Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2432: Revenge begins

"The God Lord is strong, even if the kingdom of God is destroyed, she will be fine."

Luoshui said in a heavy tone.

It is not only comforting Ji Tianxing, but also comforting himself.

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, and said, "We will stop at the border of Luoshui Divine Kingdom later.

When I sneak into the city, I will inquire about the news and the situation before making a decision. "

Luo Shui nodded in agreement: "Well, that should be the case!

We have been in retreat in the tower, disconnected from the outside world, and have no idea what happened in the past six months.

Now that I can't get in touch with the gods, I can only do so. "

Three hours later, the colored glaze fire dragon flew out one hundred thousand miles and arrived at the border of Luoshui Divine Kingdom.

Ji Tianxing found a major city and sneaked into it alone to inquire about the news.

Yun Yao and Liuli Fire Dragon stayed five hundred miles away outside the city, waiting patiently.

Now the war has long since subsided, and the border of the Kingdom of God is also very stable.

When Ji Tianxing entered the city, he couldn't even feel the danger.

Looking around, the city is as bustling and lively as ever, with people everywhere.

The soldiers guarding the city gate are also Terran warriors.

However, when Ji Tianxing sneaked into the city, he found that the city was controlled by the Celestial Clan.

A dozen warriors of the Celestial Clan guarding the martial sacred realm in the city enslaved the people and warriors of the entire city.

Ji Tianxing did not waste time to assassinate the sky-slashers.

He successively found more than a dozen masters of human race, using the soul-searching technique, or threatening to induce a lot of news.

These human race masters are the city guard generals, or the guard captain of the city lord mansion, and the warrior leaders in the city, and they know a lot.

After half an hour, Ji Tianxing left with a gloomy expression.


He flew across the sky quickly and landed on the back of the glazed fire dragon.

Yun Yao had been waiting for a long time, and seeing that he had finally returned, she quickly greeted her and asked about the situation.

"Tianxing, did you find out the news? What's the situation?"

Ji Tianxing nodded solemnly.

Seeing his strange expression, Yun Yao suddenly felt bad, and asked, "Could it be that... really made us guess, the kingdom of God has been destroyed?"

Ji Tianxing nodded again, and said in a calm tone: "Shortly after we retreat, the Heavenly Swordsman army invaded and occupied the three southern empires.

Before long, Luoshui was also intercepted by General Fulong.

The two fought a battle, the result is unknown.

But since then, Luoshui mysteriously disappeared, and there was no more news.

Later, the remaining two empires also announced their surrender.

The entire Luoshui Divine Kingdom has fallen into the hands of the Sky Clan.

Now that the war has subsided for a few months, the situation in the Kingdom of God has gradually stabilized..."

Although Yun Yao had expected it.

But when she heard the news in person, she was still full of grief and anger, and her heart was heavy.

"How could this be? The Fatian clan is so powerful?

The kingdom of God is destroyed, and even the whereabouts of the Lord is unknown?

No wonder... No wonder we sent her a message, but she never responded! "

Seeing Yun Yao's grief, Ji Tianxing held her hand and patted her back lightly.

"Don't worry, with Luoshui's strength and means, even if it is defeated by General Fulong, it will not fall.

She was probably seriously injured and went into retreat in hiding.

When she recovers, she will naturally contact us.

In addition to this incident, another major incident occurred three months ago. "

Yun Yao frowned immediately, and asked suspiciously, "What else is there?"

Ji Tianxing said with an indifferent expression: "The demons of Beimingshan are not willing to be lonely. They dispatched millions of demons to launch a war against the Kingdom of Taihao."

"What?" Yun Yao was taken aback, and asked in disbelief: "Only when the Celestial Clan invaded and occupied the Kingdom of Luoshui, the demons went to attack the Kingdom of Taihao?

The demons suffered a defeat a few years ago, isn't their vitality badly injured?

Where do they come from?

Could it be that... they have reached a cooperation with the Fatian clan, what agreement or plan do they have? "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said with a sneer: "Now the situation in the mainland has become very clear.

Perhaps as you guessed, there was collusion between the Mozu and the Fatianzu.

After all, they are all ferocious, bloodthirsty demons good at war and aggression!

But don’t forget, the ancestor Demon God and Tian Juewu God have long colluded and cooperated! "

Yun Yao suddenly realized, "That's it! No wonder the Demon Race has the confidence to start a war, it seems that there is a heavenly martial **** to help!

The Fatian tribe invaded and occupied the kingdom of Luoshui, the demons invaded the kingdom of Taihao, and the kingdom of Tianjue was in the middle.

If the demons are allowed to succeed, they will be able to control the Shenwu Continent in the future! "

After a pause, she asked again: "Tianxing, what shall we do now?

Is it to continue to the hinterland of Luoshui Divine Kingdom to assassinate the strongest clan?

Or rush to the Kingdom of Taihao to stop the invasion of the demons? "

Ji Tianxing said without hesitation: "The Kingdom of Luoshui has been controlled by the Fatian clan, and the situation has stabilized.

Even if we assassinate the strongest clan, it doesn't make much sense.

After all, Luoshui did not appear, and the people might not assemble to resist.

The top priority is that we must rush to help the Kingdom of Taihao, and we must not let the demons succeed! "

"Okay!" Yun Yao nodded quickly and agreed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "The demons have only launched a war for a few months. They are not as powerful as the Sky Clan, and they should not advance so fast."

The two of them made up their minds, no longer wasting time, and drove the glazed fire dragon to the kingdom of Taihao.


Half a month later, the Liuli Fire Dragon arrived at the border of Taihao Divine Kingdom.

After eight years, Ji Tianxing returned to this land again and couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart.

I still remember that when he left the Kingdom of Taihao, he had not yet awakened the memory of the sword god, and was still looking for Yun Yao's whereabouts.

At that time, he only had the strength of the Primordial Divine Realm, and he was hailed as the most genius **** disciple in Taihao Kingdom.

And now, in just eight years, he has ascended to the pinnacle of martial arts and stepped into the realm of the **** of war!

In this world, apart from the ancestor Demon God, there is no other evildoer like him.

In the evening, the glazed fire dragon flew near a main city.

The main city is located between two mountains, above the canyon, and is a fortress on the border.

However, as early as three months ago, this main city was occupied by the demons.

Inside and outside the city, there are still traces of the war.

Near the tall city gate, a large number of demon warriors are stationed.

The towering city walls were damaged in many places, and the ground in the city was still cracked, leaving many ruins.

In the canyon outside the city wall, bones and corpses scattered all over the ground, piled up into hills.

There are only a few hundred thousand humans living in the city.

However, they are all enslaved by the demons, working like the cheapest livestock. .

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao both looked gloomy and burst out with intense murderous intent.

The two did not hide, and rushed into the city openly, massacring the demon defenders.

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