuo and others immediately greeted him, bowing and saluting with a smile.

"Congratulations to General Fulong coming, the ancestor of our clan has been waiting for a long time!"

Ling Xuan, She Tuo and others are full of confidence, and their attitude towards General Fulong is fairly polite, but not respectful and humble.

General Fulong noticed something strange, but he nodded slightly and didn't say much.

After that, Ling Xuan, She Tuo and others, surrounded by General Fulong, left the square and entered the meeting hall.

In the dimly lit, cold and secluded discussion hall, the ancestor Demon God is sitting on the first place.

At this moment, he is just a two-foot tall black-robed giant with three huge heads.

In appearance and size, he is obviously not as domineering as General Fulong.

But the aura of the ancestor Demon God is more mysterious and gloomy, and the momentum is not weaker than that of General Fulong.

General Fulong came to the main hall and stood still, staring at the ancestor Demon God, the purple fire in his eyes constantly beating.

The ancestor Demon God also fixed his eyes on him, looking at him from head to toe.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and then retracted their gazes.

The ancestor Demon God raised his hand and said in a low tone: "Welcome General Fulong to the Beiming Palace, please sit down!"

General Fulong grinned, and said with a faint smile: "You don't need to sit down. Please Demon God Lord to speak directly."

Given his size, the seats in the hall were obviously too small, so he simply stood and talked.

The ancestor Demon God didn't force it, and said with a playful look: "It seems that General Fulong has not done so much to master the language of our race."

General Fulong was still smiling and not smiling, and said in a calm tone: "If this is not the case, how can this seat communicate with Lord Demon God?"

"Hehehe..." The ancestor Demon God sneered twice, his eyes sharpened.

"I am afraid that it is not only our language, but also the human language and the situation on the Shenwu Continent. General Fulong has a clear grasp of it!"

General Fulong raised his eyebrows, and said indifferently: "Since I have come to this world, I have to learn and adapt.

In terms of the human language that I have recently learned, this is called going to the village and doing the same. "

"Follow the customs?" The ancestor Demon God sneered again: "I'm afraid there is another plan, right?"

The purple fire in General Fulong’s eyes throbbed twice ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, looking at it directly, said: "This seat is puzzled, please let the demon **** speak directly."

"Okay!" The ancestor Demon God stopped circling the bend, and sneered, and said with a solemn expression: "Fatian tribe first occupied the five southern regions of our tribe, and then invaded 72 cities and Tianzhu Mountain, and now also occupied Luoshui Divine Kingdom. Half of the country.

The Fatian tribe swallows the mountains and rivers so madly, the sword points the entire continent, have you ever thought about the consequences? "

General Fulong said blankly: "War and killing are nothing more than success and defeat. What are the consequences?

Moreover, with our clan's strength and influence, it is easy to sweep the entire continent. "

The ancestor Demon God sneered again, and said in a playful tone: "Ha ha ha...General Fulong is really confident!

Have you ever thought that if you are an enemy of the entire Shenwu Continent, even if you win in the end, you will pay an extremely tragic price? "

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