Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 2989: Combination of swords and swords

The divine ship that was overdue was the ship of the master of the blood knife.

   rarely show up on weekdays.

   But it is a genuine king-class superb ship.

   After a short period of five breaths, he arrived near the colorful mask and came over the battlefield.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Before I saw the people in the godship show up, there were countless muzzles opened, blasting out hundreds of red flame beams.

   Each red flame beam is thousands of feet long, containing the power to destroy the world.

   "Boom boom boom boom!"

   The overwhelming red flame light beam, like a rain of arrows, blasted down in the battle formation of the Blood Sword Sect.

   That old treasure ship was submerged, and more than 300 elite masters in the surrounding area were also swallowed by the red flames.

   broke out with a loud noise that shakes the sky and the earth.

   That old treasure ship was blasted out of a few huge holes on the spot, splashing out all over the sky and crumbling.

More than 300 elite players around    were also killed 80% on the spot.

   There are only dozens of masters who are still alive, but they also have mutilated limbs and broken arms. The injuries are terrible.

   The morale of the Blood Sword Sect was immediately hit hard.

   And the disciples of the Blood Blade Sect were cheered and shouted.

   At this time.

   A large figure flew out of the black godship.

   There are six masters of the gods, thousands of masters in the gods.

   The headed person is a slim figure with white hair.

   That is a beautiful person with a beautiful face and a seductive temperament.

   Its appearance has the brilliance and moisture of a 28-girl girl, and the charming and tenderness of a 30-girl girl, as well as the majesty and vicissitudes of a middle-aged woman.

   In short, her temperament is very complicated and special.

   She wore a purple dress and bare feet, walking in the air.

   Her clothes are fluttering, her waist-length white hair dances wildly in the wind, she is unspeakable and charming.

   In his hands, he held a **** long knife that was three feet long and shaped like a crescent moon.

   The shape of the magic knife is very special, and it contains a breathtaking and mysterious atmosphere.

   The smooth arc of the blade, gleaming with blood, as if there was life.

   Everyone on the battlefield showed complicated expressions when they saw the white-haired demon girl and the scarlet long sword.

   The people of the Blood Sword Sect were extremely afraid, and the people of the Blood Blade Sect shouted excitedly.


   She is the master of the blood knife!

   There are many speculations about her from the outside world, and she has many nicknames.

   White-haired Demon Sword, Blood Sword Demon, Blood Blade Demon, Bloodthirsty Demon, etc.


   There is no nickname that is commendable.

   are all preaching about her cruelty, bloodthirsty and viciousness.

as predicted.

   The demon knife Lin Xueru cut through the sky with a **** light, and went straight to the sky demon lock-up formation.

   "Those who block me, die!"

   She gave a murderous cry, and with a wave of the blood knife in her hand, she cut out dozens of **** light blades, killing hundreds of disciples of the Blood Sword Sect in front of her.

   Hundreds of disciples formed a battlefield, too late to escape.

   He only heard a muffled sound of "Boom Boom", and everyone was strangled into dregs by the Scarlet Light Blade.

   A rain of dark red blood spilled from the sky, exuding a sickening blood.

   The demon knife Lin Xue did not evade, passing through the rain of blood, and continued to rush towards the colorful mask.

   Three more gods blocked her way.

   She held the blood knife in both hands, which turned into a hurricane of blood and swept across so violently.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   The blood blade hurricane ran over violently, and on the spot the blood and flesh of the blood sword sect's gods flew horizontally, screaming and flying out.

   One person was strangled on the spot, and the godheads were all broken.

   The other three survived by fluke, but they were also severely injured and physically mutilated.


   Yao Dao Lin Xue finally crossed the sky and landed beside Xue Huan and Jin Zuo Shi.

  Blood Illusion God Lord and Jin Zuozhu were full of excitement and quickly bowed to salute.

   "Subordinates, see the master!"

   "Master, you are finally here!"

   The demon knife Lin Xue didn't exchange greetings with them, and asked straightforwardly in a deep voice: "What's the situation? What about Young Master Tianxing?"

   Jin Zuo envoy quickly explained: "Young Master Tian Xing dealt with Lin Shan, and we couldn't help, so we set up a large formation of the sky demon lock-in space and sealed a 300-mile radius.

  The old dog in Linshan was shrunk in the blood sword, trying to resist to the end.

   Young Master Tianxing has nothing to do with him for the time being. It will take at least half an hour to defeat the Blood Sword and slay Lin Shan! "

   Even so, Lin Xue was shocked when she heard it, and she was incredulous in her silver eyes.

   "He fought Lin Shan solo, but he won? Forcing Lin Shan tortoise in the blood sword?"

   "That's right! The strength of Young Master Tianxing is far beyond our imagination!" The Blood Illusory God Lord quickly answered and persuaded: "Sect Master, you enter the big formation and help Young Master Tianxing kill Lin Shan.

   There are many elders, worshippers and disciples to help, we can block the reinforcements of the Blood Sword Sect. "

   Lin Xue glanced back.

   Several elders and worshippers are bringing thousands of masters to fight bravely.

   More than 30 disciples stayed in the Shen ship, blasting the battlefield of the Blood Sword Sect frantically.

   Although there are thousands of people in the Blood Sword Sect, they have suffered from the enemy, and the military is unstable.

   Within a short time, the people of the blood knife can hold it.

   So, Xue Lin nodded and said, "Okay, hold on for a while, I will go and kill the squandered dog in Linshan now!"

   Abandoning these words, she threw herself through the colorful mask and entered the big formation.

   As soon as she entered the big formation, she saw the earth in a radius of three hundred miles, all turned into ruins.

   The once towering sacred mountain is gone, and all you can see are pits and ravines.

   This made her feel excited and very comfortable.

   She quickly released her consciousness, searching for the traces of Ji Tianxing and Lin Shan.

   As a result, Ji Tianxing and the blood sword were fighting deep underground.

   The blood sword has shrunk to more than ten feet, the light is dim, and the strength is very weak.

   Ji Tianxing is still as powerful as a rainbow, full of supernatural power, and powerful in combat.

   Seeing the situation clearly, Lin Xue was even more shocked.

   A pair of silver eyes seemed to see through the earth, staring at Ji Tianxing's figure.

   "Gosh! What on earth is this kid?

   He fought alone with Lin Shan, he was only slightly injured, and he still maintained his peak condition.

   But he severely wounded Lin Shan, only relying on the blood sword to save his life?

   Such a perverted guy... I haven't seen him before, so she cooperated with him? "

   Lin Xue was a little dazed, a little dazed by the shock.

   I haven't seen Ji Tianxing with my own eyes before, and I still don't feel that shocked.

   has seen it with her own eyes now, she just feels like in a dream, can't believe it.

   Even a thought flashed through her heart.

   "Did God take care of me, seeing my ill destiny, sent him to help me revenge?"

   Just as she was stunned, a low and indifferent voice sounded in her mind.

  "The blood sword is special, and only your blood sword should be able to restrain it.

   Borrow the blood knife for a use~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Guarantee to kill Linshan within ten breaths! "

   There is no doubt that the person who transmits the sound is Ji Tianxing.

   Lin Xue frowned immediately, and subconsciously refused.

  What are you kidding?

   The blood knife was passed to her by her father, and she had long been made into a life artifact.

   This is the most important thing in her life, how could she lend it to a stranger?

   But when he was about to blurt out, Lin Xue swallowed it back again.

   The words "Guaranteed to kill Lin Shan within ten breaths" were too confident and domineering, and shocked her severely.

  The ghost is a messenger, her right hand didn't listen, and she slammed the blood knife into the ground.


   The blood knife turned into a red light and fell in front of Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing at this time had already returned to his original appearance, holding the Heaven Burying Sword and attacking the Blood Sword.

   He took the blood knife in his left hand and held the Heaven Burial Sword in his right hand.

   "Buried Heaven, help me!"

   He used the divine soul to transmit the voice, and shouted to the funeral.

   Then, the palms closed with a ‘pop’, and the blood knife and the burial sword were combined together.


   At that moment, the blood knife burst into the sky, and the sky buried sword burst into endless black light.

   With one sword and one sword, it is strangely fused!

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