Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2727: See also the core of the world

When the Black Dragon battleship returned to the Sky Star, it was already half a year later.

Two of the five continents of Decatian Star had disappeared, and they were all submerged by the endless sea.

The three surviving continents are also in extreme confusion.

Min can't find soldiers, and can't find generals, Jiang... has also lost the coach, and has no idea.

The expedition people only escaped by instinct, and under the leadership of countless fleets and masters, fled to a relatively safe area.

The powerhouses of all continents, kingdoms of gods, and cities only know to protect the survivors first.

After setting up countless survivors, they can rush to the scorched earth ruins to rescue those who are seriously injured and dying.

Yun Shuiyan and Tianshu returned to the Emperor's Palace and immediately issued a series of orders.

At the same time, Tianshu also mobilized more than 10,000 warships and two million heavenly fighters to carry out rescue operations on various continents.

The remaining tens of thousands of warships, two million warriors, all withdrew to the vicinity of the Imperial Palace.

Yun Shuiyan had a strong hunch that after the meteor hit the Fatian star, Ji Tianxing would soon come in.

Therefore, she activated all the defenses of the Emperor's Palace and gathered all the strength.

Just wait for Ji Tianxing to come over and fight to the death with him!

However, three full days passed, but Ji Tianxing never appeared.

The Heavenly Cutting Fleet guarding the surroundings of the Imperial Palace was also full of doubts and puzzles.

Fa Tianxing was hit by a meteor and suffered such a catastrophe, why didn't the emperor send them to save people?

Let them guard the Emperor Shrine and wait boringly for several days?

This is too strange!

Could it be that the emperor was afraid that someone would take the opportunity to subvert the divine power of the emperor palace?

Or is there a powerful enemy who wants to attack the Imperial Palace?

The two million soldiers are at a loss.

But they didn't dare to guess what they wanted, so they could only obey orders honestly.


In fact, Yun Shiyan was right.

She and Tianshu had just returned to Fatianxing, only an hour later, Ji Tianxing entered Fatianxing.

Ji Tianxing landed on a small island less than ten miles in radius in the black waters of the southern hemisphere.

Originally, this sea area consisted of hundreds of thousands of islands of various sizes.

The large island has a radius of several million li, and there are nearly tens of millions of warriors and people living in it.

The small island also has tens of thousands of miles, enough for 100,000 people and warriors to survive.

However, this sea area was completely destroyed after the meteor hit the Vatian Star.

Millions of islands fell apart and fell under the sea.

The island at the feet of Ji Tianxing originally had a radius of one million miles, and more than four million warriors lived there, and several cities were built.

But now, the island is completely disintegrated, with only one sharp point out of the sea.

In the cold and black water, there are still hundreds of thousands of warriors who survived by chance, struggling with serious injuries.

Ji Tianxing released thousands of gods of thunder and lightning, covering the vast sea.

In a short while, those dying and struggling Heavenly Swordsmen were all killed.


Ji Tianxing dived into the black water and dived towards the depths of the seabed.

The sea is 100,000 feet deep, the seabed is as black as ink, cold and bitter, and the pressure is immense.

But he was not affected at all, and easily dived to the bottom of the sea, into the dark, hard rock layer.

Although, he encountered many sea beasts along the way, as well as surviving warriors.

But he didn't bother to waste time, and went straight into the ground, toward the depths of the earth.

Compared with the massacre of the people, the black hole plan is the most important!

Even if he didn't kill all night, he could only slaughter hundreds of millions of Celestial Clan at most for a year.

However, once the black hole plan is successful, the entire Sky-cutting star will be destroyed.

At that time, more than 20 billion people who attacked the heavens will be wiped out.

Wouldn't it be tens of thousands of times faster and more efficient than fighting by himself?

"call out!"

Using the laws of the earth, Ji Tianxing turned his body into a dark yellow divine light, which traveled through the ground at an extremely fast speed like an aurora.

The more you dive into the ground, the rock layer full of mineral veins and metals becomes more indestructible.

The resistance to dive will increase and the speed will slow down.

However, this is only for ordinary warriors and gods.

A true **** like Ji Tianxing who has mastered the laws of the earth can travel through hundreds of thousands of miles of territory without hindrance.

Three days later.

Ji Tianxing dived for 800,000 miles and reached the bottom of the rock layer, about to enter the magma area.

Ten days later.

Ji Tianxing traversed millions of miles of magma, reached a depth of 4 million miles underground, and entered the center of the earth.

A month later, he continued to shuttle deep in the heart of the earth, swimming in the endless magma.

Two months, three months, four months have passed...

It has been half a year since the meteor hit the Sky Star.

The three surviving continents gradually returned to calm.

Billions of wounded and injured have been treated, and countless damaged cities and countries are being rebuilt in full swing.

Generally speaking, the Fatian tribe has resisted the disaster and is recuperating.

The Imperial Palace has always been peaceful.

The ceremony is always ready, and the two million soldiers are also firmly guarded.

But none of these came in handy.

Yunshuiyan, Tianshu, and the soldiers waited for half a year.

Deep shame and anger filled Tianshu's heart and mind.

He felt that he was being played by Ji Tianxing, just like the frightened bird and the clown, he looked very timid and cowardly.

Many soldiers and guards talked secretly, which made him full of irritation and hated Ji Tianxing.

But Ji Tianxing hasn't shown up for a long time, and he has nowhere to vent.

However, Yun Shuyan was very calm, constantly calming him, and persuading him not to relax his vigilance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and this time.

Ji Tianxing has reached the depths of the earth's core, searching for the core of the world in the endless ocean of magma.

That's right!

This is part of the black hole plan.

Ji Tianxing is bold and has a whimsical idea, and he wants to sneak into the star to refine the core of the world!

Although he also knew that this task could not be completed in a short time.

But he also didn't expect to be able to completely refine the Sky Star like mastering the Five Elements World.

All he needs is a little trick, the power of the world that can control the sky star is enough!

rì after another rì, month after month.

Another three months passed.

Ji Tianxing searched in the vast ocean of magma, searching for hundreds of millions of miles.

at last.

One day in the fourth month, he suddenly sensed that a special force wave was coming from the magma ocean tens of thousands of miles away.

That mysterious and special breath of power made him feel very familiar.

That is the power of the world!

Ji Tianxing was overjoyed immediately, speeding up his flight to the source of breath.

Before long, he found the source of the power of the world.

It was a huge magma vortex, frantically devouring the surrounding magma.

The vortex is unfathomable and I don't know where it leads.

Change to other true gods and never dare to enter rashly, otherwise there is a danger of death.

But Ji Tianxing was not afraid, and jumped into the vortex with a leap.


With a flash of red light, Ji Tianxing's figure disappeared in the endless magma.

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