Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2840: You can't afford it

For no reason, how can a large number of monsters and sacred beasts appear in the valley outside Qingshan City?

When Ji Tianxing thought about it, he understood that it must be man-made.

The idle family and forces can neither raise so many monsters and sacred beasts, nor can they afford to hire more than one hundred guards of the heavens and gods.

The answer is already here.

The valley and the monsters and beasts in it are mostly the property of the Qi family!

After all, in the entire Qingshan City, only the Qi family is in the pet business.

"While Qi Tianlong and Qi were still away, did an inner ghost appear in the Qi family?

Destroying this Valley of the Beasts is equivalent to cutting off one of the arms of the Qi family, a good way to draw salaries from the bottom of the pan! "

Ji Tianxing whispered to himself and rushed towards the entrance of the valley without hesitation.

He accumulated violent and unmatched divine power in his body, his eyes were icy, and he held the Heaven Burying Sword in his right hand.

The Qi family guards at the entrance of the valley had long been killed by men in black.

At this moment, four men in black are guarding the entrance of the valley and are responsible for intercepting the Qi family guards who fled outside.

When they discovered Ji Tianxing, they were killed by a splendid sword light before they could clearly see what Ji Tianxing looked like.


As the sword light flickered, the four men in black collapsed and turned into blood fog and debris.

Ji Tianxing rushed forward into the valley.

Before he rushed far, six men in black rushed over and launched a siege on him.

The two sides didn't have a word of nonsense, and they would kill when they met, without leaving any hands.


With his left hand behind him, Ji Tianxing waved the Heaven Burying Sword with his right hand, stabbing 72 sword lights in one breath.

Each sword light is fierce and contains a powerful law of power, which can be called destroying the world.

The six men in black were quickly killed without even holding a single face.

Next, Ji Tianxing continued to rush into the valley.

Along the way, people in black kept exclaiming and yelling, and pounced on him murderously.

There is no doubt that Ji Tianxing was invincible when he launched a murderous vow.

After just thirty breaths, he rushed into the depths of the valley.

At this time, the ground behind him was already red with blood.

At least 20 people in black were beheaded on the spot by him, turning them into pieces of flesh and blood.

The aftermath of the fighting has destroyed half of the valley into ruins, leaving deep pits and ravines on the ground.

The Qi family guards who guarded the valley also suffered heavy losses, with only more than sixty people left.

They saw the help from the strong, and finally stabilized their military spirit and position.

Some people went to intercept the escaped beasts, most people gathered together and followed Ji Tianxing against the men in black.

The headed black robe **** monarch finally noticed Ji Tianxing and stopped rushing.

He rushed to Ji Tianxing in a teleport, lifted his right leg and swept across.

The overwhelming multicolored divine light, like a hundred-foot-long beam of light, crashed towards Ji Tianxing.

Although, this was just a random blow from the black robe god.

But the power is very powerful, enough to destroy the entire Beast Valley.

At a critical juncture, Ji Tianxing held the Heaven Burial Sword in both hands and stood in front of him.

The dazzling multicolored sword light contains fifteen laws of power.

There is also the law of swallowing.


Amid the deafening noise, Ji Tianxing was shaken back hundreds of feet, and his feet plowed two deep trenches on the ground.

The brilliant sword light was shattered, but the colorful beams of light also fell apart.

Ji Tianxing blocked the attack of the black-robed god, unscathed!

As a result, the black robe **** monarch frowned and narrowed his eyes.

The dozens of people in black who survived also showed shock, unbelievable.

"Who is this person? Can actually block the attack of the five long... Lord God?"

"He is also a strong god? Is he Qi Tianlong?"

"No! Qi Tianlong is still in Tianfeng County, how could he rush back suddenly?"

Many people in black looked at each other and talked secretly.

No one recognized Ji Tianxing.

After all, he also wore a mask to hide his true color.

At this time, the black robe **** monarch snorted coldly, punched out two fist shadows, and blasted towards Ji Tianxing.

Two colorful boxing shadows, one is like a dragon and a tiger, and the other is as big as a mountain, with amazing power.

The invisible divine might spread out and enveloped the entire beast valley.

All the guards of the Qi family and the men in black, including many divine beasts that escaped from the broken cage, were trembling with fear in their hearts.

Ji Tianxing was happy and fearless, and tried his best to use the Dragon Elephant Fist, punching out two dragon elephant phantoms.


The four shadows of fists collided fiercely, bursting with a deafening noise, echoing endlessly in the Beast Valley.

Suddenly, the shock wave that ruined the heavens and the earth spread in all directions, sweeping most of the Beast Valley.

The earth was eradicated with a ten-foot-thick soil layer, and the surrounding houses, palaces and animal cages were all shattered by the impact.

Even the guards of the Qi family and the men in black were shocked and flew out and fell to the ground in a hurry.

Many people were injured by the shock and vomited blood after landing.

However, Ji Tianxing and Heipao Shenjun were all safe and sound, but they each retreated ten feet.

This result made the black robe **** monarch's expression more solemn, and his eyes were full of shock.

He stared at Ji Tianxing as sharp as a knife, and said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency is not Qi Tianlong, nor is it the Qi family, why bother?"

As soon as this statement came out, it proved that he knew something about Qi's home.

Ji Tianxing became more and more certain that what happened tonight was a conspiracy against the Qi family.

"If the road is not flat, we should draw a knife to help.

I am very curious, how did the Qi family offend you and make you do such a brutal act? "

The black robe **** naturally refused to answer directly, and threatened in a harsh tone: "Since your Excellency knows that this is our grievance with the Qi family, we should not be nosy!

You better think about it, you can't afford us! "

Ji Tianxing suddenly raised his head and laughed: "Hahahaha...What a joke! I can't afford you?

Okay, then I will let you all die here! "

When the voice fell, he swung the Heaven Burying Sword with all his might, using his kendo skills to kill the black-robed god.

Floating sword!

Ten directions!

Daylight sword!

Within three short breaths, Ji Tianxing continuously used three tricks to learn swordsmanship, all of them with unparalleled kendo supernatural powers.

The dazzling colorful divine light and the dizzying phantom of sword light obscured most of the Beast Valley.

The powerful and unmatched supernatural power ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ always locks in the black robe god.

A little carelessness, he will be hit hard.

The black robe **** monarch became more and more shocked, while avoiding with all his strength, he looked for a chance to fight back.

The two figures flickered back and forth in the Beast Valley, erratic.

The shock wave generated by the collision between the two sides shattered the entire Beast Valley, like ruins.

In a short while, the two of them rushed into the night sky and flew out of the Beast Valley.

The dozen or so people in black who survived suffered minor or severe injuries, and it was difficult to continue fighting.

Moreover, the number of surviving Qi family guards is as many as sixty.

If the two sides continue to fight, the men in black must be wiped out.

As a result, the dozen or so people in black confided in their hearts, and hurriedly flew out of the Beast Valley, and fled south with the black robe god.

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