Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2704: 80 times stronger

It is the so-called East of Lost and Mulberry of Reaping.

Although, Ji Tianxing and others smashed into the Black Dragon Star, failed to punish the North Marshal and seized massive cultivation resources.

But he rescued more than two million puppets, making the Black Dragon Star return to normal, temporarily leaving the rule of the Celestial Clan.

Moreover, his dzi-replenishing power was increased dozens of times, and he also gained massive life-saving light.

Such a rich harvest is no less than his killing of Marshal North!

After leaving Black Dragon Star, Ji Tianxing and others returned to the Five Elements World.

As early as a year ago, Yun Yao had sent him a subpoena.

Ask him about the specific situation, why the delay is so long, is there any trouble?

After all, according to past practice, it only takes more than one month for Ji Tianxing to rescue a world, and no more than three months at most.

Ji Tianxing sent a message back to Yun Yao and explained the reason.

After returning to the Five Elements World, he steered the Five Elements World and continued to roam in the void.

As time goes by, the world of the Five Elements keeps passing by one world after another.

In most of the world, people have gone to empty buildings.

The Sky-cutting fleet guarding the world had already scoured massive resources and evacuated ahead of time.

Many puppets controlled by the Fatian clan are left in the world, and they still help the Fatian clan to control the entire world loyally.

After Ji Tianxing entered these worlds, he spent a lot of time purifying most of the puppets.

Therefore, he has been worshipped by hundreds of millions of Li people, and he has gained a lot of life-saving light.

The power to fill the dzi bead is also constantly improving.

Only a small part of the world still has the sky-slashing fleet, controlling the people and warriors of all races.

Ji Tianxing and others smashed into these worlds, annihilated countless slashers and rescued the entire world.

In this way, he also received a lot of life-saving light, and the power of replenishing the dzi was also improved.

However, compared with purifying those heaven-slashing puppets, the life-saving light obtained is not too much, it is better than nothing.

Twelve years passed in a flash.

The Five Elements World drove away from the Black Dragon Star Territory and is about to enter the Brahma Gang Star Territory.

In the more than 20 years of the Black Dragon Star Territory, the Five Elements World traveled in a straight line, saving hundreds of worlds along the way.

Although, the entire Black Dragon star field has three hundred worlds.

Ji Tianxing and others rescued only one-third of them.

But they slaughtered more than two hundred thousand soldiers and soldiers, forcing Marshal Zhengbei to lead a large number of soldiers to evacuate.

This is also equivalent to rescuing the Black Dragon Star Territory, making ZìYóu restored to most of the world.

of course!

Once the Fatian clan is immortal, the North Fleet may make a comeback.

Many worlds still have a large number of puppets, and once the Celestial Clan returns, they will soon be able to regain control of each world.

Only by completely eliminating the Fatian tribe can it be done once and for all!


After leaving the Black Dragon Star Territory, the Five Elements World flew to the Fangang Star Territory like an aurora.

Between the two star regions, there are two galaxies that are billions of miles long and magnificent.

Tens of millions of stars of different sizes are quietly suspended in the galaxy, shining with dazzling brilliance.

Nearly ninety percent of the stars are barren, and there is no life in them.

However, the stars contain extremely rich mineral deposits, gems and various resources.

For example, the stars divine fire, the void divine light, annihilation purple electricity, etc., are all special divine power resources.

Although life exists on a very small number of stars, they are all powerful single lives.

For example, the behemoths of the stars that traverse the starry sky and ate the stars to draw power, and the mysterious and unpredictable beasts of the void.

Even if it is a general Martial God powerhouse, he dare not provoke those powerful beings, and it is easy to lose his life in the void.

When passing the first galaxy, the Five Elements World stopped.

Ji Tianxing selected more than thirty stars with rich mineral resources and extremely rich content, and they devoured them one by one.

Although, he was delayed for six years.

But after the Five Elements World swallowed many stars, his body size increased by 40%, and his strength increased more than ten times.

This also caused Ji Tianxing's strength to skyrocket, reaching fifty times the peak of the true god!

Today, he can only be regarded as a half-step Heavenly God Realm due to the restrictions of the Heavenly Dao rules.

But in fact, his true combat effectiveness is already comparable to the powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm!

With such a powerful foundation of strength, looking at the entire starry sky and searching three thousand worlds, there is absolutely no second one!

When passing by the second galaxy.

The Five Elements World has encountered great dangers.

In the dazzling galaxy, there are not only horrible void storms, sacred fires and annihilating purple electricity, but also full of folding spaces.

There are even more than a dozen black holes hidden in the galaxy.

The situation is too dangerous, it is impossible for Ji Tianxing to take the entire world with people on an adventure.

Therefore, he had no choice but to control the Five Elements World, adjusted his direction, and bypassed the galaxy.

A year later, the world of the Five Elements flew into the Vanguard star field.

The void in front became quiet, and one after another brilliant world appeared.

The Five Elements World quietly approached those stars, and Ji Tianxing and the others controlled the warships and dived into various worlds to kill the Heavenly Clan.

Originally, Marshal Zhengbei led the soldiers to evacuate the Black Dragon Star Territory, causing Ji Tianxing and others to feel jealous.

In their opinion, the Great Emperor Fatian had made corresponding preparations and precautions.

The Zhengxi Fleet guarding the Fangang Star Region must have also withdrawn the Sky Star.

The Great Emperor Fatian is likely to gather the strongest forces, and set up a peerless killing array under the Star Fatian, waiting for everyone to die.

However, the Van Gogh star field was very calm.

Everyone has searched more than a dozen worlds in a row ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is guarded by the sky-slashing fleet.

This caused everyone to relax their vigilance and immerse themselves in the excitement of killing the Sky Clan and plundering massive resources.

Soon, eight years passed.

The crowd rescued more than 30 worlds one after another, slaying thousands of sky-cutting captains and 100,000 sky-cutting soldiers.

At the same time, Ji Tianxing also purified tens of millions of puppets and harvested millions of life-saving lights.

The power of filling the dzi has also increased a hundred times, reaching a level of mystery.

Ji Tianxing also benefited greatly, and his strength increased thirty times.

He is now eighty times stronger than the original peak True God Realm!

According to his estimation, it was a bit stronger than the triple realm **** of the upper realm.

Such a terrifying strength background made him full of confidence.

He is looking forward to the fact that He will be able to kill Fatianxing and fight the great Emperor Fatian.

He even more looked forward to flying to the God Realm after the killing of the Heavenly Clan.

Without the restriction of the heavenly rules, he will instantly break through the Heavenly God Realm and soar above the Heavenly God Triple Level!

at this time.

The Five Elements World is flying in the void.

Hundreds of millions of miles ahead is the core of the entire star field, the Van Gang star.

Ji Ke, Bai Long, and the four-headed beast were all looking forward to it, but Yun Yao frowned, with a thoughtful expression.

Seeing a hint of worry hidden between her eyes, Ji Tianxing asked, "Yaoyao, what are you thinking?"

Yun Yao's thoughts were interrupted, and after a moment of silence, she reminded: "Tianxing, I always have a bad premonition. The Van Gang star ahead is very dangerous..."

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