Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2685: Hunting

Void and dark, cold and dead.

The dazzling golden world of the Five Elements approached Qingyang Star silently, and the speed was gradually slowing down.

Looking across the void of hundreds of millions of miles, the huge Qingyang star hangs quietly in the void.

The volume of this star is only 30% smaller than the Five Elements World.

Among the many stars in the Qingyang Star Territory, this is already the largest star.

The surface of the entire star is protected by a strong blue light, like a dark blue sun.

The name of Qingyang Star comes from this.

Around Qingyang Star, a few hundred million li away in the void, surrounded by dozens of stars of different sizes.

Those stars, big or small, are barren stars without life.

They are like loyal guards, guarding Qingyang Star firmly.

Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and Ji Ke stood on the golden barrier of the Five Elements World, looking at Qingyang Star in the distance.

"The position of Qingyang Star and the pattern of surrounding stars are much better than Zixiao Star.

If there is a strong person in the Heavenly God Realm, he can lay out a powerful God Array and Starry Sky God Cannon on the surrounding sixteen stars, turning them into the moon of Qingyang Star.

Once a foreign enemy invades, the 16 satellites can monitor the enemy's movements in advance, and then initiate attacks and intercepts. "

Both Yunyao and Ji Ke understand that the so-called "satellite" refers to the guarding of the satellite Chen.

Yun Yao nodded slightly in agreement.

Ji Ke chuckled and shook his head, saying: "If it were the gods of the upper realm, they would naturally do this.

But this is a mortal world, and under the rules of heaven, no one can break through the heavenly **** realm, so no one can use that kind of magical power.

Moreover, even if there is an invasion by foreign enemies, they are nothing but Valkyrie and True God.

With Qingyang Star's divine light shield, it was already able to stop most true gods. "

It is true that regardless of Qingyang Star or Zixiao Star, the divine light shield formed by the rules of the heavens is a defensive of the gods.

Ninety-nine percent of the true gods can't break the light shield.

Only the world-famous powerhouses like Ji Tianxing and the Great Emperor Fatian, who have special opportunities and means, can break through the divine light shield and invade the stars.

Ji Ke's words made Ji Tianxing a little emotional.

"If it hadn't been for the chaos of the Heavenly Clan to cause disaster for the three thousand worlds, we would have ascended to the God Realm and broke through the Heaven God Realm.

Only by reaching the realm of the heavens and condensing the godhead can it be regarded as a true god.

At that time, all kinds of magical powers can be used..."

Yun Yao nodded again, and said in a low tone: "Yes! We can ascend, and once we leave, the grievances in this mortal world have nothing to do with us.

However, the Fatian clan is eyeing the Five Elements World, and it is bound to occupy or even destroy it.

Our parents, relatives and friends will also be enslaved by the Fatian tribe, and even slaughtered.

In addition, there are powerful gods behind the Fatian tribe, and they can evade the laws of the heavens and avoid the tribulations nine times.

All signs indicate that the Fatian tribe and the gods behind it must have a terrifying conspiracy.

In any case, we have to destroy the Celestial Clan before we can ascend with peace of mind. "

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little dull, Ji Ke comforted her: "Big Brother Tianxing and Sister Sister, you don't have to worry too much.

With the current strength of the three of us, we are invincible across the starry sky.

As long as we swept all the way and crossed the three star fields to reach the Sky-Fasting Star, it would be the end of the Sky-Fasting Race.

In a few decades at most, we will be able to annihilate the Sky Clan and ascend to the upper realm smoothly. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Yes, that's my plan.

Let's not talk about this matter for now, let's solve Qingyang Star first!

Although, we searched for a large number of treasures and resources on the gods, and also killed Marshal Zhengdong and many warriors.

But there is also a deputy commander named Cheng Yang in the East Fleet, who sits at Qingyang Star.

After Marshal Zhengdong was killed, Cheng Yang would definitely take over as Marshal and control the overall situation.

We have to kill him and rescue Qingyang Star to deter the remnants of the East Fleet! "

Yun Yao thought for a while and said, "The three of us can go to Qingyang Star, so we don't need to bring others.

The injuries of the four-headed beasts were healed, and it was necessary to retreat for a while.

Wuhen and Wushuang have just broken through the realm of the true gods, and they still need to practice exercises to stabilize the foundation of the gods.

Bailong must stay behind the Five Elements World to prevent accidents. "

Both Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke agreed to her arrangement without objection.

One day later.

The speed of the Five Elements World slowed down to the lowest point and stopped in the void 100 million li away from Qingyang Star.

Ji Tianxing sacrificed the Tianxing battleship and flew to Qingyang Star with Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

One hundred million li, for the two huge stars, they are very close.

But for ordinary gods, it is an extremely distant journey.

Even the flying speed of the Skywalking battleship is comparable to the powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm.

It took the three of Ji Tianxing ten days to reach Qingyang Star.

On the day the battleship landed on the blue light barrier, Ji Tianxing immediately noticed the abnormality.

"How could Qingyang Star's divine light barrier be so thick?

Its power is about twice as powerful as the barrier of Zixiao Star!

Could it be the law of heaven, which takes special care of Qingyang Star?

That's not right... It must be the Sky Clan on Qingyang Star, strengthening the barrier of divine light! "

Yunyao and Ji Ke also discovered this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ After careful observation, they came to a conclusion.

"Yes, Qingyang Star's divine light shield has indeed been artificially strengthened."

"I have detected that there are a large number of divine formations inside the Divine Light Shield, as well as the power of the Sky Clan!"

Yun Yao is very sensitive to the breath of power.

The deployment of Marshal Cheng Yang and the Martial Gods of Fighting Sky could not escape her investigation.

Ji Ke turned his head to look at Ji Tianxing, and asked, "Brother Tianxing, is there a way to enter Qingyang Star? Will it be very troublesome?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and shook his head, took out the Heaven Burial Sword, and said, "No matter how strengthened it is, it is still a heavenly **** level shield, with the active stone divine sword in hand, without pressure."

Afterwards, he performed the mystical pupil secret technique and carefully observed the blue light shield.

After half a day, he found a slightly weakened area and began to cast spells to break the mask.

With the help of Heaven Burying Sword, he broke a gap in the blue light shield in just one day.

A hole three meters in diameter and about ten feet deep appeared in front of the three of them.


The three of Ji Tianxing passed through the channel-like gap and entered Qingyang Star one after another.

at the same time.

In the Qingyang star, above the boundless sky above the sky.

In the magnificent Temple of Slashing Heaven, a large formation monitoring the divine light shield suddenly flashed purple light, issuing a warning and reminder.

After a while, the Martial God Fatian, who was taking care of the sacred formation, discovered an abnormal situation and quickly reported it to Marshal Chengyang.

Marshal Cheng Yang, who had been replenishing his energy for a long time, immediately became motivated and gave the order to gather.

When the news spread, the entire Fatian Temple awoke.

Many martial gods and guards gathered in the square one after another, waiting for Marshal Cheng Yang's order.

A well-planned and well-planned hunting operation kicked off.

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