Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2791: I am invincible

The moment Qi Huanzhi speaks, it means that the two sides have fallen apart.

Mu Ye left a harsh word, got up with the sword and left.

Deacon Ye was too lazy to say goodbye, and left the main hall with a wave of his sleeve.

Qi Tianlong was unwilling, and wanted to catch up with him and say something nice, so that Deacon Ye could be accommodating.

But Qi Huanzhi's vitality was just right, and he held him back.

Deacon Ye also swaggered away, without any intention of stopping.

After a while, Deacon Ye and Mu Ye left the Qi family.

In the discussion hall, only Qi Tianlong and his son remained.

This time, Qi Tianlong was not angry, nor did he scold Qi back.

He was like a discouraged ball, sitting on the chair with a sullen expression, watching Qi return it with bleak eyes.

"Finally, our Qi family will have no life after all, nor can we hold onto the wealth of Xuanguangdong.

Anyway, in the past seventy years, we didn’t get the Xuanguang Cave, and we all came here..."

Seeing his father's ashen-hearted look, Qi Huanzhi quickly persuaded: "Father, don't be discouraged, I still have a way..."

Before he finished speaking, Qi Tianlong continued: "Return it, although you are acting absurdly, after all, you still have the blood of the Qi family, so Dad can be comforted.

Go and prepare for tomorrow's competition.

Even if we lose, we have to go on stage to fight.

Even if you lose, try to be decent. "

Qi Huanzhi couldn't laugh or cry, and quickly advised: "Father, don't say that, we still have hope!

I'll ask Young Master Tianxing to come over, let's plan this matter carefully! "

Qi Tianlong frowned immediately, and shouted in a deep voice: "That kid last night? Didn't you ask you to give him a hundred thousand sacred stones and send him away?"

"Father!" Qi Huanzhi yelled solemnly, and said righteously: "Can't you believe me once? Just this time!

Do you remember the red crocodile I recruited nine years ago? "

Seeing his son's solemn expression, Qi Tianlong sat up straight, nodded and said: "Of course I remember! That red crocodile is very powerful, much stronger than you.

However, expecting him to deal with Yu Wenjie is hopeless. "

Qi Huanzhi smiled triumphantly and said confidently: "Last night Young Master Tianxing fought him with two tricks and destroyed the entire Qishi Academy!"

"Well, that smoky place was just destroyed." Qi Tianlong nodded with relief.

"..." Qi Huanzhi was quite speechless, his face a bit dark.

However, these are not the points.

He was too lazy to bother with his father, and continued: "Father, do you guess the result?"

"Red Crocodile won?" Qi Tianlong asked with raised eyebrows.

"No!" Qi Huanzhi shook his head quickly, stretched out two fingers, and laughed: "Young Master Tianxing won!

Moreover, he only used two moves to severely wound the red crocodile! "

Qi Tianlong's body suddenly stiffened, and his eyes widened slightly, revealing incredible eyes.

"The kid... defeated the crocodiles with only two moves?"

"Of course!" Qi Huanzhi nodded excitedly, and added, "I saw it with my own eyes!"

Qi Tianlong was silent.

After frowning for a moment, he nodded slightly and said: "If this is the case, it means that the kid does have some ability.

Although he may not be able to defeat Yu Wenjie and Mu Ye, he is not hopeless. "

Qi Huanzhi patted his chest and said, "Father, I can guarantee that neither Yu Wenjie nor Mu Ye are his opponents!"

"Don't talk too full." Qi Tianlong glanced at him, and asked in a deep voice: "Father can trust you once and allow that kid to fight for the Qi family.

However, you have to ask first, what conditions does he have? "

Qi Huanzhi replied without hesitation: "When our family worships!"

Qi Tianlong frowned fiercely, slapped his palm on the table, and yelled: "Naughty! Why should a boy with a hairy head serve as an offering to the Qi family?

There is no discussion about this, and at most 20 million **** stones will be given to him!

If he succeeds in winning the first prize, help the Qi family win the Xuanguang Cave, and then reward him with 100 million sacred stones! "

Qi Huanzhi was silent immediately, staring at Qi Tianlong with a strange expression.

Qi Tianlong looked up and found that his son's eyes were full of contempt and contempt.

He was furious and shouted in a deep voice: "Nizi, what do you mean?"

Qi Huanzhi sneered and shook his head, and said, "Deacon Ye is proud, asking for 70% of Xuanguangdong's output, and letting our Qi family be the running dogs of the Blood Sword Sect.

You still want to consider such a despicable and shameless condition, and still want to discuss with him?

And now, Young Master Tianxing can help us win the Xuanguang Cave, but you are so stingy!

20 million sacred stone? Do you send beggars?

Qi Tianlong, I used to be proud of you!

Now, ha ha ha..."

Qi Huanzhi sneered contemptuously and turned around to leave.

When he grew up, it was the first time he called his father directly and humiliated his father in person.

Qi Tianlong was stunned on the spot, staring at him incredulously.

After regaining his consciousness, Qi Tianlong was furious, his face was blue, and he almost drew his sword.

"Rebellious! You rebellious!"

However, after Qi Tianlong roared twice, his mind gradually calmed down.

"Return it! You stop me!"

He stood up abruptly and gave a cold sigh in a majestic tone.

Qi Huanzhi stopped, turned around and looked at him blankly.

Qi Tianlong gritted his teeth before he made up his mind and shouted: "Okay! Your rebellious son has hardened wings!

I will believe you this time, and give you a chance to make him worship! "

Qi Huanzhi was taken aback for a moment, and his face was full of joy immediately, and he bowed and said, "My boy, thank you, Lord Tianxing!"

Seeing him change his face so quickly, Qi Tianlong became more and more frustrated, and he scolded, "What are you still doing in a daze? Bring him here!"

"Yes!" Qi Huanzhi responded, turned and ran away happily.

Qi Tianlong watched his back disappear, and muttered unabated, "Sooner or later I will be angry with him!"


Two quarters later.

Qi Huanzhi took Ji Tianxing and stepped into Qi Mansion again.

At this time, Qi Tianlong had long since died and sat in the study waiting.

Qi Huanzhi took Ji Tianxing and went directly to the study to discuss matters.

After the two sides met, there was no greeting or politeness.

Ji Tianxing arched his hands, Qi Tianlong nodded, as a greeting.

After Qi Huanzhi and Ji Tianxing were seated ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qi Tianlong asked straightforwardly: "Young Master Tianxing, how sure are you to defeat Yu Wenjie?"

"Ten percent." Ji Tianxing said indifferently.

Qi Tianlong frowned, always feeling that he was unreliable.

It looks quiet and low-key, but in fact, confident and arrogant.

Qi Tianlong asked again: "In addition to Yu Wenjie, there is another powerful enemy, Mu Ye, a genius disciple of the Blood Sword Sect.

He is also a half-step God Sovereign Realm, are you sure to defeat him? "

"Ten percent." Ji Tianxing said these two words again without changing his face.

Qi Tianlong's eyebrows jumped, and he shouted angrily: "You haven't even seen Mu Ye, so you dare to boast such Haikou?

Boy, are you too arrogant, or treat the old man as a fool? "

Ji Tianxing was still calm and composed, and said in a calm tone: "Under the gods, I am invincible."

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