Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2745: Yun Shiyan's Mind

Yunyao, Ji Ke and others came here to understand and save Ji Tianxing.

They didn't see clearly what happened in the void before, and the scene of the avatar of the **** king coming.

At this moment, upon hearing Yun Shuyan's words, the hearts of both of them were raised.

As the so-called concern.

"Sure enough, the backer of the Fatian tribe is the God King of the Upper Realm? When Fa Tianxing was facing the disaster of extinction, did that God King really take action?"

"Even if it's just a clone of the **** king powerhouse, it also possesses the strength of the **** king realm. Brother Tianxing is definitely not his opponent!"

Yunyao and Ji Ke looked at each other and secretly communicated with their spirits.

A few years ago, Yun Yao had a foreboding the scene of the destruction of Tiantianxing.

She saw the future in the illusion, and witnessed the intervention of the gods of the upper realm, which caused Ji Tianxing's tragic death and heavy casualties.

Now, Ji Tianxing has not seen or contacted him for more than half a month.

Therefore, Yun Yao did not doubt Yun Shuyan's words.

She was just full of anxiety, how can she rescue Ji Tianxing.

Yun Shuyan kept staring at the expressions of Yun Yao and Ji Ke. Seeing that the two gods changed slightly, he couldn't help but sneered in his heart, and then said: "If the queen guessed correctly, do you want to save Ji Tianxing?

It's a pity that you found the wrong place, and Ji Tianxing is not in the Imperial Palace.

We, mother and son, neither have the strength to defeat him, nor can we detain him here. "

These words are true, Yun Yao and Ji Ke also believe.

Seeing that they were silent, Yun Shuiyan became more determined, and continued: "With the intelligence of you two, you should also know that fighting with our mother and son here is just a waste of time.

Take your people and leave, and go to the east of Fatianxing.

Ji Tianxing was chased and killed by the avatar of the **** king, and had already fled to that continent.

If you go in time, maybe there will be time for him to collect his body, ha ha ha..."

Yunshuiyan God was indifferent and sneered blankly.

She is a woman, and of course she understands women's thoughts better.

Just now, every word of these words hit the heart of Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

The two women hesitated a little, and talked secretly.

Two things before their eyes.

The first is to destroy the Emperor's Palace and kill the mother and child of Yunshuiyan.

The second is to assist Ji Tianxing and jointly fight against the King of God clone.

In contrast, it is obvious that Ji Tianxing's safety is more important.

The two females exchanged a few words through voice transmission, and then they prepared to leave the Imperial Palace.

After all, Yun Yao had already checked it with secret methods, and Ji Tianxing was indeed not here.

But at this moment, Tianshu, who had just dealt with his injury, suddenly changed his face.

He stared at Ji Ke murderously, and shouted in a deep voice: "You bastard, you want to escape after hurting this seat?

wishful thinking!

Today, if you don’t break your corpse into pieces, how can I relieve my hatred? "

While talking, Tianshu couldn't control his rage, so he wanted to assassinate Ji Ke with the Seagod Halberd.

Yun Shuiyan frowned fiercely, and shouted in a deep voice, "Stop!"

Tian Shu stopped quickly, turned his head to look at her, and asked incomprehensibly: "Mother, what are you doing?

Those two lowly servants broke into the Imperial Palace, killed so many soldiers, and severely injured the children. How could they be allowed to leave? "

Tianshu hated Ji Ke deeply, and wanted to frustrate her, how could she let her go?

However, Yun Shuiyan flashed a disappointment in his eyes, and sighed inwardly: "Idiot, how can you be so impatient?

The avatar of the King of God has arrived, and we are already in our hands.

Just to endure for a few more hours, Ji Tianxing, his wives and concubines, all will be killed by the King of God clone.

We can tide over the difficulties with no effort.

But you are... you are so ignorant of current affairs and want to raise troubles at this time? "

The mind and wisdom of Yunshuiyan cannot be understood by the buds growing in the greenhouse of Tianshu.

He thought that the avatar of the King of God came, and the Fatian clan was safe and worry-free, and he had no scruples.

But Yun Shuyan knew very well that even if the Divine King clone killed Ji Tianxing and the others, it would take a few hours to turn the Fatian tribe into peace.

Now that the two goddesses are here, why should their mother and son take risks?

It's a pity that Yun Shuiyan couldn't explain this to Tianshu in front of Yun Yao and Ji Ke.

She didn't change her mind, looked at Tianshu with majesty, and shouted: "Tianshu, your injury is very serious, don't be aggressive, go back to the palace to recuperate!"

There was something in her words, and in a tone that was almost commanding, Tianshu retreated.

But Tianshu is angry, where can he hear it?

He retorted without hesitation: "No! The mother, the child is a star war god, with a seven-star dazzling divine body, what is this injury?

It was the lowly servant who destroyed hundreds of warships of our clan and slaughtered tens of thousands of soldiers.

Even if I bleed on the spot, I will break her to pieces! "

Tianshu's majestic posture and vigorous tone spread throughout half of the imperial palaces, making countless soldiers excited.

The soldiers who suffered heavy casualties and looked embarrassed, regained their confidence, and shouted happily.

Tianshu was greatly encouraged, and he didn't listen to Yun Shuyan's voice advice at all, and directly waved the Sea God's Halberd to kill Ji Ke.

When he wanted to come, there was an old lady who supported him, wouldn't it be easy to kill Yun Yao and Ji Ke?

His mother is the reincarnation of a god, who has developed the Panlong Four Seas magical powers and possesses the power of thirty times the power of the peak true god!

"Slash in time and space!"

Tianshu screamed, unleashing the power of the law of space, waved the sea god's halberd to stab hundreds of light blades.

Each blazing white blade of light contains the power to tear apart the world.

Hundreds of light blades appeared at the same time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ immediately enveloped Ji Ke's figure.

But Ji Ke was not afraid, relied on the strong defense of the Origin Stone Battle Armor, and did not step back and evade at all.

Holding the source stone magic spear in both hands, she used her unique magical powers.

"Slaughter God Flame!"

Following her cold drink, a violent breath burst out from her body.

The Source Stone Gunslinger also burst into flames for five seconds, forming a hundred-mile-long flame Gunslinger, and slammed it down towards Tianshu.


The hundred-mile-long flame spear shattered the sky, exposing large areas of pitch black void.

Under the endless flames, tens of thousands of miles have turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the temperature is terrifying.

"Boom boom boom!"

As a series of loud noises exploded, the time and space light blades that Tianshu displayed were all shattered by Baili Spear Shadow, collapsed and burst.

The berserk and unparalleled gun shadow slammed Tianshu with its head, and immediately killed him.

At the critical juncture, Yunshui smoke noodles changed, and he waved his hand without hesitation.

"Feng Tianzhang!"

She suddenly lifted her palms, shot out two giant icy palms that covered the sky, and grabbed them towards the hundred-mile spear shadow.

Yun Shuyan shot, Yun Yao wouldn't sit back and immediately swung his swords to kill.

"Heaven and earth are in the same force, and the moon is in the same glory.

yīn The five elements of the Yang are all in harmony, and the universe reincarnates endlessly.

Great Universe Sword! "

She drank lightly from her mouth and waved the sword in both hands, bursting out the strongest power.

A hundred-mile-long multicolored giant sword that traverses the sky suddenly descended from the high sky, slashing towards Yun Shuiyan and Tianshu.

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