Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2618: Secret Journey

"The Great Emperor Fatian came for the source stone?"

"Even the **** behind him is very interested in the source stone?"

The expressions of Yun Yao and Ji Ke both became a little heavy.

Without Ji Tianxing's explanation, they also understand what this means.

"In this way, the end of the Five Elements World is coming!"

"The Great Emperor Fatian will definitely trace the Five Elements World, and will do whatever it takes to get the Origin Stone!"

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said with a calm expression: "Hehe, the heaven-defying power of the source stone makes me feel moved by it, not to mention the gods of the upper realm.

Any god, as long as he sees the magical effect of the source stone, he will not give up.

After all, the source stone is of great benefit to the gods, kings and kings! "

Ji Ke's mood became heavier, and she asked worriedly: "Brother Tianxing, the situation of the Five Elements World is more dangerous, what should we do?

If the Great Emperor Fatian led an army to kill, with the strength of the three of us, how could we resist? "

Although Yun Yao didn't speak, he still had the same thoughts, looking at Ji Tianxing worriedly.

Ji Tianxing waved his hand, indicating that the two of them don't need to worry, and said with comfort: "The Great Emperor Fatian doesn't know the specific location of the Five Elements World. It will take at least a few years to find here.

At present, we have no chance of winning, we can only improve our strength desperately to have a chance of life.

However, there are still some doubts, we have to figure it out as soon as possible! "

Yunyao and Ji Ke asked in unison: "What's the matter?"

Ji Tianxing explained patiently: "The first point, when I was at Zixiao Star, I found a problem.

The heavens and all realms are restricted by the rules of the heavens, and it will never be possible to break through the heavens and gods in the mortal world, unless they fly to the gods.

But the Five Elements World is different. In ancient times, there were many gods, including gods, gods and gods.

The cemetery of the gods in the **** ruins is the best proof! "

Upon hearing this, Yunyao and Ji Ke glanced at each other and realized the problem.

"You mean, the Five Elements World is not an ordinary mortal world?"

"Brother Tianxing, isn't the Five Elements World not restricted by the rules of Heaven?"

Ji Tianxing went on to say: "The second point, the source stone is a powerful **** stone, useful to all gods, even regardless of race and power attributes.

If the world of the five elements is just an ordinary mortal world, why would produce such a godlike thing as the source stone? "

Yun Yao and Ji Ke's eyes brightened, and they nodded in agreement.

"Yes! The appearance of the source stone further proves that the world of the Five Elements is not ordinary!"

"Brother Tianxing, there is one more thing... The Five Elements World is sealed by the gods!

There should be no such situation in other mortal worlds, right? "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "Ke Ke is right, only the world of the five elements is sealed by the gods, the most special.

There is also a third point. At the beginning, we found the source of the source rock in the ocean.

At the same time, we were still deep in the heart of the earth and found a collapsed ancient temple.

That was the cave mansion of a certain **** king, and there was a large formation in it, which can still be used now, leading to the outer starry sky. "

Yun Yao is the most intelligent, and immediately understood what he meant, and said solemnly: "So, our goal is underground!

The secret of the Five Elements World is probably hidden deep in the heart of the earth! "

Ji Tianxing showed a smile on his face and nodded: "Yes! I am coming back this time, just to enter the center of the earth and solve these mysteries!"

After speaking, he took a deep look at Yun Yao and asked, "Yaoyao, you have inherited the memory of Goddess Yaoguang.

It stands to reason that Yaoguang is one of the masters of the ancient gods war.

The world of the Five Elements was sealed by the gods, which was also after the ancient gods war.

Think about it. Are there any clues and suspicious points? "

Yun Yao shook her head lightly and said with regret: "I have been thinking about these issues for these years, and I am also trying to piece together and restore the memory of Goddess Yaoguang.

However, those memories seem to have disappeared, and I have no impression at all.

The memories of Goddess Yaoguang are all some cultivation methods.

There are formations, alchemy, refining tools, charms, etc., all of which are related to the cultivation of the divine way.

Only there is no memory of ancient **** wars! "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and said with some regret: "In this case, we can only investigate from the source and uncover the mystery little by little."

The three of them made up their minds and prepared to go to Qianlong Abyss.

Before leaving, Yun Yao found Chenchen and Yaya, and told them to practice with peace of mind.

Ji Tianxing also instructed the white dragon and the three-headed beast to stay in the pagoda and retreat, trying to improve their strength.

Ji Ke also sent out several inquiries and issued orders to arrange the government affairs of the Kingdom of God.

The three of them all understood that this time going to the depths of the earth, I don't know how long it will be delayed, and must first make arrangements.


A few hours later, the three of them left the sacred pagoda together and rushed towards the sky for the kingdom of God.

In just two days, they arrived in the northern part of the Heavenly Kingdom and entered the abyss of Qianlong.

Passing through the pitch-black abyss, the three of them quickly entered the ocean of magma and came to the territory of the human race in the center of the earth.

Although, more than ten years have passed.

After the cave humans surrendered, they did not dare to give birth to alienation, and had been working diligently.

In accordance with Ji Ke's order, they planned to mine the source rock and hand in a fixed amount of source rock every year.

As a result, the pressure on the Earth's Cave Human Race is greatly reduced.

They will not suffer too much, but they must complete tasks on time and quantitatively.

When the three of Ji Tianxing arrived at the Temple of the Earth's Heart, Patriarch Baha and the high priest rushed to greet them, with a very respectful attitude.

After many years, the imprint of the soul in their bodies has not been eliminated, and they are still loyal to Ji Tianxing.

Unless Ji Tianxing took the initiative to lift the mark, or died.

Otherwise, they will always be Ji Tianxing's slaves.

Ji Tianxing was very satisfied with the performance of the Baha Patriarch, gave a few commendations and encouraged him, and then left with Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

Next, the three of them crossed hundreds of thousands of miles of magma to arrive at the source rock mine.

The mysterious black hole is located in the source rock mine.

The three of Ji Tianxing unlocked the black hole's sealing formation and successfully entered the black hole.

Standing in the empty cave, the three of them looked at the huge, majestic ancient temple in front, all showing expectant eyes.

"In the depths of the earth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is a cave mansion of the ancient gods.

I don’t know, what exactly is the world of the Five Elements in ancient times? "Yun Yao muttered silently, a look of longing flashed in her eyes.

Ji Tianxing smiled and said expectantly: "Explore this ancient temple again, I hope I can gain something."

Ji Ke was taken aback for a moment, and said in a complex tone: "Big Brother Tianxing, I remembered the last time I came here, Xiaobai had a whim and proposed a hypothesis.

He said, is there such a possibility...

In the ancient times, the world of the Five Elements, like the God Realm and the Dragon Realm, was the eternal main world?

However, after some unknown reasons, this world fell into a mortal world.

At the time Xiaobai said so, we still felt absurd.

Thinking about it now, what Xiaobai said is not unreasonable. "

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