Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2608: Space jump

The day passed quickly.

   The situation is just as the Emperor Fatian said.

   The Heavenly Godship was indeed better, and it finally caught up with the Heavenly Warship.

   Seeing, the two battleships are less than a thousand miles apart.

   cut the bow position of the **** ship, opened two muzzles, and protruded out two huge, sturdy guns.

   The barrels of these two super cannons are extremely thick, ten times thicker than the super cannon on the side of the warship.

   This is the main gun of the Divine Warship, located directly in front of the Divine Warship. It is extremely powerful and is not easy to use.

   Every time a cannon is fired, it costs thousands of sacred stones, which is very expensive.

   However, Emperor Fatian was determined to punish Ji Tianxing and captured the Tianxing battleship.

   No matter how much he paid, he would not hesitate.

   "Prepare to fire the cannon and blast it to the emperor!"

   The Great Emperor Fatian stared at the Tianxing battleship with gloomy eyes, and ordered in a deep voice.

  Fatian Emperor Master said and obeyed his orders, and quickly controlled the divine formation, accumulating divine power for the two main guns.


   Inside the black main muzzle, a deep purple light suddenly lit up.

   The purple light is the supernatural power condensed to the extreme, the color is purple to black, and the power is terrifying to the extreme.

   There is no doubt that once the Skywalker is hit by the main artillery, it will definitely suffer severe damage.

  Even if it is made of Unbounded Divine Stone, there will be unpredictable consequences.

   When the dark purple divine light in the main gun condensed to the extreme, the main gun locked onto the galloping sky battleship ahead.

   In the next instant, two purple beams of light that ruined the world will burst out.

   At this moment, the white dragon manipulating the Tianxing battleship felt a great crisis.

   "It's over!

  Master, the old beast of Emperor Fatian used the main gun of the Godship to lock us down! "

   Bailong was angry and anxious, and hurriedly manipulated the Skywalker, swinging and swaying from side to side, drawing an arc trajectory in the void.

   He swayed in a chaotic pattern, trying his best to avoid the lock of the Heaven-Fighting Godship.

   At this time, Ji Tianxing stared deeply at the void ahead, and said calmly: "Don't panic, there is a way for the teacher!

   The star in front is dim and without light, and there is no divine light shield formed by the laws of heaven. It must be a star without intelligent life.

   We are flying in the void, and we must not escape the chase of Emperor Fatian.

   Only when you escape into that star and fight with the Great Emperor Fatian, can you have a chance. "

   Right in front of the Tianxing battleship, there is a huge gray-white star, quietly suspended in the void.

  Although, the Skywalker is very close to the star.

   But the actual distance between the two is still hundreds of thousands of miles.

   Bailong said to Ji Tianxing while controlling the battleship: "Master, you are right, but we are at least half a million miles away from that star!"

   Ji Tianxing said with a solemn expression: "We have always believed that the source stone has various effects and magical effects, and it is far more than what we know.

   It's just that we have never had the opportunity to conduct deeper research and excavation.

   So, take the risk for the teacher's plan and make an attempt. "

   Bailong frowned immediately, and asked in doubt, "Master, what are you going to do?"

   Ji Tianxing did not answer, but solemnly ordered: "Get ready, hold on!"

   After that, he pinched the divine tactics in both hands, urging the law of space with all his strength, releasing dazzling white light.


   With his palms down, he poured endless white light into the battleship under his feet.

   Suddenly, the dazzling white light got into the battleship of the sky and spread at an extremely fast speed.


   In the blink of an eye, the mysterious force of the law of space flooded the entire sky-traveling battleship, causing the battleship to shine into the sky.

   Seeing this scene, both Bai Long and the three-headed beast understood Ji Tianxing's intentions.

   "Master, this... can this work?"

   "Old Ji, do you impose a space law on the battleship and want the battleship to teleport?"

   "It's not teleporting, in Bailong's terms, this is called space jump!"

   "This...this is too weird, right?"

   Just as the white dragon and the three-headed beast were full of anxiety, the Tianxing battleship suddenly shook violently.

   The frequency of shaking and shaking is super high, as if some mysterious power is sealed in the battleship, and it will erupt like a volcanic eruption!

   Bailong's eyes dazzled, and he concentrated quickly, controlling the Tianxing battleship.

   In the next instant, the mysterious power in the Skywalker finally burst out.


   Skywalker battleship burst out with dazzling white light, illuminating the void in a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

   Immediately afterwards, the Tianxing battleship disappeared from its place, and instantly moved 20,000 miles away!

   There is no doubt that Ji Tianxing’s attempt was successful!

   The Skywalker battleship built from the source stone, really withstood the power of space tearing, and realized the space jump!

   The distance between the Tianxing battleship and the Heaven-Fighting Divine Ship opened 20,000 miles in an instant!

  Almost at the same moment, the Heaven-Fighting Divine Ship seized a short opportunity, locked the Skywalking Warship, and blasted out two purple beams of light that ruined the world.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   From the huge and sturdy main gun, two hundred-li-long purple light pillars were exploded, and they slammed into the Tianxing battleship.

   In the cockpit of the Fatian Divine Ship, Emperor Fatian smiled with satisfaction, his eyes full of expectation.

   "Finally let me seize the opportunity..."

   However, his words stopped abruptly when he was halfway through.

   The second half of the sentence got stuck in my throat and I couldn't get out again.

   It was because he saw the Skywalker battleship flashing white with his own eyes and disappeared from the same place.

   In the next instant, two purple light pillars fell into the sky and blasted into the vast void.

   And the Tianxing battleship appeared in the void twenty thousand miles away, safe and sound!

   The smile on Master Fatian's face solidified.

   His expression changed drastically, revealing an incredibly surprised look~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Great Fatian, who stood behind the Fatian Emperor, also changed his expression drastically, his pupils tightened.


  His ship can even teleport? And teleport 20,000 miles at a time?

  This...this is not teleport, this is space jump! "

   The Great Emperor Fatian was shocked, and there was a storm in his heart.

  "Is the law of space!

   must be the law of space!

  Ji Tianxing’s battleship can also use the power of space laws to achieve space jumps!

   Unbounded God Stone, how can it have such an incredible effect? "

   The Great Emperor Fatian was shocked, and he became more eager and urgent for the mysterious Unbounded Divine Stone.

   He couldn't wait to capture Ji Tianxing immediately, and asked the source and function of the Unbounded Divine Stone!

  The Emperor Fatian came back to his senses, shocked and excited, and said with a trembling voice: "The effect of the Unbounded Divine Stone is so powerful and magical?

   Great Emperor, if my clan can get the Unbounded Divine Stone and use it...

  In those three thousand worlds, who else can stop our race? "

   The Great Emperor Fatian clenched his fists, nodded solemnly, and said: "Unbounded God Stone, this emperor must get it!

   Even a purple star field is not as important as the Unbounded God Stone!

   Even if he travels through three thousand worlds and chases to the end of the void, the emperor will capture Ji Tianxing and vowed to dig out the source of the Unbounded Divine Stone! "

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