Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2798: Let you crawl home

The pomp of the City Lord's Mansion is huge, surpassing the five great families.

Not only were hundreds of guards present, there were also two gods and powerful men.

One is the deputy city lord, and the other is the historical worship of the city lord mansion.

Lord Santos did not come.

The most distinguished person in the team is not the deputy city owner.

It was the young city lord with a golden robe and a jade crown, and the handsome and martial Yu Wenjie.

This person is nearly one foot tall, has a heroic figure and a face like a crown, exuding elegance and luxury.

As soon as he got out of the carriage and showed up under the public eye, cheers and screams burst into the square.

Among them, the vast majority are young women.

They looked at Yu Wenjie's eyes, full of admiration and appreciation, and very hot.

Yu Wenjie was not arrogant, looking down the square with a smile, waving at the hundreds of thousands of people.

He is the Young City Lord after all, if there is no accident, the next City Lord will be his.

In front of the people of the Li people, he certainly has to behave in a personable manner.

But the young children of the five great families all looked indifferent and sneered secretly in their hearts.

Sitting in the carriage, Qi returned it with contempt and said, "The guy who is pretending is really hypocritical!

But those people, who were fooled by him, went round and round.

Countless women still regard him as the lover in their dreams... What kind of world is this? "

Ji Tianxing glanced at him and smiled.

At this point, people from the five great families and the city lord's mansion have arrived.

The deputy city lord and Shi Jifen stepped forward, looking at the people with solemn expression, and said with a voice like Hong Zhong: "Everyone, today is our Qingshan City, a grand gathering once every ten years.

This grand event is magnificent and grand, conducted under the supervision of all people, absolutely fair and just..."

"The rules of this tournament are the same as the previous ones.

Both the five great families and the city lord’s mansion can send two young disciples to participate in the war.

Participants are no more than 1,000 years old, and their strength is no more than the gods...

The purpose of this competition is to exchange ideas and exchanges. Please keep in mind that you can never kill anyone if you click on it.

Otherwise, the City Lord's Mansion will be severely punished in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of God! "

Vice-City Lord and Shi Jiong announced the rules in public, and then began to arrange the draw.

The five great families and 400,000 people have already understood the rules and process of contrasting martial arts.

Everyone wanted to omit these cutscenes and directly watch the talented masters compete on stage.

At this time, the deputy city lord said loudly: "Now the first round of competition, please come to draw lots."

While talking, the deputy city lord waved out six golden lights, floating in the sky.



Qi Tianlong and the principals of each family flew to the deputy city lord one after another, preparing to draw lots.

Taking this opportunity, Qi Huanzhi introduced the rules to Ji Tianxing.

"In the first round of the competition, six players draw lots to decide their opponents, and they fight each other.

The winner advances to the next round, and the loser is eliminated directly.

Moreover, each family has to send two people to compete on stage.

This depends not only on personal strength, but also on the tacit cooperation of two people.

The City Lord's Mansion can win sixty years in a row, not only because Yu Wenjie is strong enough, but also because he and Yu Wentai cooperate very well.

Yu Wentai is the nephew of the city lord and the cousin of Yu Wenjie, a bit stronger than me. "

When talking about this, Qi still had some worries, saying: "Young Master Tianxing, although your strength is very strong, it is obvious to all.

But when we are on stage together, I'm afraid... it will hold you back. "

Ji Tianxing shook his head and said in a calm tone: "Don't worry, just do your best."

Hearing what he said, Qi Huanzhi felt confident and confident.

At this time, the heads of the six families have completed the draw.

The deputy city owner announced the results of the draw in public.

"The first round of fighting,

The first scene, Fengjia Qijia.

In the second game, the Chi family versus the Lu family.

In the third game, Yuchi's family faces the city lord's mansion. "

When everyone heard the result, the 400,000 people on the square made a sound of shouts and discussions.

People from the five great families have complex expressions, some are happy and some are sad.

Qi Huanzhi was overjoyed, and secretly clenched his fist and said: "Great! Let's fight the Feng Family in the first battle. Isn't that easy?"

The people of the Lu family are very calm, with a confident smile on the face of the second elder.

As for the people of Yuchi's family, their expressions were a little ugly, and they showed worried eyes.

After all, the City Lord's Mansion is recognized as the strongest.

The two young geniuses of the Yuchi family were not sure to defeat the Yu Wenjie brothers.

Soon, the heads of the six families returned to their respective families.

The deputy city lord announced loudly that the first battle began.


White light flashed.

Two figures flew out of the Feng Family's team and entered the ring in the middle of the square.

The leader is Feng Qinglang, the young master of the Feng Family.

This person stood in the ring, with his left hand behind him, and his right hand holding a silver sword, his head held up with confidence.

He looked at the Qi family with a sneer, and said in a frivolous tone: "Qi return it, what are you still rubbing with?

It's useless to be afraid of being beaten, you must crawl home today! "

As soon as this statement came out, there was a lot of laughter in the square.

Many people know that Feng Qinglang and Qi Huanzhi are competing with each other, and no one is convinced.

After all, they are both'celebrities' of Qingshan Castle.

The two most dumb and useless people want to prove to everyone that the other party is the worst one.

The person next to Feng Qinglang was a thin young man in a black robe.

This person is Feng Jinan, Feng Qinglang's cousin.

He has a dull personality, few words, and has always been expressionless and has no sense of existence.

After stepping on the ring, he held the black magic knife and stared coldly at the Qi family.


Qi Huanzhi and Ji Tian walked out of the carriage and flew into the ring.

When the two of them stood still on the ring, countless people's eyes fell on Ji Tianxing.

It was the first time for the people of several great families and the city lord's mansion, including the people on the square, to see Ji Tianxing.

Everyone looked at him with complicated eyes, and there was a burst of discussion.

"That kid is the worship of the Qi family?"

"Is this too young?"

"A little-known Maotou boy can actually be worshipped?"

"What does the Qi family think? Let Qi go back to it?"

"Hey... the monstrous wealth of the Qi family will eventually be defeated by Qi Huanzhi!"

"Here is a good show to watch!"

"If it is the worship of the Qi family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even the children of the Feng family can't beat them, then you will be ashamed!"

Several big families and hundreds of thousands of people all talked about gloating.

On the arena, Feng Qinglang pointed at Ji Tianxing with a sword, and laughed arrogantly: "Is this the kind of stuff that the Qijiahua paid for the worship?

Qi Huizhi, you prodigal son really...not disappointing!

Even if your mind gets flooded, why is your father getting confused? "

As soon as he said this, not only Qi had an angry face.

On the carriage of the Qi family, Qi Tianlong frowned, his expression gloomy.

Qi Huanzhi was about to fight back.

At this moment, a white light flashed beside him, and Ji Tianxing disappeared.

In the next moment, Ji Tianxing appeared in front of Feng Qinglang out of thin air, kicking out like an aurora.

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