Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2679: Tenjin suicide bomb


There was a muffled noise.

The armor that Marshal Zhengdong wore was fragmented by the explosion, turned into tens of thousands of pieces, and splashed.

A huge blood hole was exploded in his chest, and a large piece of meat and bones, mixed with blood, flew out.

His internal organs were crushed and blown to pieces by the sword light!

The physical body was so severely injured that Marshal Zhengdong was not dead, and he let out a scream that resounded through the sky.


In the severe pain, he convulsed all over, and his murderous aura formed a crimson flame that rose to the sky.

"Ji Tianxing! This handsome and you don't share the sky, and you are not at the same time!"

Marshal Zhengdong roared hysterically, his voice trembling, hoarse, full of grief and anger.

Even if he was furious, he did not lose his mind.

Immediately gave orders to the Martial Gods who were beside him: "Stop for this commander and go all out to besiege Ji Tianxing!

Kill him at any cost! "

The dozens of Heaven-Fighting Martial Gods are joining forces to cast spells, attacking the old spiritual men and idols in the temple.

After getting the order of Marshal Zhengdong, they all changed their directions, and slayed Ji Tianxing without fear of death.

In the blink of an eye, Ji Tianxing fell into the siege of many golden captains.

Not far away, Ji Wuhen and Ji Wushuang were also surrounded by a dozen golden armored captains, fighting together.

Marshal Zhengdong took the opportunity to sacrifice the battleship, got into the True God class ship, and began to bombard Ji Tianxing.

The two sides fight in the high sky, releasing the divine light that shields the sky and the sun, forming an extremely brilliant light and shadow.

In a short period of time, it was difficult to tell the winner.

However, the spiritual elders and idols in the temple are under pressure.

The only ones who could attack them were more than 30 martial gods.

The remaining more than sixty people are besieging and resisting Ji Tianxing and others, as well as the four-headed beasts.

"Someone came to save us?"

While resisting the attack of many captains, the idol spoke to the old man of the spirit race through voice transmission.

The old man of the spirit race methodically cast a counterattack, and the sound transmission replied: "We are citizens of the gods and this is a mortal world. How can anyone come to save us?

It's just a dispute over interests, and the dog bites the dog.

But no matter what, this is a good thing for us. "

Although, the gods and the old men of the spirit race have reached the end of their crossbows, they are almost exhausted.

But they remained calm and calm, neither angry nor surprised.

The idols tried to attack actively, wanting to break through the encirclement of many martial gods and escape from this temple.

But it's a pity that its injuries are too serious, and it's too weak.

After trying three times in a row, they all ended in failure, and they were beaten back by the Warriors.

"This was originally a good opportunity, but unfortunately, we can't escape anymore."

The idol said through voice transmission, his tone a little helpless and regretful.

The old man of the Spirit Race said indifferently: "The Lord God King has already fallen, and the God Star has also collapsed.

We should have died in the battle of God Kings like other people.

Fortunately, a life was recovered, and it was God's favor to survive till now.

Since there is no escape, then accept death calmly.

However, we are dignified gods, how can we die worthless? "

The idols and the elders of the spirit clan have been together for tens of thousands of years, and the tacit understanding between them has reached the level of consonance.

It immediately understood the meaning of the old man of the spirit race, and slightly nodded and said: "If this is the case, then more people will be buried with you, and Huangquan Road will not be lonely.

The old man of the spirit race nodded and said no more.

He began to wave his palms to cast the spell, a golden flame ignited all over, dazzling like a torch.

The idol silently withstood the attacks of many fighting gods, and also used the final trump card stunts, and the whole body burst into bright light.


The wave of divine power that destroyed the sky and the earth exploded from the body of the old man of the spirit race and the idol, shaking between the sky and the earth.

Their bodies are swelling violently, and their bodies are brewing with the power of destroying the world!

A hundred miles away, Ji Tianxing was fighting fiercely with Marshal Zhengdong.

Suddenly sensing the divine power fluctuations in the temple, he immediately frowned, and a solemn color flashed in his eyes.

"Blow up? They obviously have hope of surviving, and they are about to be rescued by me. Why do they even blew up?"

Ji Tianxing is very clear.

Even if the elders of the spirit race and the idols run out of oil, the power of self-detonation will not be too strong.

But they are gods, after all, they have already condensed the principles of the divine way and shaped the gods.

The power of the detonation of the godhead is enough to destroy thousands of miles.

All the creatures under the Heavenly God Realm may be bombarded and killed.

Unless... can stay away from the explosion center, getting better and better!

When this thought flashed in his mind, Ji Tianxing retreated without hesitation, ignoring Marshal Zhengdong's pursuit.


As soon as his figure flashed, he stepped out fifty miles, rushed into the crowd, pulled Ji Wuhen and Ji Wushuang, and fled away from a distance.

At the same time, he did not forget to use the divine sense to transmit sound to inform the white dragon, the thousand moon, the black dragon, the colored glaze and the blue kun.

When the white dragon and the four-headed beast got the news, they didn't hesitate to stop fighting, and retreated as quickly as possible.

The Fighting Heavenly Warriors who were fighting fiercely with them all showed a look of astonishment, but they didn't know why.

Even Marshal Zhengdong was full of doubts and couldn't help muttering: "Ji Tianxing, this bastard, obviously has the upper hand, why did he run away suddenly?"


In the fight just now, the three of UU reading www.uukánshu.com Ji Tianxing and his son successively killed more than 20 golden armored captains.

Now, beside Marshal Zhengdong, there are only a dozen golden armored captains left, and all of them have suffered serious injuries.

Even he himself was seriously injured.

Not only was there a huge blood hole in his chest, his legs were also severed, and the wound on his waist nearly cut him in the middle.

Of course, Marshal Zhengdong is not stupid.

He immediately realized that Ji Tianxing who had the upper hand suddenly fled, there must be a reason for it!

He immediately turned and looked into the divine light shield, his eyes locked on the idol in the ruins of the temple and the old man of the spirit race in the black robe.

As you can see, the huge mountain-like idol has expanded three times, and the whole body is blooming with bright golden light.

The black-robed old man also bulged, and a golden flame was ignited all over.

Their breath is extremely violent and chaotic, and they are already on the verge of explosion.

By the way, the thirty-odd martial gods who killed the sky didn't know what was going on.

Without receiving the order of Marshal Zhengdong, they did not dare to stop the offensive, and were still casting spells to besiege the old men and idols of the spirit race.

Seeing this scene, Marshal Zhengdong's complexion changed drastically and his body became stiff.

He instantly understood that the old man of the spirit race and the idol are going to explode!

"It's over!"

Marshal Zhengdong's eyes showed a deep look of grief and despair.

"Damn Ji Tianxing! You humble beast!

If it weren't for you to stab, how could that beast and black-robed **** have a chance to explode? "

Unfortunately, the matter has ended.

No matter how angry Marshal Zhengdong was, it wouldn't help.

"Retreat! Everyone, retreat immediately!".

He roared hoarse, and at the same time burst out at the fastest speed, teleporting and fleeing away.

However, as soon as he escaped a hundred miles away, there was an earth-shattering loud noise from the temple!

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