Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2819: Critical hit

While Ji Tianxing and the vice chairman were fighting, they kept flying south.

When Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others caught up with them, it was already half an hour later.

At this time, the two were fighting fiercely over a jungle.

All kinds of magical secret arts collide endlessly from the high heavens, bursting out bright divine light.

The splendid brilliance of the colorful colors covers a radius of thousands of miles.

The shock wave that destroyed the earth and destroyed the surrounding tens of thousands of miles of jungle into ruins.

The fighting between these two people is definitely not something that people waiting for leisure can intervene.

Even Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others can hardly get close to the vice president, let alone cause any harm to him.

So everyone flew to the battlefield and stopped.

Bai Long carried Zhu Qingcheng, who was severely injured and unconscious, and shouted loudly: "Guy Yuan Hui beast, don't you stop?"

The vice chairman is chasing Ji Tianxing, murderous, and the offensive is very fierce.

Suddenly sensed the breath of Bai Long and others, and heard Bai Long's call, he quickly stopped chasing.

He turned his head and looked behind him, and saw Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others, standing in the sky safe and sound.

Zhu Qingcheng was seriously injured and unconscious, and was carried by Bailong in his hands, embarrassed to the extreme.

The vice president frowned fiercely, his face became increasingly ugly, and his eyes flashed with shock.

"They killed all the masters under this monarch?

This... how is this possible? "

The vice president was unbelievable and could not accept this result.

He was shocked and angry, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and his whole body was trembling.

Taking this opportunity, Ji Tianxing whispered the Heaven Burying Sword quietly, using his kendo skills.

"Daylight sword!"

He pinched the sword art with his left hand, urging twelve laws of power, and slowly stabbed a sword with his right hand.

His movements were a bit slow, as if he was not holding the Heaven Burying Sword in his right hand, but a huge mountain of thousands of miles.

At the same time, Funeral Tian also went all out to gather the power of the divine sword at one point.

"call out!"

Ji Tianxing pierced out with a sword, and white light suddenly appeared in the sky.

That white light was not a sword light, but a circle like ripples and water patterns.

It seems to be just a circle of white light, but there are twelve layers in it, containing different laws and powers.


The white iris disappeared instantly.

As if never appeared.

The vice chairman realized the great crisis and suddenly woke up.

He was covered with sweat and hair on his back, and his back was cold, and he even sensed the breath of death.

He subconsciously teleported, moving horizontally into the sky thousands of miles away.

At this moment, Bai Long carried Zhu Qingcheng, who was in a coma, in his left hand, and a general sword in his right hand, severely cut down.

"Old Piff, open your eyes and see clearly!"

"Huh! Huh!"

The sword severely chopped off, cutting off Zhu Qingcheng's two pointed ears in an instant.

Blood splashed out, and both ears fell into the sky.

The vice chairman caught a glimpse of this scene, and his heart was shocked, and boundless anger surged.

Although, he knew that Bai Long deliberately angered him.

But he saw with his own eyes that Zhu Qingcheng was so ravaged and humiliated by Bai Long that he was still furious.

Under the anger, the vice president was distracted, and his consciousness was a little distracted.

Although, this is only an instant matter.

But if the strong fight against each other, the victory or defeat is in an instant.

When the vice president returned to his senses and tried his best to guard against Ji Tianxing, it was already too late.

A white light circle the size of a thumb appeared out of thin air between his chest and abdomen, and suddenly exploded.


With a dull loud noise burst out.

Between the vice president's chest and abdomen, a blood hole as large as a washbasin was exploded, splashing blood from the sky.

His internal organs and intestines all gushed out of the blood hole and were thrown into the sky.

Suddenly by this heavy blow, the vice president's complexion changed drastically, and he couldn't help but spout a blood arrow from his mouth.


He buckled his waist, covered his abdomen with his palms, showing an expression of great pain, and he couldn't help but let out a scream.


The heart-piercing howling sound exploded in the sky and spread tens of thousands of miles around.

The vice president did not expect that Ji Tianxing would kill him thousands of tricks, and even hide his cards!

Ji Tianxing has never used this weird daylight sword!

What's even worse is that Bai Long actually grabbed Zhu Qingcheng and cut off Zhu Qingcheng's ears in person!

If it weren't for Bailong's influence, how could he get caught?


The vice president was furious and his eyes became blood red.

"Despicable bastard! I am going to smash you into pieces!"

He roared like crazy, and quickly suppressed the injury.


A dazzling multicolored divine light lit up between the vice president's chest and abdomen, which quickly blocked the blood hole.

He held out a purple-black magic whip and threw at Ji Tianxing murderously.

His goal is clear.

As long as you kill or capture Ji Tianxing, this battle is over.

As soon as the light and shadow flashed, the vice chairman teleported behind Ji Tianxing and swung his whip towards Ji Tianxing.


The whip flashed thunder and fire, carrying the violent and unmatched power of the law, and slammed into the forehead of Ji Tianxing.

At this time, Yun Yao and Ji Ke had already joined Ji Tianxing.

Faced with the violent attack of the vice president, the three did not evade, and even joined forces to counterattack.

"The sword breaks nine days!"

The three of them shook coldly at the same time, wielding the Excalibur and the Excalibur with all their strength, releasing the most violent power.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

The three colorful lights converged into a colorful giant sword that was as long as ten thousand meters long, and slammed into the vice chairman.

That giant sword is more dazzling than the sun.

The world of thousands of miles is shining brilliantly.

In the giant sword, dozens of laws and powers are superimposed together, reaching an extremely astonishing level!


In the next instant, the giant sword hit the magic whip with a bang.

The sky of thunder and fire were all smashed into pieces, splashing around.

The whip was not damaged, but it flew back and hit the vice president.

The vice president's complexion changed wildly, and his eyes showed a thick look of surprise.

He never expected that the three weak gods together could release such a terrifying stunt.

The power of that sword is comparable to the triple attack of a god!

The vice president was seriously injured and his strength was greatly reduced, so he naturally did not dare to resist.


He backed away without hesitation, teleporting thousands of miles away.

However, he just retreated into the sky thousands of miles away.

The huge sword that opened the world and the earth also crossed thousands of miles of space. It was cut off at the head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time, the vice-chairman had no time to escape and was directly hit by the huge sword.


The loud noise that shakes the sky and the earth exploded in the high sky, resounding through the sky.

The invisible sound wave spread over 30,000 miles, shaking the world and the earth trembling.

Under such a terrifying collision, the Great Sword collapsed on the spot, turning into billions of divine light fragments.

Like a fluttering butterfly, it fell from the sky.

The shock wave that destroyed everything swept across a radius of 30,000 li, leveling the surrounding mountains and jungles, leaving behind devastated ruins.

The fate of the vice president is self-evident.

He was chopped off half of his body by the giant sword, leaving only half of his body, crashing into the ruins.

The other half of his body had long since turned into a cloud of powder and blood, and ceased to exist.

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