Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2753: Another 2 lanes?


Yun Shiyan was stunned immediately.

He raised his head subconsciously and looked at the avatar of God King with a puzzled face.

"Your Majesty the King of God, I...how do I give?"

At this moment, many thoughts flashed through her mind.

"Does His Majesty the King of God want me?

wrong! No matter how beautiful I am, at the moment I am covered with blood and wounds are miserable...

Moreover, Lord God King is not a vulgar generation.

The most important thing is that this is just a clone of him, not the main body. "

Seeing her look constantly changing, the avatar of the **** king guessed that she was thinking wildly.

But he didn't puncture it, just pointed his finger up.

"The emperor forcibly opened the passage between the two realms, which has been suppressed by the Heavenly Dao, and his strength has weakened.

Now that the channel is healing, the emperor's clone wants to take them back, and you must help.

You should know how to burn blood and transform gods in the God Realm, right? "

When he heard this, Yun Shuiyan probably understood what he meant, and his face suddenly changed.

A thick unwillingness flashed in her eyes, but she couldn't show it, she could only lower her head.

She was silent, struggling and hesitating in her heart.

The avatar of the God King didn't say much, waved a golden light, and put Tianshu away from the meat sauce and held it in his right hand.

"Come with the emperor."

Then he flew away from the Sky Star with Yun Shiyan and entered the void.

About a quarter of an hour later.

The two flew into the void and stood tens of thousands of miles below the two-world passage.

It has been six hours since the passage appeared.

The passage that was tens of thousands of miles before has been reduced by more than half at this moment, leaving only three thousand miles long.

Moreover, the golden light and thunder in the passage were obviously dimmed.

In two or three hours at most, the two-world passageway will heal.

Restored by the power of heaven.

Yun Shuiyan suddenly understood.

Even the most supreme **** king can only interfere with the power of the heavens and cannot truly contend.

Just as she lost her mind, the voice of the **** king clone sounded.

"What are you waiting for?"

The cold voice has no emotion.

Yun Shuiyan suddenly stiffened, and he hesitated for a while before he made up his mind. He raised his head and asked, "Your Majesty the King of God, I used to be the God of the Upper Realm.

In this life, I practiced the Panlong Four Seas supernatural powers, which is expected to impact the realm of the king.

In contrast, my talent and future are brighter than Tianshu...

I hope that His Majesty the King of God will learn from you, I am willing to do my best for you, even if I am a slave or a maidservant! "

Obviously, Yun Shuyan did not want to die.

She died miserably in her last life. In this life, she was very ambitious. Not only did she want to return to the realm of God for revenge, but she also wanted to attack the realm of God King.

In order to survive, in order to set foot on the pinnacle of Shinto, she would rather sacrifice her son Tianshu.

This is the ultimate egoist.

The avatar of the **** king certainly understood her mind.

Even before she spoke and looked hesitant, the avatar of the **** king guessed it.

However, the avatar of God King shook his head expressionlessly and refused.

"The emperor can understand your feelings, but it is a pity that only if you burn your blood to transform your gods, the emperor can return smoothly.

Moreover, Tianshu is your son, inheriting all your talents, as well as your Panlong Four Seas magical powers.

Under the emperor's cultivation, his future achievements are limitless.

The most important thing is that he is not wise enough to be absolutely loyal to this emperor.

But this emperor dislikes you, a beautiful, scheming, and ambitious woman! "

This is the longest passage that the King of God has said since he came to earth.

No way, his supernatural power is only 30% left.

If it were the heyday, he would not waste his tongue on Yun Shuiyan.

Yun Shuyan was silent, and his blood-stained face showed a tragic sneer.

"So... after all, birth is the most important thing?

For a person like me from a humble background, even with all my thoughts and methods, he still has to make wedding dresses for others... right? "

The sound of Yunshui's smoke was sobbing blood, and his eyes were godless, full of despair and unwillingness.

The avatar of the **** king was expressionless, and said indifferently: "Wrong! The most important thing is fortune... it is destiny!"

"Hahahaha..." Yunshuiyan laughed madly, with bleeding and tears in his eyes, looking up into the void, and roaring: "Fuck you|mother|'s fate! I am not reconciled!!"

He roared like this, and he looked like crazy.

But she had no choice but to perform the technique of burning blood and transforming gods, and the flames of blood ignited all over her body.

This magical power is very common in the gods, but it is also a taboo magical power.

Because its nature is very similar to self-detonation.

Sacrifice everything you own, including your life, soul, and lifelong learning, and turn it into the most powerful force.

Only mortal people will use this magical power when they want to fulfill their wishes or goals.


The turbulent blood flames burned more and more violently.

In just a few breaths, the flesh and soul of Yun Shuiyan disappeared.

She turned into a **** flame of thousands of miles high, flying through the void to the two-world passage.

When the monstrous blood flame rushed into the two-world passage, a dull loud noise immediately burst out in the passage.


With the sound of billowing thunder, the golden divine light and thunder glowed, bursting out more powerful forces.

Suddenly, the two-way passage stopped shrinking and gradually expanded outward.

When the two-world channel expanded to five thousand miles, it gradually stabilized.

The avatar of the **** king looked up and murmured to himself: "Although this strength is very weak, it is enough."

After that, he carried the faint Ji Wuhen in his left hand, and the Tianshu wrapped in golden light in his right hand, and flew towards the two-way passage.

As he flew through the void, his Wanli body was also shrinking.

The avatar of the **** king is about to return to the **** realm!

However, just when he was still 30,000 miles away from the two-way passage.

In the void behind him, there was a sudden change.


A loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, like a nine-day thunder explosion, suddenly burst out of the void.

Along with the loud noise, a gap of eight thousand miles long and four thousand miles wide was opened in the dark and cold void.

In the huge gap, bright golden light, white light, purple thunder, red flame, and ice blue divine light lit up.

The colorful light and thunder firmly supported the gap.

Another two-world channel has appeared!

The avatar of the **** king suddenly heard a loud noise ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, his complexion suddenly changed, and he looked back subconsciously.

I saw two dark golden dragon claws that covered the sky and sun, protruding from the two-world passage, carrying the supreme divine power to the king's clone.

That's right!

In that newly-emerged two-world channel, there is no avatar of the **** king, only two dark golden dragon claws that cover the sky and sun!

Suddenly seeing this scene, the Divine King Clone's complexion changed drastically, with unparalleled anger and shock in his eyes.

"It's you!"

The avatar of the **** king roared violently and shook tens of thousands of miles in the void.

However, no one answered in that two-world passage, let alone any gods appeared.

Only two dark golden dragon claws, with the fastest speed and the most violent power, suddenly shot the avatar of the **** king.

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