Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2693: Black Dragon Star Field

Since the three of Ji Tianxing left the Profound Sky Continent, they never went back.

However, when Ji Tianxing controls the Five Elements World, he can gain insight into the whole world.

As long as he moved his mind, he knew everything that happened on the five continents.

Even if he does not enter the Profound Sky Continent, he can clearly'see' the situation in the Profound Sky Continent.

During the heyday, Zhongzhou became more and more prosperous, all ethnic groups thrived, and martial arts flourished, and everything was developing in a good direction.

Both his father and Yun Yao's parents are in high positions and have been practicing with peace of mind, and their strength is increasing day by day.

The imperial mansion is still at the top of the martial arts and has cultivated a large number of emperors with outstanding talents to maintain peace in the world.

The Imperial Court of Zhongzhou deterred all directions, commanded the entire Profound Sky Continent, and sheltered hundreds of millions of people.

The monster imperial court strives to rule and educate hundreds of millions of people with anger.

Everything is so familiar.

Originally, Yun Yao planned when he would have time to return to the Profound Sky Continent to visit his parents and relatives.

But Ji Tianxing persuaded a few words, and she dispelled the idea.

After the Tianxing battleship flew back to the Five Elements World, Ji Tianxing used magical secrets to present the situation of the Profound Sky Continent to Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

On the huge light curtain, there are vast mountains, rivers, and prosperous city tribes.

The scenes of Yunling Palace and Demon Race Imperial Court were also clearly displayed.

Yunyao and Ji Ke were very happy to see their parents, relatives, and familiar homes and friends.

After a full half an hour, Ji Tianxing finished his spellcasting and removed the white light curtain.

He looked at Yunyao and Ji Ke, and said earnestly: "Family is important, but what we have to do is not to remember the past and waste time.

We shoulder the sacred mission of protecting the world of the Five Elements and endure the dangers and difficulties they can't imagine.

What we have to do is to silently guard the world of the five elements and protect them.

And, resolve more and more crises and difficulties, and kill more powerful enemies!

When will my relatives and friends leave the Profound Sky Continent and set foot on the Shenwu Continent, I will arrange them properly..."

Both Yun Yao and Ji Ke nodded to express their understanding.

"Tian Xing, we have left the Profound Sky Continent and have been separated from our parents for more than 60 years. It is inevitable that we will miss and worry about them.

Now that my wish is over, I know what to do, and I won’t waste time anymore. "

"Brother Tianxing, thank you for helping me fulfill my wish. I am also relieved to see my parents and brother growing up safely."

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, then continued: "Actually, like you, I also miss my father, and I really want to visit him.

But I know that it is not the time yet.

When will we resolve the strong enemy, eliminate the crisis, and be truly peaceful and peaceful, we will reunite with them..."

Both Yun Yao and Ji Ke expressed their understanding and looked forward to that day as soon as possible.

Afterwards, the two of them entered the Pagoda of Nine Heavens and Ten Wonders.

Ji Tianxing took out 80% of the cultivation resources and used the power of the world to transport them to the Profound Sky Continent.

Before long, a heavy rain of spiritual energy began to fall on the peaceful Profound Sky Continent.

The endless colorful auras converge into a heavy rain, which is scattered on the whole continent.

All things can be nurtured and thrive, and warriors have been nourished by spiritual energy, and they have improved their strength and broke through.

At the same time, there are hundreds of millions of treasures and training resources scattered randomly across the mainland.

After the news spread, countless warriors rushed to search desperately.

The warriors who succeeded in finding treasures and resources were given great opportunities and their strengths improved by leaps and bounds.

In the next few years, there will be countless martial arts geniuses and powerhouses in the Profound Sky Continent, entering an even more magnificent martial arts era.

of course.

Zhongzhou Imperial Court, Yaozu Imperial Court, Donghai Imperial Court, Yunling Palace, Imperial Mansion and Tianchen Region are the places that Ji Tianxing takes care of.

Countless treasures of heaven, material and earth and cultivation resources have all landed in these areas.

Undoubtedly, the parents and friends of Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and Ji Ke will have great opportunities.

After doing this, Ji Tianxing withdrew his supernatural powers contentedly.

He steered the Five Elements World and continued to roam in the void.


Next, a full sixteen years.

The Five Elements World has been wandering in the Qingyang Star Territory.

Along the way, Ji Tianxing and others rescued more than fifty worlds and destroyed more than 1,400 warships.

As many as 200,000 soldiers were killed by them.

During this period, the news that Qingyang Star was rescued, and that Marshal Zhengdong and Marshal Chengyang were killed one after another also spread in Qingyang Star Region.

The remnants of the Zhengdong Fleet were also massacred by Ji Tianxing and others.

As a result, the Zhengdong fleet existed in name only and fell apart.

The surviving tens of thousands of soldiers were divided into thousands of teams, and they fled the Qingyang star field in a panic, afraid to stay and make trouble.

Sixteen years later.

When the Five Elements World left the Qingyang star field, the entire star field was rescued, and more than two hundred worlds were regained freedom.

Although there are still a few slashers in the star field, they can't make any waves, and they are destined to be killed by the powerful of all races.

The seventeenth year comes ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Five Elements World has entered the Black Dragon Star Territory and started a new journey.

The Heilong star field is relatively close to the cut sky star field, and there is only a Brahma Gang star field in between.

As early as more than a hundred years ago, the Black Dragon Star Territory was occupied by the Expedition Northern Fleet.

When Ji Tianxing and the others stepped into the Black Dragon Star Territory and rescued various worlds, they found some serious problems.

The Fatian Clan has been operating in the Black Dragon Star Territory for more than 100 years, and has long been deeply rooted and strong.

In almost every world, there is a general, thirty golden armored captains, and more than 3,000 fighters.

In addition, the Fatians have enslaved the entire world, possessed hundreds of millions of slaves, and controlled millions of warriors as puppets.

Those puppets controlled by the Sky Clan are all martial arts powerhouses of various races.

Among them are a small number of alien warlords, some martial arts powerhouses, and a large number of masters who cross the tribulation realm.

It is these indigenous puppets who loyally serve the Fatian tribe and help the Fatian tribe to firmly control the entire world.

It takes more time and effort when Ji Tianxing rescues each world.

Because the powerhouses of various worlds have become puppets and will never resist the rule of the Celestial Clan.

He not only wants to punish the Sky Clan, but also deal with a large number of puppets.

Fortunately, the people and sacred beasts around him are all powerful in the true gods.

Under the absolutely powerful force, the Celestial Clan and puppets in each world can only be crushed.

Five years passed in a flash.

The people successively rescued more than 20 worlds, killed 80,000 heaven-slashing soldiers, and nearly 20 million heaven-slashing puppets.

Just now.

The world of five elements stopped in the void.

Ji Tianxing was driving the battleship, taking Yun Yao, Ji Ke and Bai Long on his way to a world tens of millions of miles away.

In the void ahead, a dazzling white light suddenly lit up, like a monstrous flood, warships rushing towards the sky.

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