Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2760: Step 1 of revenge

Ji Tianxing's judgment is very accurate.

He practiced in Twisted Time and Space for more than four years, only about fifty months.

The foundation of God's way is very stable, and the skill is further improved.

At this moment, Ji Ke came back.

Fifty months have passed in the tower, and only a month has passed by the outside world.

Counting the two months she had been drowsy before, she was asleep for a total of three months.

Not only did she return unharmed, but her whole person was reborn, becoming more mysterious and unfathomable!

His head and waist-long fiery red hair, a dark golden armor, and a dark golden trident.

Just like the goddess of war.

That beautiful face, sacred and unparalleled temperament, like a phoenix bird!

There is no doubt that after being reborn from Nirvana, she truly inherited the Phoenix heritage!

In the previous life, she only reached the strength of the top god, and then stopped.

It is impossible to break through to the Divine King Realm after exhausting his life.

After all, these have nothing to do with whether the cultivation is hard or not, but only with the talents.

The talent and understanding are not enough, even if you have cultivated for 100,000 or millions of years, you will not reach the realm of the **** king.

But now it's different.

She was reborn, with Phoenix's true blood flowing in her body, and mastered the unique inheritance of the Phoenix Divine Bird.

She already has the absolute qualification to aspire to the realm of the **** king!

When Ji Tianxing saw her, his eyes lit up.

The worries that had been hidden in my heart for a long time also disappeared.

"Great! Koko, you really are resurrected!"

Ji Ke was also stunned, staring at Ji Tianxing, his eyes flushed and tears filled his eyes.

"Brother Tianxing! You...you are really fine!

I have known for a long time that you are invincible and undefeated. How could something happen? "

Ji Ke suppressed the grief, suppressed the tears in his eyes, and threw the tired bird back into the arms of Ji Tianxing.

The two embraced tightly, feeling quite emotional.

After a while, Ji Ke calmed down and asked quickly: "Right, where's the master sister?

There are Wuhen, Wushuang and Bailong. Are they still alive? "

Ji Tianxing patted her back lightly, and said in a low tone: "They were all killed by the Divine King clone, but Yaoyao is being resurrected.

Moreover, she also got a blessing in disguise, incorporating the sixth divine orb, and her skill would soar to the limit.

Wushuang, White Dragon, Qianyue, and Black Dragon were all resurrected by me using Dzi Patching Beads and were sleeping and recuperating.

It's just that Lan Kun blew himself up, Liuli died the earliest...I couldn't resurrect them. "

After hearing these words, Ji Ke breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the failure of Lan Kun and Liuli to be rescued made her feel heavy and regretful.

"Brother Tianxing, I was wrong, I killed them!

When you asked us to stay in the Five Elements World, we should obey your instructions and should not go to the sky star..."

Ji Ke was full of regrets, and said with great self-blame.

The tears in his eyes couldn't help it anymore and came out of his eyes.

She wants to tell Ji Tianxing what happened.

But Ji Tianxing used the supernatural power of time tracing, and he knew what happened.

He shook his head slightly, interrupted Ji Ke's words, and said with a heavy tone: "Ke Ke, this can't blame you, nor Yaoyao and Bai Long.

You are worried about my safety and will go to Fatianxing to help.

I only hate that I failed to entangle the avatar of the King of God, and let him find you...

We are all right, the wrong is the Fatian tribe, the **** behind the Fatian tribe! "

Ji Tianxing raised his head and stared at the dark time and space, his eyes flashed with crazy murderous intent.

"Soon, we will go to the God Realm soon.

I will definitely find out who the **** king behind the Fatian clan is!

By then, I will definitely make him pay a hundred times, a thousand times the price!

Even if I kill all over the gods and float hundreds of millions of corpses, I will never be merciless! "

Ji Ke couldn't make a sound, and could only nod violently.

Because she was more angry than Ji Tianxing, blamed herself, and wanted to kill the **** king!

After a long time, Ji Tianxing released Ji Ke in his arms.

He held her cheeks in both hands, and said solemnly: "Koko, you stay here to recuperate the foundation of the gods, and take care of Wushuang and Bailong by the way.

I am going away for a while to do something. "

Ji Ke understood what he meant in an instant, "Is it Fatianxing?"

"Yes." Ji Tianxing nodded.

Ji Ke hesitated and asked, "After a series of disasters, the leader of the Fatian clan has died, and the strong have died.

Now that Sky Star is in chaos, there are only tens of billions of people left, and it is not expected to pose any threat. "

Ji Tianxing shook his head and said blankly: "I understand what you mean, but I still want to go.

The Fatians don’t agree with us, they must pay the price!

When I destroy the Sky Star, the **** king has no minions in the mortal world and can no longer carry out the conspiracy.

Moreover, this is only the first step in our revenge! "

Ji Ke no longer discouraged, and nodded in agreement.

Ji Tianxing turned around and left without delay.


After leaving the Five Elements World, Ji Tianxing galloped in the void, rushing to the Star of Heaven.

Three months ago, his black hole plan was about to be completed, and the Sky Star was about to be destroyed.

At the most critical moment, the avatar of the **** king descended into the mortal world and prevented everything.

And this time, no one can save Sky Star!

Ten days later.

Ji Tianxing appeared on the Star Fatian.

If the Imperial Palace still exists, even if there are only ruins and ruins left.

He will also enter the Imperial Palace, looking for all clues about the God King of the Upper Realm.

But now, the Emperor's Palace was completely destroyed, and there was no dregs left.

He doesn't have to waste time.


Ji Tianxing descended on a certain continent of the Heaven-Slashing Star, using the power of the world to enter the core of the world deep in the heart of the earth.

As soon as the light and shadow flickered, he came into a purple ball of light with a radius of 70,000 miles.

The solid purple light formed a huge barrier, blocking the endless crimson magma.

In the middle of the ball of light, there is a sacred purple mountain that is thousands of feet high, with hundreds of millions of colorful veins extending from its feet.

This is the second time that Ji Tianxing has entered here, and he is no stranger at all.

Without any hesitation, he flew directly to the sacred Purple Mountain, using his power to manipulate the power of the world.

In a short while, the power of the violent world spewed out from the Sky Star.

If you were in the void, you would be able to see the southern hemisphere of Sky Star, and another hundred thousand purple flames burst into the sky.

Each purple flame is as high as tens of thousands of miles ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ erupts with the most terrifying power.

A hundred thousand purple flame beams burst out with unparalleled power, pushing the Sky Star to start flying.

Although, the flight speed was slow at first.

After Kovarsky flew out of 20 million li, the speed gradually accelerated.

After just an hour.

The speed of Fa Tianxing rose, and flew 40 million miles.

At this time, Vatianxing has entered the gravitational circle of the black hole.

As the terrifying gravitational force struck, the speed of cutting the sky star suddenly accelerated several times.

At the same time, Fatianxing trembled violently.

Terrifying super earthquakes broke out on the only two remaining continents, and the three large sea areas also stirred up huge waves.

The real catastrophe is here!

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