Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2805: It's terrible

"Blood Swords!"

Mu Ye gave a low cry, holding the Scarlet Divine Sword in both hands, cutting out the sky full of sword light.


In an instant, thousands of blood-colored giant swords appeared, forming a sword net covering the sky and the sun, covering a hundred li.

The entire arena space was sealed by Mu Ye's sword formation.

The invisible pressure, as heavy as thousands of miles of mountains, severely suppressed Ji Tianxing.

Thousands of blood swords are also ready to go, locking the soul of Ji Tianxing.

Moreover, Mu Ye poured the power of six laws into this sword formation!

This method of superimposing the power of the law can only be done by the middle god!

This shows that his talent is very strong, far surpassing the young genius of his generation.

"Hahaha...little beast, the ring has been blocked by this young man's Heavenly Sword Formation, you are determined to lose!

Now kneel down and beg for mercy, and kowtow to admit his mistake, so as to avoid the pain of skin and flesh!

Otherwise, this young man will cut you into pieces! "

The competition between the five great families and the city lord's mansion is very particular.

After all, everyone is in Qingshan City, there is no need to kill people and forge a deep hatred.

But Mu Ye is a disciple of the Blood Sword Sect, and has always been arrogant and domineering.

Ji Tianxing angered him, so he had to kill him in public to vent his anger!


Ji Tianxing didn't change his face, there was no fluctuation in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh.

"Just rely on this broken sword formation?"

He raised his eyebrows, and sneered contemptuously: "It's just that the class door makes an axe, let you see the real kendo magic!"

While talking, he raised his right hand and pointed at the sky obliquely, and shouted coldly: "Come on the sword!"

Suddenly, thousands of colorful light spots appeared out of thin air in the sky above the ring, pouring down like a meteor shower.

After just one breath, more than 3,000 colorful giant swords descended on the ring, suppressing Mu Ye's sword formation with an unrivaled attitude.

Each multicolored giant sword is thousands of feet long, containing five-color divine thunder and several law powers.

Three thousand giant swords are blasted at the same time, the power is extremely powerful and terrifying!

Seeing such a shocking kendo supernatural power and feeling the unparalleled pressure, Mu Ye changed his face on the spot, revealing a look of horror.

He was wary in his heart and wanted to fight back, but it was too late.


"Boom bang bang bang!"

A series of loud noises broke out in the ring, resounding through the sky.

More than 3,000 colorful giant swords instantly flooded the **** sword formation.

Thousands of blood-colored giant swords were immediately destroyed and collapsed into slags all over the sky.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Ye's sword formation was destroyed.

He was also beaten back, his face turned dark, blood spurted wildly, and his whole body trembled violently.

But he was a genius after all, and his luck immediately suppressed his injury.

He regained his strength, looked at Ji Tianxing with blood red eyes, and launched a counterattack with his sword.

"Blood Blade Shura!"

Mu Ye shouted angrily, and the flames of blood poured out all over his body, which immediately turned into a monster as high as thousands of meters.

This is a blood-red, skinny Shura with four arms and four legs, and four wings on his back.

There are black spikes extending out of his joints.

There are sharp serrated bone blades on the arms, thighs and wings.

Even his long tail, hooked like a scorpion, shone with a frightening cold light.

Such a terrifying and murderous Shura behemoth has great visual impact.

The big families and hundreds of thousands of people all stared in shock, showing incredible expressions.

The eyes of many protoss were filled with surprise and expectation, and their heartbeat also accelerated.

Everyone wanted to see if Mu Ye was forced to use his magical powers, can he turn defeat into victory?

After all, Mu Ye, who is incarnate as Bloodblade Shura, is really murderous and extremely domineering!

"Boy, die!"

Blood Blade Shura roared, waving his arms and wings frantically, swaying endless blood blades.

At least six thousand blood-colored light blades formed a terrifying hurricane, sweeping across the sky.

At the critical juncture, Ji Tianxing burst into golden light all over his body, and also used his transformation magical powers.

Tianlong Overlord!

With a flash of golden light, he became a golden giant with a height of thousands of feet, covered with dark golden dragon scales.

He is like the **** of war transformed by the dragon, dazzling, sacred and majestic.

In contrast, Bloodblade Shura looked ugly and hideous and evil.

Ji Tianxing waved his left hand and shouted in a low voice: "Kill!"

Suddenly, the more than 3,000 multicolored giant swords formed a sword formation to kill the blood blade Shura, strangling as fast as lightning.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

The multicolored giant sword collided with the blood blade in the sky, bursting with a deafening loud noise, which continued.

The ring was shaken again and again, and the whole square kept trembling.

This time, the major families and hundreds of thousands of people finally saw the showdown between the strongest geniuses.

The supernatural skills performed by both sides made everyone dazzled and excited.

Countless people shouted happily, shouting with excitement.

In a short while, the collision between the colorful giant sword and the sky blood blade ended.

Thousands of blood-colored light blades were all defeated and turned into blood light that shielded the sky and sun, flooding the ring.

The colorful giant sword also collapsed by 80%, with only more than two hundred remaining, all of them slashed towards the bloodblade Shura.

The blood blade Shura turned into a **** light, teleporting and avoiding as fast as lightning.

Really unable to hide, it waved its blade-like arms and wings, and smashed the colorful giant sword.

"Boom bang bang!"

After three breaths, the colorful giant sword was defeated by the blood blade Shura.

It secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and wanted to mock Ji Tianxing.

However, it suddenly discovered that Ji Tianxing had disappeared.

It looked around, searched the entire arena, but did not see the giant golden armor.

"not good!"

It immediately realized that it was not good, and felt a strong sense of crisis in its heart.

However, it was too late.

The golden armor giant appeared above his head out of thin air, swinging his fists with all his strength, and killing him fiercely.

"Catch the Dragon Claw!"

The golden armor giant's double fists, like two dragon claws covering the sky and sun, instantly hit the blood blade Shura.


A roar that shook the world and resounded throughout the world suddenly exploded in the ring.

The golden light was dazzling, and the blood spattered.

The shock wave that ruined the sky and the earth burst out all around.

Suddenly, the ring was swayed frantically.

The several Sovereign Divine Formations covering the ring were also violently fluctuated, showing dense cracks.

Ji Tianxing and Mu Ye's confrontation, the impact is comparable to the gods!

This scene made the masters of all the major families shocked and shocked.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the square ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ were even more excited and excited, and shouted loudly.

After a long time.

The deafening noise dissipated.

The golden light and blood that flooded the ring gradually faded.

Everyone saw the situation in the field clearly.

The battle is over.

Ji Tianxing returned to his original state, his white robe fluttering in the sky, safe and sound.

Bloodblade Shura also disappeared, and Mu Ye returned to his original state, lying on the ground covered in blood, constantly twitching.

At least dozens of bones in his body were broken, and he was curled up like a cooked lobster.

It's miserable, it's miserable!

(End of this chapter)

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