Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2838: Celestial Peak

After listening to Ji Tianxing's words.

Qi Huanzhi immediately realized that something was going to happen to the Qi family and Xuan Guangdong!


Before the revenge, Ji Tianxing reminded Qi to return it.

At that time, Qi didn't take it too seriously.

He just felt that the matter of Xuanguangdong should be solved first, and then the Guiyuanhui would be dealt with.

Finally, resolve the crisis between the City Lord's Mansion and the Blood Sword Sect.

Things must be done one by one.

As long as you follow Ji Tianxing's plan and fight steadily, you will never go wrong.

But he didn't expect Ji Tianxing to plan ahead.

A few days ago, even today’s crisis has come.

This shocked Qi Huanzhi, and worshiped Ji Tianxing more and more.

"God! You guessed it a long time ago, the other party will take this opportunity to attack?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and asked, "Are there any better opportunities than now?"

Qi Huanzhi smiled awkwardly, nodded and said: "My father went to Tianfeng County, I will lead troops to deal with the Guiyuan Association...

There really is no better opportunity than now. "

Ji Tianxing said sternly: "Since you understand, what are you waiting for?"

Qi Huanzhi looked embarrassed, and said with anxiety: "Brother, I am going to wipe out the remnants of the Guiyuan Association, but there is no danger.

But I am worried about you!

You haven’t got a firm foothold in the Qi family, but you want to protect the Qi family and Xuanguangdong. I’m afraid you might have missed something...

"Crow's mouth!" Ji Tianxing glared at him, and said with a chuckle: "The people who should worry about are the people from the City Lord's Mansion and the Blood Sword Sect!

If you meet me, they are unlucky! "

Qi Huanzhi thought for a while, and nodded in sympathy: "That's right, you are so insidious and humble... No, it's a clever calculation!

Anyway, let the Qi family and Xuan Guangdong leave it to you, I am absolutely relieved! "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said, "Then you go, go back and go back!"

Qi Huanzhi stopped being wordy and handed the Young Master Order to Ji Tianxing.

Then, he summoned hundreds of Qi family guards and flew to the depths of the sunset sea with the three deacons.

The crowd flew across the sky mightily, and soon disappeared at the end of the sky.

Ji Tianxing also turned and flew south, rushing back to Qingshan City alone.


Three hours later, at noon.

Ji Tianxing rushed back to Qi Mansion as quickly as possible.

He concealed his whereabouts and breath all the way, until he entered the worship courtyard of Qi Mansion, and was not discovered by anyone.

Once back to the worship house, he got into the secret room.

The Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers were presented and placed on the stone table in the secret room.

Then, he entered the twisted time and space of the tower and began to practice in retreat.

Before that, he planned to settle in the Eightfold Heavenly God Realm for a while.

When the **** base is stable enough, then break through the nine layers of the heavenly **** realm.

But he had a foreboding that the storm was approaching and he could not wait.

First break through the Nine Stages, and later reach the peak of the gods, and then settle and accumulate.

After making up his mind.

Ji Tianxing sat cross-legged in the twisted time and space and took out a lot of fragments of the godhead.

A total of more than 600 pieces of the godhead can be put together to make more than 50 godheads.

These are the masters of Guiyuanhui, as well as Zhu Qingcheng and Guiyuan Shenjun.

The fragments of the godhead of Guiyuan Shenjun are the most powerful and contain the most laws.

Ji Tianxing put it last.

He first grabbed a handful of ordinary godhead fragments, urged the devouring magical powers, and quickly refined these fragments.

In just one day, hundreds of pieces were swallowed by him.

The impurities in it are removed, half of the power goes to the Dzi Bead, and the other half goes to him.

Unfortunately, the laws in these fragments are all common laws.

Seven to eighty percent is the law of the true god, and there are only a few god-level laws.

Ji Tianxing didn't dislike it either. From the laws of the gods, he picked out four things he didn't have, and absorbed them all.

In this way.

His strength reached the pinnacle of the Eightfold Realm, and the number of laws also reached sixteen.

Then, Ji Tianxing grabbed a handful of Godhead fragments and continued to devour it.

Three days passed.

He finally broke through to the ninth level of the Heavenly God Realm, and the number of laws also reached eighteen.

Next, he continued to devour the remaining four hundred fragments of the godhead.

Five days later.

Nine levels of the Heavenly God Realm, doubled in strength, and 19 laws.

Seven days later.

The strength is increased twice, and the number of rules is 20.

Nine days later.

Strength increased three times, the number of rules 21.

Twelve days later.

The strength is increased four times, and the number of rules is 22.

At this point, including Zhu Qingcheng, the godhead fragments of the Guiyuanhui masters were swallowed by Ji Tianxing.

Only twelve pieces of Godhead of Guiyuan Shenjun remained.

He decided to study it carefully and swallow it slowly.


Ji Tianxing picked up a multicolored fragment, held it in his palm, and slowly refined it with a black vortex.

The majestic divine power contained in the fragments poured into the Dzi Bead like a surging river.

After the purification of the Budzi Bead, half of the divine power entered his body, quickly increasing his strength.

At the same time, the laws of the gods in the fragments were also peeled off little by little and refined one by one.

After finishing one fragment, he picked up the second one and repeated the previous thing.

Unconsciously, a month passed.

The twelve pieces of Godhead of the Guiyuan Shenjun were all refined by Ji Tianxing.

At this time, he had reached the nine peaks of the Heavenly God Realm!

Moreover, he grabbed eighteen rules from the fragments of the gods of Guiyuan Shenjun!

And the number of Shinto laws he possessed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ reached a terrifying forty!

With the strength of the peak of the gods, mastering forty laws of the gods, this is unique!

What's more, most of the forty laws are god-level laws.

There is also a five-level king-level rule, and a god-king-level swallowing rule!

Looking at the entire Haotian Continent, there are not a few such masterpieces.

Although, he is only the peak of the Heavenly God Realm now.

But his true combat effectiveness has reached an unfathomable level!

Ji Tianxing ended his cultivation with satisfaction.

When he opened his eyes, he whispered to himself: "This time it will take a long time to settle at the peak of the gods. Only after the foundation of the gods is strong can he break through the gods."

After all, he left the tower and returned to the secret room.

He was in a contorted time and space, closed for a month.

Most of the day has passed since the outside world, and it was late at night.

Under the dark night, Qingshan City was asleep quietly.

The Qi mansion is also very quiet.

There are only a few places with lights on, and a few teams of guards patrolling all night.

Ji Tianxing meditated in the secret room and adjusted his breath, but released his spiritual consciousness to cover the entire Qi mansion and secretly observe the situation.

On the surface, Qi Mansion is peaceful and peaceful.

Even if the Patriarch and Young Master were not there, Qi Mansion was still in order.

However, Ji Tianxing soon noticed the abnormality.

There was a smoky black shadow that quietly passed through the west courtyard and left Qi Mansion silently.

The strength of that dark shadow is good, Qi's terrain, patrol guards and secret guards are all very clear. .

The black shadow passed through several courtyards and palaces, bypassed six secret guards and two patrols, without being spotted by anyone.

After leaving Qi Mansion, the dark shadow sneaked into the ground and galloped towards Nancheng.

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