Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2646: The death of the true god

When the disaster was approaching, the emperor did not hesitate to speed up and escape.

Of course, in order not to fall behind the charge of abandoning the Lord and fleeing, he called out to remind the Great Emperor Fatian.

When Emperor Fatian turned his head to look, he had already fled hundreds of miles away.

More than sixty magma fire pillars immediately flooded the figure of the Great Emperor Fatian.


Seeing that the emperor was so greedy for life and afraid of death, he escaped alone.

Emperor Fatian trembled with anger and couldn't help cursing.

But he knew that now is not the time to get angry.

He hurriedly swung the divine sword, splitting dozens of purple sword lights, and slashing towards the surrounding magma fire pillars.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

A series of muffled noises burst out, the sword light collapsed, and the flames flowed everywhere.

The Great Emperor Fatian resolved Ji Tianxing's attack, but he became disheveled and dark, looking quite embarrassed.

His divine power was also violently consumed, constantly weakening.

at the same time.

More than thirty magma fire pillars changed directions and blasted towards the emperor a hundred miles away.

The emperor was panicked, and quickly condensed the shield to resist, and waved the magic knife to cut out the sky.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

After a series of muffled noises, the knife light and the magma fire column all collapsed.

However, the dark red divine flame defeated the emperor's divine power shield.

Half of his body was burnt to black, and one leg was burned to black ashes.

The heart-piercing pain caused him to let out a scream, echoing endlessly in the sky.

"Ahhhhh! Ji Tianxing, you bastard, beast!

This seat is bound to smash your corpse into thousands of pieces, and frustrate your bones! ! "

However, in response to the emperor's master, hundreds of magma fire pillars came one after another.

Each pillar of fire is as high as one hundred meters, surrounded by turbulent scarlet flames, and blasted towards the emperor.

The emperor's body shook suddenly, his eyes showed a thick panic.

In fear, he even forgot the pain of his body, and fled away despite the teleportation together.

However, his speed was a step slower after all.

Although he escaped more than ninety pillars of fire, he was still hit by seven pillars of fire.

"Boom bang bang!"

There was another series of muffled noises.

Half of the emperor teacher's body was completely burned to ashes by the flames of God, scattered in the sky.

The surviving half of the body was also scorched, with black smoke.

The wound was burnt, and the purple blood that emerged was also burned by the flames.

The violent impact force shook the Emperor Shi upside down, tumbling and smashing into the distance.

The unparalleled pain made him so angry that he almost lost his mind.

The Great Emperor Fatian not far away watched the emperor's master being severely injured, but there was no time to rescue him.

In anger, the Great Emperor Fatian repeatedly cursed three times, **** it, and quickly teleported to the side of the emperor to help.

He used the technique of capture, grabbed the emperor with a purple giant palm, and escaped eight hundred miles in one teleport.

However, hundreds of colorful giant swords emerged on the grassland, smashing into the sky from the ground.

The emperor was so painful that he couldn't resist using spells.

The Great Emperor Fatian had no choice but to protect the emperor's master, wielding the divine sword to perform exquisite swordsmanship, wielding hundreds of purple sword lights.

"Boom bang bang!"

"Crack, click, click!"

The sword light in the sky collided, and there was a muffled and broken sound, which was endless.

The emperor was saved, and the injury did not aggravate.

The shield of Emperor Kovartian was defeated by the colorful sword light, leaving dozens of wounds on his body, with bones visible.

Purple blood gushes out and falls into the sky.

Great Emperor Fatian frowned fiercely, his eyes flashed with shock.

"Damn it! What kind of power is this capable of breaking the emperor's defense?"

He had played against Ji Tianxing a long time ago, knowing that Ji Tianxing had only the strength of a true god.

And he was a half-step god, under the realm of the god, he was almost invincible.

With Ji Tianxing's strength, no matter how powerful a magical technique he uses, he cannot be hurt.

But now, he was injured.

He can clearly distinguish that the power of the colorful sword light is not the power of the true god, but a very special and powerful divine power.

The feeling that that kind of power brought him was like being an enemy of mountains and rivers, and the whole world would kill him.

"That is definitely not a divine power, even if it is a god, it may not be able to release that power.

But Ji Tianxing is just a true god, how did he do it? "

The Great Emperor Fatian was puzzled and puzzled.

As he was thinking, more than three hundred golden swords appeared on the grassland, shooting like a rain of arrows.

The Great Emperor Fatian was awakened immediately, and he didn't dare to think anymore, and quickly teleported to escape.

at the same time.

In the golden light sphere at the core of the world.

Ji Tianxing sat on the golden mountain, his eyes closed tightly, and a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Hahaha...I am closely connected with the world of the Five Elements. I am dependent on life and death. I can not only control the world, but also release the power of the world!

Sure enough!

Not to mention the Great Emperor Fatian, even if the gods descended to earth, they would be injured by the power of the world! "

Obviously, Operation Jitian used the power of the world to injure the Great Emperor Fatian.

Before that, he was in control of the five continents, so he could only practice manipulating the heavens and the earth first, and fight with the Great Emperor Defeating Heaven.

Now, he can manipulate the heaven and earth smoothly and constantly attack the Great Emperor Fatian and the emperor.

So he tried again, trying to use the power of the world.

He really succeeded and achieved remarkable results.

This refreshed him and made him more confident.

Next, the Great Emperor Fatian fled frantically in the sky, fleeing all the way to the Kingdom of Luoshui.

Ji Tianxing was sitting on the golden mountain, using his mind to control the heaven and the earth to continuously attack, and release the power of the world to pursue and kill.

The Great Emperor Fatian escaped for several hours, hundreds of thousands of miles away.

His divine power was greatly weakened, his injuries were getting heavier and heavier, with dozens of more wounds all over his body.

As time goes by, his situation will get worse and worse.

He was just injured.

In contrast, the end of the emperor teacher was much more miserable.

Only after escaping 200,000 miles, he was strangled by the light blade condensed by the power of the world, and his body was broken.

The Great Emperor Fatian couldn't protect himself, and it was too late to save him.

The emperor master of the dignified True God Realm six layers fell.

In order to speed up his escape, and to resist Ji Tianxing's attack, he had to sacrifice his ship.

Although, the Celestial Warship is a Celestial-class warship ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ with super defensive power and super fast speed.


In the blink of an eye, the Heaven-Fighting Divine Ship rushed out hundreds of miles away in purple light.

However, Ji Tianxing controls five continents.

Under his divine mind, not only the Shenwu Continent, but the other four continents are also under control.

As long as the Divine Fighting Ship did not leave Shenwu Continent or escape from the Five Elements World, it would still be in the palm of Ji Tianxing.

What's more, the God of Fatian is three thousand feet long, huge as a mountain.

Such a huge target is easier to hit than Emperor Fatian.

Thousands of golden blades of light appeared between the heaven and the earth where the God-Fasting Ship passed, pouring down like a heavy rain.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

At every breath time, the Divine Slashing Ship was hit dozens of times by the Golden Light Blade.

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