Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2788: Budding

Qin Peipei quickly slapped Qi Tianlong on the chest to persuade him to calm down his anger.

Ning Siyuan didn't say a word, and secretly released his divine knowledge and secret methods, exploring the details of Ji Tianxing.

However, she couldn't see through Ji Tianxing at all, and her eyes were blank.

Not only couldn't see Ji Tianxing's realm of strength, but also couldn't see his true identity.

Qi Huanzhi took the opportunity to persuade Qi Tianlong, "Father, anyway, the five great families have lost for 60 years, and no one is Yu Wenjie's opponent.

If there is no accident, we will have to lose the day after tomorrow.

You believe in the child once and give Young Master Tianxing a chance.

I believe that he can definitely defeat Yu Wenjie and help us win Xuanguang Cave! "

"Hmph!" Qi Tianlong snorted coldly, and said with an icy face: "You don't need to worry about this. For your father, you have already contacted Deacon Ye of the Blood Sword Sect. He will help us solve this matter.

Calculating the time, Deacon Ye will be here before noon tomorrow.

Give your friend one hundred thousand sacred stones and let him leave the Qi family! "

Qi Tianlong waved his hand and issued an order to chase away guests on the spot.

Qi Huanzhi was immediately anxious, and hurriedly shouted: "Father! How can you do this? You are not only humiliating my friend, you are humiliating me!"

Qi Tianlong left with Qin Peipei, and when he passed by him, he sneered and said: "You are not a good thing, are you worthy of humiliation for your father?"

"..." Qi Huanzhi's eyes went black, heartache like a knife.

After a while, Qi Tianlong and his wife left.

Ning Siyuan took a deep look at Ji Tianxing and left with the two maids.

At the entrance of the hall, Qi Huanzhi and Ji Tianxing were left.

Ji Tianxing patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go back to Xingyue Tower first."

"No." Qi Huanzhi shook his head and said stubbornly: "If I really want you to go to Xingyue Tower, will that fail my father's will?

He wants you to leave, I have to leave you behind!

Go, let's go to Qishi Academy. "

After all, he did not agree with Ji Tianxing, and took him to the backyard.

The backyard is a garden with a radius of thousands of feet, with hills, small lakes and pine and bamboo forests.

The Qishi Academy is just behind the garden.

This is the most remote place in the Qi mansion, and the children and servants of the Qi family dare not approach it.

The front yard of the Qi mansion was brilliantly lit, but the Qishi Academy had only a few solitary lamps, which seemed very dark and quiet.

The house is quite large, with a radius of one hundred feet.

In the middle is the main hall, with more than 30 guest rooms on both sides, all of which are equipped with secret rooms.

Qi Huanzhi took Ji Tianxing into the main hall and sat down in the waiting room.

The guard at the gate hurried to make tea.

At this moment, a black and thin old man with tousled hair and greasy clothes rushed into the living room'shuh', shouting excitedly.

"Prince Qi, you are back!

fast! Come and see with the old man, he has a new invention! "

While talking, the black thin old man was going to leave with all the money back.

Ji Tianxing glanced intently. This old man looked like a chimpanzee, his hair disheveled like a chicken coop.

He wore a fine gold-woven blue robe, but he hadn't changed it for several years, and a thick layer of mud had formed.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the "strange men and strangers" that Qi Huanzhi recruited.

Ji Tianxing suddenly understood that, no wonder Qi Tianlong was so furious that he hated the "strange man and strange man".

The black and thin old man was very interested, but Qi Huanzhi broke free of his paws, frowned and asked: "Old nigger, you have been in retreat for two and a half years, what else did you mess with?"

The old **** showed off the results excitedly, and said proudly: "I modified the design of the previous heavenly umbrella.

Now, not only can it teleport thousands of miles, it can also release three magical powers and nine hidden weapons, and its lethality surges.

The most exciting thing is that I added a space inside to store a huge amount of delicacies and wines! "

Qi Huanzhi was a little stunned, "What's the use then?"

The old **** said anxiously: "Why is it useless? Think about it, you first use the heavenly umbrella to kill the Quartet, kill the enemy's ass, and knelt down to beg for mercy.

At this time, when you move your mind, you can set up a table of delicacies and wine.

While eating food and drinking, watching the enemy's fart pee...Ah, hey, watching the enemy kneel down and beg for mercy!

Do you think, how majestic and pompous the scene?

Does it fit your Qi Dasha's style? Let your glorious image be remembered by the enemy forever? "

Qi Huanzhi was a little bit dumbfounded, and reluctantly nodded his head: "Well, what you said makes sense."

"Then what are you waiting for? Come and admire it with me..." The old **** was encouraged and couldn't wait to pull him, and left the living room.

Qi Huanzhi waved his hand quickly and calmly said: "Old nigger, I still have important things. You should study it first and then improve it."

He said badly, so he calmed down the old nigger.

Unexpectedly, just as the old **** walked on his front foot, another brawny man with red scales on the iron tower stepped into the living room carrying a huge sword.

"Prince Qi, I have been waiting for you for a long time!

You begged me to stay in Qi's home just for the ten-year martial arts competition.

In the past ten years, I practiced hard in retreat, and the Chilang swordsmanship finally became successful.

Now, please appreciate my peerless swordsmanship! "

The strong man is more than ten feet tall, with a huge head and a big mouth, his limbs are all sharp claws, and he has a big tail behind him.

He looks a bit like a crocodile, but he has a blood connection with the dragon.

This is a warrior of the Crocodile Dragon clan. He has a violent and aggressive nature, but he is bloodthirsty and crazy.

He just spoke normally, but his voice was too loud, like a clock hit, and it shook the living room.

"Red Crocodile, your swordsmanship is done?"

Qi Huanzhi stood up in surprise and looked at the red crocodile with scorching eyes.

However, he reacted later and glanced at Ji Tianxing with some guilty conscience.

It feels like a man meets his original partner, with a mistress by his side.

Red Crocodile's gaze also fell on Ji Tianxing, he looked at it maliciously, and asked with a grin, "Master Qi, what does this kid do?

Could it be the prostitute you brought back casually while drinking flower wine? "

"??" Qi also looked dazed.

Ji Tianxing didn't want to be nosy, his eyes fell gloomy when he heard the word "friend of prostitute".

"I am a friend of Master Qi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who participated in the competition for Qi's family." He said in a deep voice.

The red crocodile suddenly squinted his eyes, and a strong fighting spirit ignited in the blood-red pupils.

"Hahahaha...You little white face, with a look of drunkenness, dare to lie to Master Qi?

What do you rely on to defeat Yu Wenjie?

Use face? Or offer your **** to Yu Wenjie? "

Ji Tianxing smiled and raised his right hand, and said coldly: "Use your fist!"

When the voice fell, he made a fist with his right hand, and instantly blasted at the red crocodile, punching a golden fist.

The red crocodile's complexion changed, and he subconsciously held the giant sword, holding it across his chest.


There was a muffled noise.

The red crocodile was directly blown out, crashed into a wall, rolled and smashed into the small garden lake, splashing a huge wave of three feet.

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